Is he having alzheimers right now or did they just reset the bot?
Is he having alzheimers right now or did they just reset the bot?
>what did he mean by this
kill yourself shill rat
We've already had this thread, this is easily read if you're not a TDS ridden leftie
Lame ass thread
His entire presidency has been one glitch after another. Can't wait until he loses in November
>one post by this ID
He's actually sowing pretty deep seeds of division inside of the democratic party... its actually working
Here's 2 you retard
tweet doesnt exist
nice waste of digits you pathetic commie shitbag
>shill is so dumb that he has to shift the goalposts after just 1 post
Just kys moron, your daddy gawd emprah is a failed president through and through
3 + 4 = ?, answer this if you're not a bot
none of this will hurt him. he is a leader in a tIme of need and people see that
He didn't do anything, the DNC did it for him.
I was going to register to vote for the first time to vote for bernie. I live in a swing state. Am I going to come out for fucking Biden? No way, I'm sitting this out. I've made peace with the fact trump will destroy this country.
Gonna be 2016 all over again bois
7, now kys kikeblue, no one's falling for the zion don astroturfing anymore. The orange kike is done for in 2020 both irl and on Yas Forums
And that he is Biden
The man whore for a dolla
>zion don astroturfing anymore
Can you name one right-leaning Shareblue-esque entity?
You're going to have a rough night Nov 4th. You can't dilate enough.
>he is a leader in a tIme of need and people see that
lmao, due to his inaction, millions will die as confoirmed by experts like Dr. Fauci
you MIGAniggers are nuts holy mother of god
So why dont you stop being an incel and fuck him?
God you're such a fucking brainlet.
>it's another episode of leftypol talking to itself
What do you think you're convincing anybody of in this thread?
>dumpf says dumb thing
wow this is unexpected it needs an explanation now
NeverTrumpers are the absolute dumbest people in the world.
AIPAC. Kushner's troll farm.
stay mad neolibs
He'll probably win again. But only because the DNC discards their good candidates.
So you can't, interesting. Meanwhile there's entities like
Media Matters
Stand Up America
Impeachment HQ
and that's just scratching the service. The butthusband of a facebook co-founder is the money behind SUA, pretty interesting if you can't name any actual answers
This actually is the right answer.
>Someone figured out what happens when you press F11
millions die every day. whose fault is that people are going out partying when were supposed lock everything down? whose fault is you can’t roll over in NYC without running into 26 people?
Trump has handled this exactly how a good leader should, with unwavering resolve to overcome and it is inspiring to true americans.
You forgot CTR. But honestly AIPAC is involved, you shouldn't be so quick to throw away that answer.
I'll throw that away as a meme answer, but it's a big world, if you can find a non-meme answer then I'll consider it
He means the following:
>Mayor Pete and Amy Klobuchar dropped out before Super Tuesday because they would have taken votes from Joe Biden
>Warren - who had no realistic chance at the nomination at that same point, a lesser chance than Pete or Amy - stayed in to take votes from Bernie
>The DNC mandated all of this
Is Yas Forums not a politics board? How do you people not know this?
It's a real answer. And it's correct.
>impeachment means nothing
>we couldnt do anything, Clinton was just better
Sure sure
Want to tell me how the economy crashing was because of impeachment and not covid yet?
no u
In the same way all these organizations were evidence of the media backing Trump during the 2016 election
and you're a faggot zionist
Loooolllllll you wish. Trump is devastated that the Democratic nomination wrapped up early.
very sad, why not check his twitter?
Or do you now say he doesnt have one?
I want president trump to be real
I want him to be Camelot’s revenge
But in my heart of hearts I know he’s kiked
You're still reading those tweets?
Both are happening. Both sides have influence campaigns.
fuck off kushnershill
Then you should be able to name a non-meme answer
He wanted Biden to finish the communist take over of america
fucking post bibi in the crosshairs you dumb kike. you're blowing it
Mormons are traitors to the US and already wage insurection
Fuck em
bunch of pedos
I don't have that one
AIPAC is backing Trump. That's a real answer.
Thank you for your concession, this will by my last response
it's fake dumbass.
>the shooter was wayne lambright
>Drumph is dumb the thread #100000000
>Please vote democrat
I admire the dedication desu
You are just being ignorant.
not true at all, he immediately started running EZ attack ads against biden
Now that bernie and cumo are out of the running, trump can fire his lazers at biden until november. And that sack of ancient shit femmeboy-Hillary neolib George Bush-esque Republican-dressed-as-a-Democrat joke of a candidate will sleepily drift away under the barrage of 50 years of political swampgunk that gets piled on top of him
dont care, mormons are pedos
Its why even the cartels killem
you lie like the kike you are. so fucking pathetic, even for you
So exactly the sort of goy that money kikes want
When did I say that?
all religions are filled with child fuckers. name one that isn't
>i'll just pretend i'm not kushnershill
keep going kike
So I didn't say that, gotcha
>even the cartels killem
>even the cartels
Are you implying that cartels have any sort of discrimination in who they kill?
finally someone made this
Why is he saying it now? This isn't a retweet, and the previous two times he expressed similar sentiments were after Super Tuesday. Not to mention that he managed to figure out the past tense in those tweets.