Why did the media try to make Eric and Dylan seem gay?

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Eric admitted to buttfucking Dylan. Just read his journal faggot.

I have multiple times. Have you?

Because they were faggots

Nigger I went to columbine high school. Everyone knew that they were gay. They were in what we called the trench coat mafia, and they were bullied because almost all of them were gay.

no, is it any good

government shill. here's your shekels

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why is this on Yas Forums?

Because it sells papers to their target audience. Do you know who buys this rag, user?

of course. anything archived about them is interesting. diaries, video, screenshots of old websites, blogs, etc. Most can be downloaded from the sheriff website of that county.

Eric was probably sexually abused
at 11:00 in they make a joke about Eric getting assraped and he spergs out makes a bizarre face and starts twitching like this comment triggered some kind of trauma
Eric's friend: "Eric just got jacked up the ass"
Eric:"I dont know about that, DUDE"
Eric's other friend:"Might want to stay away from that, appreciate it"
Eric then lowers his head and goes silent, he looks like hes starting to disassociate and starts twitching and grunting.

>Nigger I went to columbine
proofs or gtfo

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Eric is based. Of course he'd disassociate with guys talking about gay sex.

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They were too smart for their own good. Imagine discovering and understanding nihilism as a freshman, while Doom is your favorite video game.

>white kids are fucked up inside and out
>no one cares, and only enjoys the show for the sake of it being hilarious and "shocking" to all liberals

>Mexican kills random nigger called Trayvon because little POS was lurking, searching for an easy target
>everyone freaks the fuck out and tries to prosecute the wetback and instead gets BTFO by common sense and lack of valid evidence

Yeah, western societies standards are totally fucked.

Oh, did I mention many media outlets claimed the Mexican was WHITE?


Which one was the kike?

>suck on that blue sucker

found the back story to the article. ultimate click bait cover for the moms at the grocery store.
>wait my kid could get killed by gay kids??

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wait... the KMFDM shirt... THATS ERIC HARRIS??? He's like the nicest guy at the table.

sounds like you faggots deserved what you got

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Eric had to have been a weeb. KMFDM was on old MANGA VHS tape commercials

I doubt they were actually Yas Forums material. According to Wikipedia, Eric often made racist, sexist, homophobic and classist rantings in his diaries, but since I've never read them, I can't really say for sure whether he was or not. All that I know is that copycat killer Jeff Weise was a Neo-Nazi, who was active in a group called the "National Socialist Libertarian Green Party" or something, made games or animations where you could play as a character with Nazi-oriented themes, was known online as "NativeNazi" and called other students "communists" during arguments. He also did the flag salute during the Pledge of Allegiance IIRC. But that's about it. And btw, if I got anything wrong you might have to excuse me because I did a ton of research into this stuff when I was 13/14 (which was back in 2011/12) when I was a bullied kid who became obsessed with this stuff. From what little I did read from Harris' journal, he said he wanted to break the limbs of people who believed professional wrestling was real and a couple of song lyrics. I remember watching this documentary about it called "the Columbine cause" on YouTube around that time, which basically poked holes in the narrative by looking through the police reports, basically implying it was a false flag.

Eric clearly stated in a logged AOL rant that racism was "fucking retarded"

Thanks for that information. I guess OP is wrong then. But again, I haven't read much into this since 2012 or so.

He was based out of his mind.



---RACISM!!Anyone who belives that blacks, asians, mexicans, or people from any other country or race besides white-american....people who think that should be drug out into the street, have their arms ripped off, be burnt suht at the stumps, then have every person of the race that YOU hate come out and beat the shit out of you. and if you are female, then you should be raped by a male from the race you hate and be forced to raise the child! You people are the scum of society and arent worth a damn piece of worm shit. You all are trash. And dont let me catch you making fun of someone just because they are a different color because i will come in and break your fucking legs with a plastic spoon. i dont care how long it takes! and thats both legs mind you.

here's the sauce

I guess they wouldn't have gotten along well with Breivik then.

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Wikipedia calls him racist? He might have been slightly misogynistic but I don't see him as racist.

>This seemed more evident by his journal entries, which included Harris ranting about all kinds of groups of people, based on race, sex, sexual orientation and social status.


same as Hitler, because they were based and redpilled


>---R rated movies on CABLE! My DOG can do a better damn editing job than those dumbshits!! For the sake of all television they can atleast try to make it sound like actual words the person would say! If you have ever seen Aliens or Predator youll know what im talking about.


>---Windows Keys!!!


>---WAREZ!! Why pay when its free?

Note that it doesn't provide any citations for this claim under the Background section.

Dylan Klebold was born on 9/11/81
Was this a false flag inside joke reference?

he hated SPECIFIC people, but that's an outright lie for wikipedoia to call him those things

The whole gets stranger the more I learn about it. And they had Harris on antipsychotics. That will make anybody aggressive and crazy.

>national enquirer
>the media
i think you misunderstand

Well your also assuming it was all real when you say that. What if the whole thing was staged?

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>dylan klebold born on September 11th

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Honestly, the government probably tests medications on unstable white boys, like they tested psychological torture on the unabomber. The Aurora shooter was in some heavy neurobiology/programming classes himself.

his WADs are so uninteresting it's almost interesting how uninteresting they are

They did the same thing with McVeigh. He wasn't a racist himself. He had ties to racist people and organizations, but he himself never shared those views and only joined them because of their anti-government leanings. Even the Unabomber called him a liberal.


this was in The Tapes too I believe. They made all these recordings in their "basement bunker" while drunk. Note: anti-psychotics and alcohol.

>suck at doom
>shoot up a school instead