If you all the sudden came down with symptoms and you were almost positive it was The Chinese Virus, what is the first thing that you'd do?
Wake Up One Morning With CoVid Symptoms, What Do?
Coof across the border
I did nothing and went about my day as normal, then repeated that for a week and bit. Then I was fine again.
If I get the flu Ill just have to keep working. What the fuck else can I do?
So many Americans infected and dying. I just hope this American virus ends soon.
Find my nearest imam, convert to Islam, and pray with my brothers 5 times a day that Allah restores my health.
Yep woke up with bubbly lungs today
i'm severely obese and a vaper.
Farewell Yas Forums!
make chinee food
kill myself for being a retard following the occult forces
stay home,no reason to go to the hospital unless my health deteriorates
Use telehealth to receive a PCP visit for a confirmation test.
After that, stuff and things.
Wuhan Virus, shill.
Seek out the nearest jewish community
I think I'd all of a sudden find myself filled with the wonder of religion and newfound sense of philanthropy for my fellow man. So I guess I'd head down to the closet synagogue and democratic party headquarters. In minecraft of course.
Stay home and recover from the flu.
Do not get tested because they will label you Covid positive no matter what you have
lurk moar newfag
This will kill you
I would have the need to go to the prayer
Just filled with love user. We are a board of Peace
Nothing, just go about my business as normal.
Get Doxycycline because it's really Anthrax.
Why did you emphasize the chinese virus?
Take some Zinc nigger.
I would immediately get HCQ. Vitamin C IV.
tell mommy
>you were almost positive it was The Chinese Virus,
Moshe, COVID is now the JEW FLU
Israeli Scientists Claim It’s ‘Pure Luck’ They Were Already Working On A COVID-19 Vaccine Prior To The Outbreak
“Let’s call it pure luck,” he said. “We decided to choose coronavirus as a model for our system just as a proof of concept for our technology.”
>tell mommy
I don't think Spain can help you this time
>If you all the sudden came down with symptoms and you were almost positive it was The Chinese Virus, what is the first thing that you'd do?
Book a party 8 days later. If I get bad I will be in a hospital by day 5-7.
So either I will be in a hospital on monday or everything will be great.