Aus/pol/ Easter sundy edition

Morning cunts my bad for not linking archived news

>Chinese navy ramping up shit in South China Sea due to USN suffering from Kung flu

>another cunt died from boomer cruise

>unions no longer unions do sweet Fuck all for aussies whilst taking care of foreigners

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oy cunts give me all your $750 scomo bux so I can buy a house

God, make me more robust... righteous bloodlust, for those who are unjust
God, give me what you must... for there is much disgust, the cities shall combust
God, show them they are lost... there must always be a cost, lest we all die on the cross
God, your temples have been burned... all their ashes churn, for return
God, let the wicked learn, that they will be adjourned for their yearns
God, oust all those who have turned... sinners must be burned, your son must be returned
God, let us be your spear... to purge all that is queer, the enemy is near
God, guide our hands and guns... let thy will be done, until theres less than one
God, there must be rebirth... faith is lost from earth, our souls are left in dearth
God, let us live with grace... save us from this place, we are killed and then replaced
have a good sunday lads

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>unions no longer unions do sweet Fuck all for aussies whilst taking care of foreigners


aus/pols been dead lately is everyone getting black bagged/censored? easter was supposed to be a happening

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i always knew i would be the last one left...

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Jesus lives!

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>strawberry farmers

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Being the last one left is a good thing.

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jannie deleted every aus/pol thread for the last three days.

Either jannie scarred away all the leftists psychos who infect this place, or the only ones left are glowniggers.
Maybe both.

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country people are ugly though

What’s for lunch cunts?

How’s everyone holding up? All the boomers in my area have become walking and jogging enthusiasts, the cunts having conversations in the streets at 0700 in the morning almost everyday

literally a bushfag... well atleast i can laugh at my own OC memes

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Have you seen the quality of the posts? And not only that, nearly every one of them broke one of the rules and just begged to get 404'd.
The people making those threads were absolute idiots.
OP has shown how an aus/pol/ thread should be done.

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boomers around my way regularly "walking the dog" - just stand on the street corner in gangs with a bored dog on the leash.

tell them they are brave sarcastically. it will invigorate their narcissistic petty rebellious actions. Millennial/zoomers going all big government greta thunderberg "how dare you be outside" might be the only thing that makes them go postal

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trannie jannie detected

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Jannies have been targeting innocent praisers

The wave of normies that hit us a couple of days ago must be responsible
Praise him

everyone's probably just been banned... phone poster master race

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Yeah man I can tell they walk way too much because they’re usually dragging their obese dogs around whom look bored
The gen x poor and middle class are doing things right, my mike Nolan tier neighbours are getting drunk most weekday nights and sing cold chisel and men at work

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Fine, keep making threads that get 404'd. I don't give a fuck. But stop fucking complaining about it when you know why it's happening you dickhead.

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Just woke up lads have a bit of a hangover. Drank about 8 beers and a few glasses of wine until about 3am.

>A woman has been fined for telling police "it's a free country" when asked why she was outside during an Easter blitz that netted dozens breaching the coronavirus lockdown rules.

I take the dog out and join them. As a highschool teacher the government clearly wants me to catch this shit, so I feel it's my duty to spread it to as many boomers as possible.

same, just threw two six packs of oettinger in the freezer to get cold while i sip my can of mother

I feel like getting a half chicken and chips with salad from the charcoal chicken.

Gday cobbas

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I know why they're getting deleted. It's because you had to dilate your gaping wound and couldn't get any metho to numb the pain.

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Dinner time over here so i made a tomato sauce kinda thing with some beaner style spices, now im baking some chicken breasts in it and i think ill have it on pasta. Gonna have a whiskey with it i think



(check the window display)

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im just glad my dog didnt die of rabies... (cunt chomped on a bat) literally the only company i have in da bush, she can totally tell im a lonely cunt though

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choccie eggs aye cunt
hope mine doesn't have a rona filling

chinks are fucking scum, see they removed their business name sign