>Priti Patel is PM
>Totalitarian police state
>Hardest punishment to any troublemakers, death penalty reinstated
>All single males have been assigned elite petite femdoms with PhDs from India
>EU is kill
>BBC is kill
>ITV shows nothing but Bond films on repeat

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i want her to sit on my face


Since your (((Christian))) leaders wouldn't do anything about the hordes of black bag women looting your stores while their husbands daylight in moped gangs, it's but logical to elect a Gujarati-Marathi Hindu for PM.
The camelfuckers wouldn't know what hit them.

How can she be so pretty yet so fat?

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>Priti Patel is PM

Might as well call your country New India at that point.

>wouldn't know what hit them.
Same is true for Indian women when they have sex with tiny dicked Indians

she eats her competition

So you're a poo aspie that is obsessed with Bond movies? Uhhhh. Okay.

my Indian friend was telling me once Indian Women get married, thats it. They eat a lot and get fat. They dont give a fuck

lmao keep seething Abdul, everybody hates every last one of you pedophile worshipping moon cultists

This is most women.

Sounds hot

>>Hardest punishment to any troublemakers, death penalty reinstated
Fuck sake

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the men get fat too. they all seem to have pot bellies

Sounds good T B H

Don't worry. Her death is already at hand. The brotherhood has seen to it. Times running out. Tick tock.

No. In the UK they fuck white men so they can advance their careers.

based civnat pajeets will cleanse the uk of disgusting mudslime paedo gangs

Brutal pooing.

Iyd rather live with a camel fucker than a shit eater. Anyday. Poos need to stay in India where they are free to shit in the street and drink cow piss. We are trying to send them back now and it's working slowly but surely. They will all be gone from our shores.

We will get rid of all you O/Poos from Yas Forums. You betcha.

and pic related is a 10/10 in bongland. How will brexit solve this?

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they look like transgender women

By putting pakis in charge, according to op

Well Corona chan shutting down restaurants might see to that. Plus dumb waiters from the continent might have had to go back too.

The actual Sikhs are no joke. They have fought with us for a long time.


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Why am I attracted to her stop


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I quite like Sikhs. I've met a few in the pub. They are pretty based. Not poos though. They are disgusting. Poos can go back. Keep Sikhs. We need somebody to run the shops and sell is beer. No midslimes or Hindus tho. They need to go back home now the restaurants are closed.


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She’s an idiot, an Israeli asset and clearly lacking in basic human empathy.

Perfect for the job.

Sikhs are noble, courageous and are the enemies of the enemies of the west.

I'd fight side by side with them.

No they ain't ruling shit. They ain't got the right mentality because they are poojeets. When the PM ain't looking they are shitting in the potted plants. Their careers will be over in a month when the truth comes out. Stolen money and nepotism and corruption. They are over. We want British white English people running our country and it will stay that way.

yeah man, the Sikhs have legit died for our people. And they fucking hate muslims.

Yes your right. She's crypto joo. She's fucked soon. Exposed bigtime. It's all coming soon. She's finished.

They hate poojeet Hindus too. I like Sikhs. I know a few. Based. Tough. Honest. Better than poos and muzzies.

Are there two pastels? One patel looks hot, the other patel looks like a walking bag of potatoes

At least ITV stays the same.

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Absolutely explosive info on Gates and the WHO
Solid info

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Yep, good people. A few of them are in the ground so we can be here today.

Dead poos is like watching TV. Boring and no fun. Patel's are dirty. All of them. When the ethno state comes every Patel and Ali and Mohammed will be sent home. Even those born here. They don't belong. They need to go home.

I've put a few in the ground myself. I spent 30 years in jail for murder. I think I'll continue now I'm free.