How can I tell if someone irl is based?

Do you guys have like a secret hand shake or a code word like "hail hydra"?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Glow thread

Go somewhere else

Ask them if they like to fuck niggers. Also sage

Wait til you're alone with them and slyly ask
>When does the narwhal bacon?

If they answer "midnight", you can be 100% sure you're dealing with a based and redpilled individual

We say hail hydra

Just talk to people?


I just zeig heil and say "heil Hitler"

Attached: hydra.jpg (1200x1200, 225.86K)

If you weren't a newfag you'd already know.

Ask them if they have any hobbies.

If the reply is "killing niggers" then they probably post on Yas Forums

I pull out my dick and wave it around in a circle. If someone standing there offers to suck me off that person is based.

ask sgt Yas Forums of the incel squad

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I think we should unironically say hail hydra. It’s been long enough normies won’t say that. Plus if you are over 30 and say it I’m just gonna assume you a fed sorry boomers

Attached: redskull.jpg (1024x1555, 418.19K)

you have to go back

>wojak shirt
>shadilay ringtone
>4-leaf clover tucked into fedora

No wonder Steve joined Hydra
Red Skull is completely in the right

log in with a Yas Forums gold account and you get all the info you need with the starter pack

>Do you guys have like a secret hand shake or a code word like "hail hydra"?

fuck it, sure, both of those.

Red Skull is redpilled as fuck

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>He doesn't know what to carry around with him at all times.


Who are you quoting?

I can tell because I can tell they arent a massive faggot like you with secret nigger hand gestures and secret agent 5 year old code words. Basically if I see (you) then I know you're a fag. Also, based is a meme and you sound like a redditor. /

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Greetings, my fellow federal agent

yeah you say "gas the kikes" and they answer "race war now"

That's the joke retard
>he thinks greentext is used exclusively for quotes
lurk moar

Lets be honest user you can spot the average Yas Forums user a mile off. You'll find most of them near the high schools.

>How can I tell if someone irl is based?

get to know them.

red pill them.

get to know them.

red pill them.

etc, etc, etc...

I am so good at this game, it's globally classified.

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w...and kinda rare don't see Malta too often.

1. Step one: collect underpants
2. Step two: pee pee in my poo poo
3. ????
4. PROFIT!!!

spread their asshole and stick your cock in it if they say no homo they're cool

Do you know your state card and surround state cards though?

Well if he executes a nigger right in front of you there's a high chance he based.
That said, always be wary, it might be a CIA agent trying to win your trust.

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Hello fellow white man federal agent

maybe ask that estonian kid you guys just nabbed

It's all about whether you say nigger or nigga and that's all I need to know if you're based

Sounds like an Ali g question.

kgb did 911 via iran/saudi arabia.
bangkok 83
iranian revolution 4 yrs prior
Jan 1978 – Feb 1979
wuo=falseflag directors
2014 leak of 20 yrs of hand transcribed kgb noc lists etc helped expose this.
>Overflights, mapping fiber-optic networks, “strange activities.” Moscow’s West Coast spies were busy.
here's the road map they potentially followed
>take your meds
harassment campaign
>mk ultra
>mk = Member of Knesset
kgb backdoored the jews w/ humanitarian aid bait, blackmail, threats of war w/ muslims that they psyoped into unknowing army for political gain like video related
get clued in. dodge red pill bullshit
q is putins spy net operating in the white house
trump might be being held hostage in open air for all we know.
learn the code to filter trash out.
war on drugs started by the new communist party of america by leveraging church ideals to create a spy net. the wife beating was done by everyone but mostly by immigrants to boost stats for the cause.
the stock market crash was financial terrorism as payback for workers rights as was the titanic.
view death list. built to sink.

I've been doing it for 15 years now.

Cut my teeth on ATS against phage.

got banned 3 times.

then I heard about Yas Forums.

Someone will usually say something like “you know I get you the supplies needed to attack [Target X]. That’s when you know they’re totally based.

It’s kek, you should know this

Well duh, you also need to inform OP about how to GET a pass so he can make sure to be able to show he's based too.

OP, get your debit or credit card. Type your name in the name field (what else would it be for duh), the card numbers, exp date and security code in the post field. Now you can rest easy knowing if ever need be, you can prove you're one of us.

Definately not with the 666 gesture.
If you speak with someone you will know within 5 minutes if they are "based".

Don't forget "mailto:” in the options field before typing in his email. This is very important for encryption purposes.

yeah but so many people don't do any research at all, not trying to be a gatekeeper but if OP wants in I think he should look it up himself.

7849 4791 5481 4758

Ah, yes, been many years since I bought my gold pass.
I know we shouldn't spooned newfags, but 1) we need more of us and 2) it's best to just do it in this thread.

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You almost had me :( I was in that thread when user got that ID.

Ask him if he/she is a kekistani

They make the sign of the cross in public, using three fingers and right shoulder before the left.

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