What can be done to stop the rise of HRT? Recent statistics show 96.3% of white males 20 and below are "transitioning."

What can be done to stop the rise of HRT? Recent statistics show 96.3% of white males 20 and below are "transitioning."

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Im cruising on an hrt dose right now after my last cycle. Best shape of my life.

Is that the angry video game nerd? Did he finally get so mad at games that he chopped his own dick off?

>Recent statistics show 96.3% of white males 20 and below are "transitioning."
This is completely untrue.
OP confirmed lying faggot.
Saged in all fields.

Remove BBC from the equation. it's hypnotizing them

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how anyone can find that faggot attractive is beyond me

Damn he's cute now. Would rage at castlevania with out of ten

Is that his wife or something? She's hot

>t. low testosterone fag

>What can be done to stop the rise of HRT?
Make it uncool again.
Seriously, right-wingers badly underestimate the power of marketing. Society wouldn't be half as fucked up if it wasn't for the left popularizing the idea that aberrant behavior is actually just a harmless fashion statement.

What a shitload of fuck. It sucks monkey fucks.

the same thing we do to stop the rise of rape.
Teach men to not HRT

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Why would you want to stop it? I'd much sooner have sex with the one on the right before the one on the left.

Real pretransition pictures of Natalie Mars exist.

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whats the problem
they will kill themselfs sooner or later
now its 50%

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So what you're saying is that most white men lust for black cock?

The Problem is that the Elite is programming more people into this Tranny Reality and it will make life more enjoyable for them. In return, the death Percentage will drop massively.

nuke golemland
save the west

the thing is no matter how much life is enjoyable a person no a human will always have the drive to continew his peoples race is this something deep with in ourselfs no matter how great no matter how "enjoyable" there life is they will always have a conflict with in them selfs there have been many gay people who thought they where trasn gender only to go back to being gay males this idea is just that a idea that is not true when applied to us humans this idea. this way of thinking will soon come to a end my german brother the only thing you can do is speak your mind to other no matter how much they will hate you for it and trust me they will hate you for it, but the tide will turn

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Post without makeup, editing and good lighting

Mandatory military service. I would gladly come out of reserve to beat the tranny out of these fags.

It's not going to matter at the end of a rope.

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the same thing that can be done to stop the rise of my BWC (nothing)

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Gas incels so they can’t transition into cute women

Yeah, unrelated but my sister, still a kid and an avid tiktok user told me *DON'T SAY THAT WORD* when I said nigger, in English. It's not even your average disgust from a child for bad words. She just repeated like a parrot what the jewish app taught her. Yet just old enough to accept degeneracy. To dance in a degenerate manner to incredibly bad music, all the while slowly accepting jewish values. I bet she watches Buzzfeed, since she confessed she watches Teen Moms. Thank God at least there are no niggers around, I bet she'd already be preggo.

I was gonna explain to her why I'm going to say it, but she is too young to understand the concept of blood and race. Old enough to accept overwhelming Western influence, just two decades after that same evil West poured bombs on our country.

We are winning. Volkisch ways are returning. But if we do nothing by 2040, we are doomed.

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you mean mutilation

this is such a good avgn troll. I wonder, has he seen this?

its true. dickless white males flew over my house

>before Yas Forums
>after Yas Forums

Bruh I run 700 test every 6 months and 150 on the off months. Been doing it 10 years now, fucking amazing.

God she's such a freak. This woman shoves an entire arm in her ass. If only she could get pregnant, I'd marry her.

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He is and so are you.