Yas Forums how is china are enemy again ?
They banned video games ( the Japanese plaque ) and don't have a degenerate culture like west . If America adopt there culture we will be much better .
Please explain
Yas Forums how is china are enemy again ?
They banned video games ( the Japanese plaque ) and don't have a degenerate culture like west . If America adopt there culture we will be much better .
Please explain
They are not
China sure is sending in their best shills
Take your meds schizo
oh herro
china trury our greatest arry
japan not know great force of chinese national pride, Hong kong will soon berong to us
japan shourd just give up peacefurry
>how is
70 million murdered?
forced abortions of millions of babies?
organ harvesting from prisoners?
social credit score?
get arrested for criticizing the government, or talking too loud about some flu
testing ground and blue print for what the cabal plans for the world
take pick
Fuck off Chang, you worthless soulless bug people better stay the fuck in your lane, or we will crush you like the disgusting ants that you are. You slant eyed chink dragon people are basically just the essence of Jews and niggers combined.
Because they’re cucked corrupt communist. Communism and capitalism are different sides of the same Jewish coin, user. Any government that is not fascist/NatSoc is broken and should be opposed.
China is directly responsible for New Communist movement in the 1960s. They are responsible for the off-the-rails "human rights" movement, modern feminism, ethnic studies programs and the modern definition of racism where only whites can be racist.
They are also the DNC's biggest donors.
China's stated goal since 1957 has been the destruction of the west
If China is so strong why are they afraid of a little video game?
Wasn’t like 30 years ago Chinese niggers in China were still using wooden carriages on highways?
>a degenerate culture like west
they eat scum because they are scum. they lie about their history and they try to pass off other culture's inventions as their own. they aren't physically attractive. they're 4'8" on average, they aren't Christian
>switch never approved for sale in china, never released in china
>animal crossing therefore not even a factor in china
invent new 'china banned narrative' because reason *
Fucking trumptards, like programmable monkeys.
Shit post or incredibly shitty shill. Sage.
>spend time and money banning game for a device that isn’t even available
so this is the power of Chinese intelligence...
Same replies everytime. Chinaman very original!!!
The "Japanese plague" beats your plague any time of the day.
>Be Chong, loyal member of CCP
>Ordered to shill propaganda on Yas Forums
>hard to see computer screen through burning corpse smoke
>I love the CCP, I am free man, they told me so, China will grow larger
>Sleep on desk because apartment door welded shut for China
>"New infections are only coming from outside country faggot kek" i post
>Replies say tiananmen square, whinnie the pooh
>I know not what these words mean, I am free man, China will grow larger
>Other CCP shill coughs, he is replaced
>"China has stopped the spread, all businesses reopen for China!"
>Americans call Trump faggot, how can they do this? are their gulags full?
>Chinese hospital outside window collapses, +1739 recovered
>"China is reducing active cases everyday! it is only possible because of Xi!"
>Lungs bleeding but Xi said i don't have virus, cough from excitement.
>Black bag covers my head, I am replaced.
>I am free man, China will grow larger
It's our
>pol how is china our enemy
Pol is made up of individuals with free thought and expression not a single identity
> don't have a degenerate culture like west
You are talking about the one that is mainstream and appeals to young people and changes every 10 fucking years?
>If America adopt there culture we will be much better .
Are you fucking retarded? We have a culture
>don't have a degenerate culture like west
definitely they're own special kind of degenerate
Define American culture
Funny and true.
The only thing worse than CCP shills are faggots larping as CCP shills. Fuck off. Sage.
0.001 yuan were added to your account
Do you not know what the word imports means you dumb fuck. And are you trying to say China doesn’t engage is suppression of protesters and thought policing lmao.
The funny thing is you are the deluded one and you don’t even realise it
>switch never approved for sale in china, never released in china
Because they torture, pollute, destroy and murder everything they touch, all while peddling lies and propaganda. But oh wow, they banned a video game - so based!
They've fucking jobs on a scale that dwarfs the Mexicans you so despise. They're direct competition. Fuck em'. You don't work for Ford and buy a Chevy. Same principal applies on a scale that actually matters.
>no degenerate culture
shiieeet u got me good man, thanks for the laugh
Bump for this answer
fuck off bat eating nigger
>Banning free speech is good
Can you faggots be consistent with when you support the first amendment?