Quick Question

Is being religious a mental illness? How could anyone believe these foolish stories that always have zero proof or evidence to back them up? I mean these are serious delusions that aren't compatible with modern day society.

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>I know better than the 99.9% of human civilizations that have had at least one religion
>I am more intelligent than everyone else

Its brainwashing, taking kids and telling them things over and over. Like how pedos groom kids.

It's a larp, they don't actually believe it.

>This little boy has demons up his ass. I'll extract them.

>The first sip of science will make an atheist, but the bottom of the glass awaits God.
Atheism is for 105 IQ brainlets.

The first sip from the cup of natural sciences makes you an atheist, but God is waiting at the bottom of the glass.

This is a sophisticated way of saying that atheists are dunning-krugerites, with a false sense mastery, a false sense of living in an "explained" world.

Religion is like nuclear weapons. If you don't have a strong religion, another group with a strong religion will destroy you. See: rational skeptic atheists getting cucked by muslims.

We need strong religion that reinforces tradition. Without it we are adrift. What is more mentally ill, embracing tradition, or throwing your lot into pure chaos.

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>The Devil made a young man levitate into the air
Had nothing to do with priest's cock up the kid's ass.


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>millions of eye witness accounts aren't evidence

If there is no God then where does your moral superiority come from?
If every beleif system is the same then none is superior?
If Atheism isnt a religion why are they all so Fucking preachy?

Jesus is Lord. You will find out eventually OP. Better to know it now than later.

Happy Easter BTW

OP doesn't realize that there are miracles that leave behind physical evidence, even to this day.

Why don't they take a video of that shit?

Trust the plan

Nice example of how sheeple follow and regurgitate whatever the pastor said last mass instead of coming to your own conclusions.


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From personal experience, if you cared to learn. But I guess you and your galaxy brain can look down upon aproximatedly the entirety of humanity.

How can I learn the power of the devil?

>they don't actually believe it.

If they thought it was true they wouldn't be fucking kids in the asshole

Sick fucks need the garrot

Maybe your atheism is the reason you're living in Nicaragua.

The existence of DNA proves there is a creator. Data does not compile itself, build a storage device, code itself and then enter itself onto the data storage device it built itself.

Whether you wish to believe the creator is space aliens, Jesus, Buddha or Vishnu.... I'll accept any of them and more as a possibility. What I can't accept is the notion that there is no creator. That was question settled decades ago.

For most of human history people relied on guess work to explain all the biggest mysteries of life. So yeah pretty sure I know more than the vast majority of humans who ever lived

This, the establishment decides what is right or wrong. Modern political affiliations are the new religions. Control the curiosity of man and you subvert his conscious identity.

There's zero proof of evolietion or the big hoax and you probably believe them

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So religion is just a tool to control the masses?

We're in a simulation moose fucker

Odd they never use a camera to film any of this. Hmmmmmmmmm. Demons must be camera shy.

>zero proof or evidence.
>believes in the big bang.


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You can apply this retarded logic to anything.
>The fact that blood exists proves that there is a creator. Living things do not create fluid with oxygen in it so it can power up the body by themselves.

If you truly want to know, you read to read this book.
But you wont like it.

>The first sip from the cup of natural sciences makes you an atheist, but God is waiting at the bottom of the glass.
Can confirm, the people arguing against you just haven't drank the whole glass yet, took me 20 years as well so who knows.
Tip for atheists: try looking inside yourself and see what you find. Ponder reality, and consider creation.

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