Everything he said about technology...

Everything he said about technology, specifically in regards to how the tools we build and adopt to make our lives easier end up controlling us and eventually owning us, is one hundred percent true. Ultimately the driving force behind it is something people and governments are powerless to stop.

Nobody is getting off this ride, it's begun. There is no stopping it.

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Uncle Ted thread

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Uhhh, no shit? Only boom booms think he was crazy.

Amish got off the ride

He was a mind controlled half-kike repeating jewshit and shilled by the "Berg collective" all the time.

I love Ted and will suck his dick but I can't stop using technology every 2 seconds. please halp

Fuck off cia huemonkey

>the amish..
Breh, there is no off mr. Bones wild ride, its like 2 hours to get to the exit which turns out to be another entrance to the ride

>muh tech is taking away muh fweedom

fuck u eternal tech fascist galactic empire now

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This is now a techno-fascist thread

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>this chart destroys the anprim Ted fanboy

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>linear plot
>has a logarithmic axis

> American Education

While it’s tempting to just retreat from society and try to live as primitive humans did, this does not entail a solution to our predicament regarding the progression of technological society. To use Ted’s own life as an example:

Ted became frustrated with society and did just that, he 'went off the grid' (before ISAIF was in its final form). However, he quickly realized that
although he left the system alone, it would not leave him be. It was actually living ‘innawoods’ that drove him to get ISAIF in front of the eyes
of Americans (and eventually the world).

Some might point to the Amish and see an example of a micro-society that has retreated from the system. The problem is that the Amish people
only exist because the system has not yet found their existence to be incompatible with its own values. Once this happens, just as wild animals are displaced and forests are demolished for the sake of ‘progress’, so too will the Amish perish. This is just a matter of time.

Furthermore, no matter how far they may retreat, the Amish are still not exempt from eventual nuclear disaster, all manner of pollutants, encroachment by the State and its judicial technique, among other features of technological civilization.

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Uncle Ted was perhaps the greatest tranny of all time, next to Ed Gein. He told his psychologist in the 60s he wanted to change genders look it up.

Maybe people would have taken him more seriously if he didn't bomb computer store owners instead of people with actual malice towards humanity

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it'll just be you naked in a tank clicking through sponsored content on on brain-based social media until you die and are dissolved to be fed to the other consumers

and you will be shot and you will be dead

If you watch the Netflix Doc on him he would of gotten away with it if his stupid sister inlaw wasnt a nosye cunt. Theres actually a part where hes making fun of the FBI for being incompetent. They just wait around for people to tip them off with anonymous leads. I think its called unibomber in his own words.

...Anonymous (ID: t+H5dl0W)
04/11/20(Sat)20:42:51 No.253080000
They really shouldn't. Their privileged information access lets them tell perfect lies that enslave virtuous people. This capacity will only worsen as technology advances.

I got hit by liferuin after refusing sex to people whose prominence I apparently underestimated. Imagine if we were in the era of brain interfaces - how total will the punishment for refusing sex to "advanced" and "virtuous" people become?


I actually honestly want brain interface technology under my control. I want to get the ethics right so I can live forever. I want to be uploaded, not by criminals and hellmongers, but by virtuous people who respect the consent of others.

I fucking hate luddites.

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nah, too wasteful. the techno industrial system treats human biomass strictly as a quantitative good. qualitative concerns only factory into efficiency

To be fair, the only value your kind will ever have is as fertilizer.

trips of truth

Everything he said about technology was fairly obvious from anyone with half a brain and a functional knowledge of history. It wasn't a revolutionary claim by any measure. It's simply that people largely don't care.

What was he even trying to accomplish? It just seemed like an impotent rage out against people who didn't really matter.

I wonder what he would have accomplished had he not been deliberately abused by government agents.

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he was fucking crazy. he was right about how technology is going to fuck us over. hell, dudes a genius, but he was sending bombs in the mail thinking it'd make a difference.

Incredible advances in the last hundred years. Amazing technology but still in its infancy. Humans still cant do shit about a fucking virus. Its like we haven't invented the wheel yet.

Hadn't even noticed. Breddy gud.

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Yeah, imagine someone would've gotten Moot before he made Yas Forums. Nothing would be different.