Miss me yet?

Miss me yet?

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I never stopped loving you =)


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Please come back :c

hitler is a socialist faggot that destroyed europe


That last digit is actually well placed

Lurk more or kys kike

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Every day.
Why? Why is it always you people that make the gayest fucking posts? Why?

Imagine loving a twat that killed more Whites in just 6 years than all the yids did in the history of ever. That one ball incel is the shame for entire race, the human race. Fuck him and fuck every fuckwit who stands behind him

Fuck off leaf

We are coming for you devils

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>your flag
>your opinion
It’s all just a meme

>yankshit amerimutt flag
>thinks he's white
>thinks his opinion matters

you're like jesters to the whole world

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All Hitler had to do was build Germania, then create a Nazi Bank to undercut the Jewish banks in Europe. He would have won without firing a shot.

>five five five nein

>europe in rubble

fuck that faggot

Instead of a noble idealist that worshiped decency and high culture we got a bunch limp dicked crooks. If not the fuhrer then death and the weak rulers seek to emulate him but do not wear his face.

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Thats what he did and than the war was agitated against him because the root of that very ideal is kicking the jews out of your country and then standing proudly among the world. The world didnt like that

greatest person of the last millennium
the third Schlacht im Teutoburger Wald will an order of magnitude more beyond the ability of normie imagination as was the second (WW2)

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Adolf is cringe. Xi is the emperor of Yas Forums now.

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I wanna suck your dick Fuhrer

>destroys right-wing ideologies forever
>makes communism more powerful than ever thanks to losing to them
not really, no

Ive noticed this too and I'm swedish. I was expecting us to be the gayest posters but time and time again the leafs bring up their lolbergtarian relativism

Every single day.

No, but I miss Lenin

It’s not even a joke anymore, they’re unbearable

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No, I'm glad he's dead.

You kikes flock to these threads like flies, its pretty amusing

Pathetic retards

Why don't you join him? Oh that's right kikes don't go to heaven


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DOTR soon faggot