Hi user! Want to make mixed babies then eat tacos?

>Hi user! Want to make mixed babies then eat tacos?
How do you respond?

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SAGE in all fields

fuck her in the ass instead then take the tacos

Why do you think instagram filters hide your age goblina?


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Coffee is a stimulant. It can give you heart palpitations.

no refunds.

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she wants me to feltch my own creampie? wtf

No. I'd rather bite off my own cock than commit race treason.

but... shes ugly, whats the point?


Open the passenger door for her like a gentleman and drive her to the nearest immigration office.

Without makeup pic related.

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look at the hump on that back bitch is like 45.


get a job you fucking kike

stop spamming this zoomer tier garbage

all restaurants are closed dumb roastie go shave your head

I'd dip the ol oil stick and see what comes out.

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no thanks

Remind her how Bernie lost.

>ma'am i just want to pay for my taco and leave, i have my own white wife and 3 kids

>'Si, mi amor'

you can tell she had plastic surgery

mmmm taco flavored kisses

It's time for you to learn

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She seems nice.

You have had sex with more than 5 women in your life. Congrats.

How? Just looks like fuck tons of makeup to me

That’s not the same bitch, is it?

Looks like she has to poop. Too many beans, apparently.

Wtf get the fuck out of my car

dios mio

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Dont think she even looks that bad but Im a literal mutt so thats probably why

>left: *knock knock* "housekeeping"
>right: *knock knock* "Alright it's $500/hour, no butt stuff, no kissing"

Im married fuck off.

Who is she?

Yes, but without makeup, filters, and weight loss. Someone shopped out her eyebrows though.

If you're not white it's not alright.

There's clearly makeup there blind user.

Im your papi baby

sure baby i'll marry you and give you aryan babies
now eat my ass you disgusting slut

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>How do you respond?
"No, I must go sacrifice a kike rabbi for Adolf "

Good eh?

It's morally wrong

I've never had a taco. Because I'm a white man.

Yes, of course it is. Everything about her is fake, from the hair to the tits to the totally artificial nice girl appeal. Then you have filters and lighting, do you think that blush effect is real?

It's all a mirage. Once Insta, TikTok, and OnlyFans got going, did you notice how many seemingly attractive girls came out of the woodwork? The ability to project a totally prepared image is very powerful, user.

Let me put my sour cream in your taco chica

This makes me want to walk around with a fluffy pair of socks stuffed around my dick, go pick up a roastie, and then ask her why she wears makeup when she gets mad at my 4 inch destroyer

Shh no tacos. Only Deenz™ now.

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this thread sucks



She’s cute but not attractive. Like Sarah Silverman or a horse.

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Demand to see her passport.

Still a 9

I'd prefer my progeny to have IQs above 100.

I will however smash your shitter in

She honestly would look much better if she hadn't been plastering on the makeup all her life. You can see very clearly some tell tale signs of skin-shitting via makeup, specifically the circles around her eyes. Naturally pretty girls (she is) should not plaster on makeup, they should do light makeup at best, and quality one at that or this will happen.

fuck yeah

I wonder what her farts smell like

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>>Hi user! Want to make mixed tacos then eat babies?

A bit like this.

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She blocked me on Instagram because I posted No Refund lol

She's not even good looking. I can't tell if y'all are being ironic or something. I can't imagine many people have lower standards than me.

I hate mexispic food