"communism has never REALLY been tried correctly!! It's the solution to all our problems!!"
"communism has never REALLY been tried correctly!! It's the solution to all our problems!!"
*CAPITALISM has never REALLY been tried correctly!
Fixed that for you
Communism is awful, dude, and people who are "communists" or whatever fashionable label is currently in vogue, are fucking retarded. But that still doesn't mean that you should support the evil and indefensible aspects of our current system either. The right-wing authoritarianism, the welath inequality, even the vast, unchecked swaths of private property and private empires. Honestly, there should frankly be a limit on how much of the Earth you can "own", esp since it's total statism, and the state has to protect that land for you so at some point it's just rich people paying the state to thieve the Earth from the poor.
But yeah, communism sucks. Anarchism, which is basically supposed "real communism" sucks too
Capitalism and National Socialism actually had good results though.
Are we just forgetting about the whole early-mid 20th century western world? Where the greatest technological innovations in decades were made? Surpassing or matching slave USSR labor?
It all fucking sucks because humans can't just be content and sustain a simple life they have to seek power pride and vanity instead of just fucking living in peace and harmony. Idk what side to pick. I definitely lean more right but it's really all just fucked. I mind my own business at this point and let all the fuckwads in this country decide what they want to do.
lol didnt u knew COMMUNISM BAD
The problem with Communism is that the Commies are probably right that "real" Communism does work. See the thing is is that if Communism does work, you can't call it Communism, rather it's some sort of socialism that ends up working.
And socialism doesn't end up working either because psychopaths/narcissists end up having the powers, then the money just ends up in fewer and fewer hands. So socialism that works will turn into Communism again.
>Idk what side to pick.
I've gone through this plenty in my life. Always torn between trying to actually pick a side and play a role in furthering a genuine political movement, or just staying neutral and not losing track of my own values. IMO, staying neutral is the only way to maintain your sanity and not get dragged down into the negative psychological and spiritual muck that comes with politics. Also, at the end of the day, people hate political operators and propagandists and partisans, and they can usually pick up on that sort of thing anyway.
For me, I'm just a libertarian. That's all I call myself. That describes me fair enough. I'm not really right-wing or left-wing. There are aspects of both that I see valid points with.
On the internet, everyone feels like they need to be a part of some super-radical, super polarized, super-partisan movement or ideology. That is stupid. That is genuinely for retarded babies.
In a perfect world, obviously socialism would fucking work but do we live in a perfect world?? absolutely not. people are selfish lazy fucks and thats why communism would fail, especially in our country.
well said friendo. the mob mentality on this website is fucked. everybody trying to hop on a bandwagon and cant think for them fucking selves
That's the problem, human beings are not good. Let's say Hitler won the war and something close to a utopia came afterward. Within 10 years, the psychopaths are already working to destroy National Socialism and turn it into Communism from within. And they work 24/7 to fuck everything up.
At least anarchocapitalist dont make that argument when you point out the flaws.
no one has ever said that
> National Socialism had good results
If by good results you mean a 12 year life span, more than 4 million German soldiers killed, millions of ethnic Germans expelled from Eastern and Central Europe, more than a million German girls raped by the advancing Soviet Army, usually gang raped and then left to die? Oh but Jews died too so it was all worth it, right.
Based Pinochet
>implying the specific scenario of WWII Europe invalidates the ideology
The USA would literally bet better if we adopted NatSoc. Imagine no Jewish bankers and no niggers/spics running around.
Communism has never really been tried, because by human nature once power step is led, they just do the power grab move and stop progressing. Communism is theoretical, all attempts at practical fail because the human element of greed for power deter progress of the next step. the communism.
Similar capitalism gets deter by greed that cause the market to not be free and hinders people.
What does race have to do with anything? More culture in my opinion. There are white people that act like "blacks" or whatever. There are black people that act "white". Again, it is culture not race. Skin color and pigmentation is completely irrelevant
Unironically this
Based. Redbased.
Communism fails because it denies meritocratic hierarchy in favor of egalitarian idealism, and ultimately turns into a punch of retarded plebs clapping for bread and circuses; or in the case of Bolshevism, it turns into various fat bureaucrats assassinating each-other for not being the right kind of communist. They have no unifying ideal or respect for merit or tradition. That's why communism is really popular in nigger countries today.
>race is only skin color
Reddit brainlet detected.
from my understanding those killings were due to race/culture issues not so much economic issues
>pinkertons killing union thungs and other criminals
>monarchy and niggers aren't people
>monarchy and civil war combatants are legal targets
>dictatorship and commies can't be innocent
>Skin color and pigmentation is completely irrelevant
But skull shape isn't
How can you deny race is irrelevant? The world won't move in a positive until we can overcome our man made barriers of race because it's fucking stupid and anti anything beneficial. Humans are individual beings, some are stupid as fuck some are smarter but you cannot judge an entire group based on the color of their skin when it has zero influence on the decisions they make or the values they hold. You are a brainlet if you think race has anything to do with anything instead of culture.
Literal brainlet detected.
What does skull shape have anything to do with anything? My dick is 12 fucking feet long does that have anything to do with my ability to think and be my own individual?
>Real capitalism has never been tried!
No one says this
>How can you deny race is irrelevant?
Let me see user's post...
>>race is only skin color
>Reddit brainlet detected.
I don't see any flaws in user's logic, and so you proved again why you're the brainlet, he hasn't said race is irrelevant, he said that you're counting only skin color.
But capitalism works!
1. The Homestead union killed twice as many Pinkertons in the exchange, and forced them to spend 14 hours on a barge floating down river. None of the civilians were sentenced, and the governor who called the Pinkerton detective agency lost the following election.
2. Communists aren't people.
The grand total death count of all of those events combined pales in comparison to any one single event on the original.
People are losing jobs in communist China u tard