
Out of all the niggers there are these seem to be the most civil and brightest. What do?

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Nigerians are fraudsters and scammers

>enslave africans
>become rich selling africans to jews
>use your wealth from the slave trade to monopolize power
>move to america
>aye yo white boy pay me for slavery

you seem obsessed with black folks

You have to be somewhat intelligent to succeed as a scammer. Most of wallstreet has or is committing some sort of fraud.

Nigerians actually have promise if they are educated and are taught morality. Unlike a lot of other parts of Africa

and pic related is a 10/10 in bongland

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Nigerians are the Krauts of Africa.

Most of the African scammers are retarded.

Give them all the white women to breed

Probably because they have a prefrontal cortex.

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>Out of all the niggers there are these seem to be the most civil and brightest. >What do?
>Nigerians actually have promise if they are educated and are taught morality. Unlike a lot of other parts of Africa
No that's Batswana, Namibians and Gabonese.

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>Most of the African scammers are retarded.

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>South Africa
>high human development

They barely squeezed past the 0.700 threshhold.


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nice try Mbembe, but you are implying that being a nigger is a birth defect (it probably is)

ok muhammid

No you don't. You just have to follow a formula.

your statement had a birth defect.

Is that real gold?

Trips of truth. They are just like pajeets, but even dumber. Those Nigerian email prince scams are as "sophisticated" as they can get. Not to mention that nig nog rapper Dave is Nigerian as well and all he cries about is muh racism.

Are you scared whitey?!

just like how you cry about muh genetics


"Rolex wearin, Diamond ring Wearin, kiss stealin, limosine ridin, wheelin delain, son if a gun!!!! WOO!"

Nice projection.

They are not, just handpicked.

Funny because he is dressing like a nigger.

its funny because your statement made no sense

Not really. Why would I want to be Nigerian? Most are dumb as bricks.

Those are Israelis LARPing as Nigerians

Why would I want to be like you? you are dumb as bricks.

>comparing a literal disabled person to a normal African phenotype
good job proving his point, tard

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