
but if you don't have blue eyes and you're not naturally balding as you age, you're not Aryan / Nordic. This was an evolutionary trait of true Aryans, unconsciously imitated nowadays by their distant heirs imitators. Those select few who naturally bald can rest assured they hold the best genes.
Benefits of baldness:
>increased Vitamin D absorption through the scalp (where it's most effective)
>indicates an evolutionary history of your kin adapting to northern (low sunlight) climes
>imitated by *rish monks who's ancestors briefly lived on North Atlantic isles.
Modern diluted aryan 'skinhead' movements seek to imitate this evolutionary trait that their supposed ancestors held.
Must suck to be 30 and have a full head of hair, eh mutts?

Attached: bald-monk.jpg (800x800, 374.49K)

>Those select few who naturally bald can rest assured they hold the best genes.
Fuck off mutt, I ain't no nordshit.

lmao balding mutt

Alexander the great was a Nordic Macedonian, Konstnatinoupoulioululis you piece of shit.

baldlet cope

balding cope. be nice and maybe ill donate some of my excess hair to you

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I waited my entire life for someone to post this on Yas Forums now I am going to go hang myself because my one true purpose has been fulfilled. Carry on lads.

I like this theory thumbs up my follically challenged friend

typical tricks
don't do it user, pass those Ubermensch genes on.

it would be pretty cool if balding was viewed in a more positive light. im balding and its basically ruining my life which is kinda crazy if you think about it

>wanting to become bald.

Imagine being this big of a cuck. It's like literally cucking yourself.

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and pic related is a the average greek couple

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It's no crazier than the rest of the shit 'progressivism' has brought to the table. It's upside down world and vice is viewed as virtue. Embrace your baldness and go forth young man. We will inherit the earth.


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The textbook aging nazi had a receding hairline but never bald. Receeding in your late 30s is a trait of high testosterone and thinning is a trait of low test cucks.

How do I become bald faster?

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Bald face cope

also, before everything went haywire, baldness was seen as a sign of wisdom and superiority. Just goes to show how backwards things are, especially since they were particularly careful to expunge facts like these from the historical record.

>bald cope: the post

Balding doesn't matter at all, it doesn't happen until your late 20s at the worst. And by that time you should already have a wife and several kids.

Just look like him bro

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I'm not talking about 80 years ago, the aging Nazis you speak of obviously have some genetic overlap with the Aryans of old, but True Aryans had the classic hair-horseshoe (best for sunlight absorption) while protecting the neck and other skin-cancer prone regions of the body.

Bald is ugly. Always will be. Kek if you’re going bald. I’m so glad I’m not ugly like you. Women want to fuck me after the age of 20.

Yes looking like a peanut means you're a true nordick

that's basically my hairline and im 30

Man alot of folks in this thread really bought into the jewish conspiracy about balding being a sign of something other than Aryanism, or are themselves fully haired (like a woman). SAD!

have shit genetics

Verbal kek

Kek if you're having degenerate casual sex with whores rather than being married with children. Enjoy that cope sex though.

Have a (You) for your attempt at coping.

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let's hear a justification of this. Bald men are statistically proven to live longer, have more sex, have more ideal dicks, and be more intelligent than fully haired men. I'd love to see that one study by Kratzenberg and Schlomostein that proves otherwise though...

>im balding and its basically ruining my life which is kinda crazy if you think about it
Yeah, that is fucking crazy. Stop being such a pussy.

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Srs tho just stay thin and dress well
It's literally that simple, also tan

This board is 80% virgin incels, I’ll cope so very well. Turns out their also balding? Hilarious!

I mean yeah its great that you have a full head of hair- I envy that. but its all a lottery of luck and to feel like you earned it or are special because you have no hair loss is a pretty jewish way to act.

This is the worst bald cope ever

source: accept me because I look hideous.

lmao ok bro, sorry you don't have a full lush mane like a lion.

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These are mostly JIDF demoralization threads. They want the white man to give up. Every time you see someone trying to tell you to give up, it's a Jew behind it.

yeah ok, I take it you've never been treated differently for things that are out of your control. you know people judge others on looks first.

I'ts not a lottery. If you are balding, you have more Nordic genes than those who aren't. Take this confidence into your interactions with the women you meet and spread your seed wide and far. That's why the argument that 'omg why hasn't the bald gene been bred out of humanity' are ridiculous. Balds have been Chads since antiquity. Don't let modern jewish tricks convince you otherwise.

good point user, cheers

Yeah I would absolutely not kill myself if I was born Pakistani /s.

>have shit genetics

you saying for instance Joe Rogan is a genetic failure compared to a meth headed hippy with long hair?

I'm saying just the opposite Justin. You're the Mossad.

Imagine wishing to look like one of these fags. Hair styling is a female trait and makes your beta. Go buzzcut nigga!

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Joe Rogan uses Hormone Replacement Therapy.

just go fully bald then, unless you have a deformed potato for a head

>Joe Rogan uses Hormone Replacement Therapy.

i know, what a genetic fuck up, A true Aryan would kill themselves if they were in his position.