Who is England’s greatest king

Who is England’s greatest king

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Fuck 'em all.

Edward the First.

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Freddie mercury

Idk, Alfred the Great...

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William the Conqueror

How is that even a question?


Based Longshanks


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>gave away 2/3 of the island to vikings to make peace - gets labeled "the great" for doing so
i cast my vote for canute just for scandinavian empire

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Let's not forget that although a few of them kicked out the Jews when they had enough pressure put on them by the peasantry, it was the kings WHO KEPT BRINGING THEM IN, how many were Freemasons? -

King Edward I


Extremely successful warrior king who successfully conquered Wales and occupied Scotland.
His Father gave him an Anglo-Saxon name because the Anglo-Normans finally realized French is gay.
Fixed the economy by expelling Jews.

The man was a Chad.

Best Prince was Edward the Black Prince

Edward the First "A Great and terrible king"

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Alfred, the one the United England on the 900s, the one that conquered Ireland


Edward Longshanks

William of Wessex. United England under one crown (except the Welsh because they were 2 strong and smart)

Imagine if kings of the past could see us today. We would all be beheaded

Oliver Cromwell


Not really they didnt care about race

Oh yeah, they wouldn't have anything to say about it. Yeah right, fucking idiot.

Phillip II.


Did queen Victoria had an issue with indians and muslims being part of the royal court? And that was at the height of nationalistic movements in Europe

King Edmund of East Anglia, Saint and Martyr.

England was pretty much entirely white In her time

Queen Victoria ruled over them and the Indians still fume over or because the Brits thought their culture was better and didn't move their captial to India

Nathan Mayer

King Arthur

Fartwellington Cocksnifferwall III

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> Edward advised the sheriffs of all counties he wanted all Jews expelled by no later than All Saints' Day (1 November) that year. The expulsion edict remained in force for the rest of the Middle Ages


protestant chad

This, based longshanks, hammer of Scots and expeller of jews

Ah...the descendents of the Viking cucking of the French

Yeah dipshit because barter and in kind economies are shit for maintaining a functioning state.

Mass migration didn’t start until after the Second World War when the Jews subverted our nation# before that they were ethnomstates

king arthur i think

Harold Hardrada
>Fought for the Rus and Byzantium
>7 feet tall
>Brother is an Orthodox Saint