*Hiro approved meta thread*
What is actually happening to this board?
Suddenly the quality of the board has plummeted, even compared to a few weeks ago. Fucking disinfo threads all over. 99 threads out of 202 are low quality slide threads. Mods banning people and deleting threads for illegal thoughts. Deleting good threads while leaving up niggerdick threads for hours. There's a sudden influx of newfags.
Am i the only one that has noticed this? Am i finally going mad?
What is happening to Yas Forums?
Agreed. Sharp drop.
all the kiddos are out of school
bern it down
There are millions of faggots that have no job or school to go to
So you've got underage b& posting
You've got normies being bored and coming here
Yes of course this place is going to be a shit hole even more than ever
>It sure is fucking summer in here
It wasn't even that bad even 3 days ago
This board needs a reform or something
Shit, you're right.
It began with the virus .
Then the GATE threads..
We are awakening from slumber. Ultimate mind, body revolution.
Sorry, the elites know Jesus is here...
Everyone that is inside that is discovering or reading into Yas Forums has got them scared shitless.
They are brigading and shilling as hard as possible in hopes that people will ignore any potential redpills/truths on Yas Forums
The best thing you can do is slide shill threads and drop redpills.
Do not try to engage the shill, just ignore and keep dropping truths.
every cunt been on lockdown for near 4 weeks. it was only a matter of time before plebit, edgy teens and other tards found it.
Call me crazy, but it happened after I've seen a rise in the attitudes of anons, everyone sought change, everyone wanted the old Yas Forums back, and i was seeing a slow, gradual shift back to old/pol/.
Then the flood of scat and bestiality, niggerdick threads, and generally awful quality.
I am certain that this is punishment for wanting back pre-2015 Yas Forums. This is pavlovian conditioning.
fresh eyes mean shills have to switch tactics from demoralization to well poisoning
What can you do if you're caught in the claws of jannies and you get banned? I'll be certainly get banned for this thread
Unironic, actual psyops. From intelligence agencies and private interest groups.
bots, tranny raiders, spooks, shills, jews, chinks, reddit crossposters, newfags from the schools closing... take your pick, because they’re all here
Read more into digital warfare.
Sometimes, one redpill is enough to where if you get banned, the message is carried on by someone who saw it before it got nuked.
Also be sure to remember the verse/concept;
>Those who live by the sword, die by the sword.
Do not run into the battle with naivety.
Yeah, user. All the kids are out of school because of covid, it's just an extended influx of summerfags. This was inevitable and jannies are faggots. None of this is surprising.
Yeah, it's been horrible. Every thread that's at least fun is being deleted.
>What is actually happening to this board?Lefty/pol/, board raids by 8kun and other channels, some Yas Forums faggotry, this board has an influx of
Everyone is home, retard
people are checking out OP. I haven’t been on here for a few days, however there is a sense of foreboding because user’s know what’s coming next.
The mods delete or move threads which they wouldn't while they leave blacked porn up for an hour. There are too many e-celeb threads. I don't know where the Neo-Nazi LARPagans are coming from either. Shilling has been worse than now. A lot changed after that one retard from 8ch shot up a mosque. I think a lot of those people came here. I just want meme magic threads again.
which they shouldn't*
>Suddenly the quality of the board has plummeted
kek - this has been a gradual process since 2012 - Yas Forums exploded during election time with random offtopic faggotry and has never recovered. what you might be calling a "good thread" is probably a slide thread. "what's Yas Forumss favorite mexican food" will get more replies than an actual "good thread" pic related. all i can suggest is to post and bump good threads while saging and reporting all threads in violation of the page 1 stickies
also note that Yas Forums, the most antisemitic board on Yas Forums, always has at least 1 active offtopic thread promoting jewish religion 24/7
Normies ruin everything
the mods banned a ton of sane posters recently
I appreciate your help. Thank you.
Continue making fun threads, at least one person will see it before it's removed. This is memetic warfare, you have to influence the network, that's why i made this thread
Believe me, I'm here literally every day. I've noticed it.
