>if you are claimed as a dependent you receive nothing
I never thought i would cast a vote in my life but today i found out there is something that could make me vote. 1200 fucking bucks that wont be going into my pocket. I swear to god whoever runs against trump i will shill them to everyone i know and go out and vote against that nigger jew trump. FUCK YOU TRUMP YOU PIECE OF SHIT JEWISH BASTARD.
You’re parents are already giving you free room & board. This is for people who could use it. You would probably just buy some weeb shit from Japan that won’t help the American economy.
tell you rents to give you your cut
cry harder faggot. get a job
ok cool you dumbass faggot and so my parents get 500 dollars right? oh wait they get fucking nothing. 500 dollars for depends under 17 and nothing for depends over, explain that to me you dumbass nigger.
im a math/cs student i lost my job on campus dw i wont cry i'll just actually vote and shill against trump
what is there to explain? why would the country want to encourage losers to exist?
who cares that you dont get free money? sign up for welfare if you care that much about getting undeserved money
if you lost your job then sign up for unemployment.
>all college students are losers
yeah you exposed me hard. dw i got the message trump doesn't want me to exist and is not on my side.
and all the other people on unemployment won't be getting trump bucks either? nah i and other students in particular get fucked over.
lol you have to be 18 to vote anyway, faggot
>leech complaining about not getting more free shit
Lel get FUCKED faggot. Your parents already pay your expenses why do you need stimulus anyway. You'd just blow it on anime figs or other non-essentials anyway.
Your parents will get more because they have to pay for your little bitch ass.
Sorry but your opinion also doesnt matter until you are no longer being claimed as a dependent.
I'm going to take the trump bux and then vote against him in november LOL
>i'll shill against trump
/leftypol/ is already here like they were in 2016. You'll just be pissing in a sea of piss. I'd like to encourage you to actually do it though. Thinking about all the long hours, keystrokes, and arguments wasted just to lose completely. The salt mining was superb during the last election. The volume of pre election shilling really gives a Trump win thar extra savory goodness. The shill has to contemplate the time and effort sunk in an impotent rage. Ah
You also shouldn't be allowed to vote or post an opinion anywhere on the internet. You are a net negative in terms of humanity. You cost more than you produce, therefore you don't deserve any say in anything but which bridge you decide to jump off of.
WHY MOMMMMY WHY!@!!!!!!!!!!!!
>angry teen faggot mad because he cant get neetbux
you cant vote anyways nigger
I don't get it either. If you're a stay at home parent and the other parent claims you, they should get something too since that's another person that you have to pay for. Fucking stupid.
Based leaf
no they don't parents will receive nothing for dependents over 16.
yeah because dependents cant vote right? retard
>stem undergrads are a net negative in terms of humanity
im a college student dumbfuck boomer. underage's parents get money.
Maybe should've thought about not having any children, whiteoids.
but resident aliens still get free money, fuck us citizens right?
So is every liberal faggot that raged about him winning in 2016. Doesnt mean you wont be getting Shitposter in Chief for 4 more years. Sorry champ.
Holy shit sloppy job jews. You creatures are relentless
Burger neets on suicide watch. I hear Amazon are hiring.
When you become someone important and are no longer coasting on mommies money your opinions will matter and you will no longer be a parasite. Until then you are simply human garbage. If you ask mommy really nice she might buy that xbox for you tho
>If you're a stay at home parent and the other parent claims you, they should get something too since that's another person that you have to pay for. Fucking stupid.
That would fall under a couple filing jointly and they'll be getting $2400
You are annoying. Go donate plasma for money.
If you’re over 17 then it’s time to move out. Mommy and daddy can’t afford to wipe your ass for the rest or their lives. They’d like to be able to afford to retire someday. Time to cut the umbilical cord already.
you're covered until 26 under Obamacare so stop bitching faggot
>t. mutts LARP'ing as kikes
>...without even realising it
Fucking loser.
>implying i can't vote
you're annoying go blow your brains out
>all college students are losers
got me
We're not married, we get nothing for me. I was claimed as a dependent.
Meh, I won't get me Trumpbux either, but it's only becuase I let my grandmother claim me as a dependent becuase I take care of her. Literally change her diapers.
If I actually want something she'll give me the money for it, but I don't ask for much despite doing a job that most caretakers get 500+ a week for.
If you are of voting age and can still be claimed as a dependant I never expected you to vote correctly anyways.
Your parents get 500 dollars for you
Get a job faggot