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So what the hell happened with Fauci this week? I missed the episode, what are they mad about?

>So what the hell happened with Fauci this week? I missed the episode, what are they mad about?
Nah you didn't. You're a kike shill. Cope more Fauci and Gates can't do shit and Trump will reopen the economy. Stupid kikes thought this would finally be the thing that brought their liberal world order into fruition but it was the catalyst to destroy it all. Sloppy job Mossad.

Take your meds, schizo.

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Jesus fucking christ. As someone from AZ I'm ashamed of all the kike sucking assholes who would prefer people die over Wallstreet.

He dropped too many red pills on the burgers.

Cope more kie


What are you even talking about, what happened?

what does that have to do with the fucking weasel?

>stupid kike has no idea about post id
Go back at sucking kike wallstreet dick.

>as someone from x
>as someone who x

you talk like a redd.It fag hole

>wall street dick
Wall street wants to collapse the economy to buy up all the failed small businesses. If this is the best shill vector. you've got to try and convince people to further lock down everyone you're completely retarded. On Monday Texas will begin to reopen. This will be a giant contrast to shit hole blue states and will redpill even more people. Sloppy job mossad.

>muh shekels
>no ur da jew
hello rabbit

Fauci is a depop NWO faggot
mspaint edits not mine

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Fauci and Gates and the media failed. Sloppy job Zionists. Liberal World Order is finished.

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Well well if it isn't little down syndrome face Jeffrey.
Many times he tweets on my feed, nothing but bad stuff and untrue things. Sad.
Get a life JEFF

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This is what is going to happen

Fauci will be forgotten in less than a month. Just let this pass and be smart.

So he's a globalist kike puppet, what did he do this week that's so critical though?

He was just asking what happened you retard.

He's been saying things like (paraphrased) "life will never go back to normal" and social distancing measures "could last 18 months" until we have a vaccine.

I can’t even log on to twitter wtf



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The only thing that little Down Syndrome face Jeffery knows is how to tell FAKE NEWS!

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everything he has said has been a lie

he's been wrong about everything. he's a literal happening doomer.

What is brix and is that some Rothschild faggots around him?

5' 2" Doom gnome.

Fuck that guy and the dumb cunt they kept putting up there. Whoever decided to lockdown the entire country should be fired if not exiled

Fuck that doomer crypto-jew.

Reddit seems to have a hard on for this cabal fucker.