>I just want meme magic threads again.
Me too buddy. Me too
Summer came early.
I noticed at least one person who left. I would but what else would I do?
Co-ordinated effort from r/Femaledatngstrategy, other feminist subs and the fact there are a shit load of normies and leftists online due to the lockdown/ They all got together and organized, got jannitor positions and are now deleting anything thats against their view point. Its not just here, its on r9k too. Ive been getting banned every day for the last 2 weeks. Threads deleted, posts vanishing all with minutes.
captcha is beyond fucked now
>Ive been getting banned every day for the last 2 weeks.
Really? I got a 2 week ban once because I said to report a tweet from a Muslim Twitter account that was promoting terrorist attacks. The account was very relevant to the thread.
Are you using Chrome?
Nagaski moot took away the meta thread after he created the garbage dump that is /qa/.
This board has been garbage for years because the mods are sleeping. Like rumpled foreskin or whatever his name.
You’re wasting your time complaining.
Create better threads
Hide the things you don’t like
Mods don’t even delete porn, most of the time. You think they care about quality?
Here, kid. Let me put you in a room with a few thousand people who don’t agree, constantly tell you that they don’t like each other, and I’ll tell you to fix their personality problems.
Now do it for free.
Understand why this place sucks? You’re free to leave at any time.
Both of these are correct. We have half of the world locked down with nothing to do. Many will come here out of boredom or curiosity. The jews do not want even more people to be redpilled. Combine with the election coming up, and now you have kike shills, Chinese shills, DNC paid shills, and topped off with your standard discord trannie shilling. It is a shill perfect storm.
Be liberal with redpills and gore-posting. If they are going to be here, they need to pay with their souls. If using gore, be sure to include an on-topic response and preferably the gore should be on topic too if possible, to avoid getting banned.
Maybe try not being a dicksucking faggot christcuck LEAF.
>X defend Y where X is an ideology and Y is something stupid with pic related
>Gematria threads
shills n kikes have inflitrated the janies
I blame you.
>Neo nazi larpers
So many threads are moved to /bant/, it'll become a better board than Yas Forums
>beyond fucked
Just for you burgers, hungary is too insignificant to expend resources jamming our captcha.
This reads like a copypasta
No.. We are at the cusp of great energies. If we could but unite in common purpose and prayer like the Elite.. Then we would have a chance.
Ive noticed that as soon as I start posting on threads with a salacious subject matter the captcha becomes impossible. If I resume posting in a 'normal' thread then it becomes easy. Its not just here but also on other boards. My record if 47 captchas, took me 10 mins.
that goes without saying
>I don't know where the Neo-Nazi LARPagans are coming from either.
you really are new here arent you
the problem with Yas Forums is that everybody who likes to post "nigger" and "faggot" has decided to turn this board into their safespace and post about whatever random topic that pops into their heads. there are more than 60 boards on this site - fucking use them
>Pre 2015 pol
There is no going back to that, if we did we'd just end up as edgy atheists/pagans/christcucks and lolbertarians. Those times are gone and we're entering a new era, being reactionary will kill us
The sheer number of low-quality twitter threads clogging up the catalog at any given time is insane.
Mods are deleting good threads. Intentional destruction.
Suddenly? Where the fuck have you been for the last 4 years?
>*Hiro approved meta thread*
>he doesn't know meta threads are not allowed anymore
>Faggot doesn't know 4channel is dead
>make a meta thread to talk about quality
how about a meta thread to perma all the faggots that (you) an entire thread with a copypasta
where were you when the whole world suddenly became social outcasts
My screencap/ Redpill thread was just archived.
Baking again, will you faggot bump it or do you prefer the slide thrreads?
Everything gets sent to /bant/ except BBC threads.
I feel the memetic energy, but they try to disrupt it.
Yas Forums needs to start being proactive, going on the offensive.
With hundreds of replies, mind you.