Why is it that I cannot form a good opinion on politics? I feel like I lean more right but when it comes to politics I feel I still don't have an opinion that I can call my own. I feel like I am spouting out someone else's opinion and that I don't truly believe it. How did you generate your opinion? I feel like a fucking npc.
Why is it that I cannot form a good opinion on politics...
Read the Bible
Death to Jews, no exceptions, wipe them all out.
Hang every single current politician, all corporate magnates, capitalists, bankers, financiers, and globalists for crimes against humanity.
Deport all niggers; allow retention of citizenship to all civilized blacks.
Kill anyone who illegally immigrates/is caught illegally immigrating.
Remove a hand from first-time thieves, hang 2nd offenders.
Grant every state Castle Doctrine laws allowing for deadly force in the event of home invasion, empower the people.
Shoot down all broadcasting stations, collapse all cell towers - take down internet or make it free but only accessible for up to 3 hours a day, reinstall phone landlines, remove television from society.
Hang all media personnel, especially those in charge and the writers; replace news with men and women who, on penalty of death, will report honestly and without bias or excessive use of adjectives. Death to sensationalism; make the people think about and interpret events as they happen for themselves.
Reform education system, teach about agriculture, farming, constructive thinking and deconstructive thinking, self-sufficiency, community stability, trading and bartering, non-invasive technology development.
Collapse pharmaceutical industry entirely; post veritable remedies and formulas on a universally accessible online platform that can be used outside of 2-hour curfew.
Enroll all citizenry in mandatory 2-year boot camp where each citizen must meet athletic standards, learn teamwork, schedule, routine, and self-preservation skills.
Enroll all citizenry in mandatory 2-year public services where everyone must work with or serve the general public for 2 years between the age of 16-25.
Install hard limits on wealth accumulation and business expansion.
Remove usury and other kike tricks from society.
The list goes on, but figure out what you like best and then model your behavior on your take-no-prisoners model of ethics and code.
Try to derail every narrative you can find with additional information from obvious influences (economy, sociology, psychology, history, technology...).
You probably are an npc.
Based and Christpilled
That comes with time
Having a new idea is incredibly hard 90% of people won't do it in their life.
The goal isn't Reddit tier intellectual garbage and don't fall into that trap
The fact you consciously feel and think this way, at least proves you're not a fucking npc. Does that comfort you?
Also, maybe you require a different approach? How have you been trying to form an opinion or worldview so far? What is your methodology? What sources have you researched/read?
Also: it's alright to form a strong fact-based worldview without aligning with a specific political orientation.
>I feel like an npc
>ifunny watermark
you are an npc
just watch some Milton Friedman videos and read mises.org.
>I feel like a fucking npc
Flag checks out.
You should only have strong opinions on issues you care about. People that are entirely left or entirely right are blind.
Ultra based
I won't defend that. You got me there
Experience, OP. Kinda like how I learned to hate niggers as a group. I know not all of them are bad, but the overwhelming majority of experiences I've had with blacks have been negative.
READ BOOKS. Seriously. Fucking read.
Find out what the based classics are.
You are underage or just have not had enough experience learning about these things. Politics are not confined to a left/right spectrum.
Thats because they dont allow the third way to exist
I know this. But to give a general direction so people can understand what I mean.
Have you picked up a damn book yet?
Developing your own opinion, and for it to have value, takes work.
>I feel like a fucking npc.
You probably are. Grow a little faggot.
I have been reading a lot actually. Art of war is one of my favorite books of all time actually. Even upon reading philosophy books, and works I still feel like I cannot generate an opinion.
I deserve that.
having your own ideas and opinions are actually very hard to do. to best make your own opinions its best to look at as diverse ideas as you can and pick and choose as you wish
Read something with more emotion and rhetoric in it, that backs up its philosophy with meat.
Starship Troopers redpilled the fuck out of me when I was 13. Maybe try that.
How old are you
Hello? Based Department?
Get more life experience. You can't form an opinion about anything from books alone.
reading history
and extream level of experience
Having real life contact with minorities can red pill you very quickly
They are nothing like in the movies
where they just read lines scripted by a white person
By the way user, just because I was 13 doesn't mean it's a simplistic book. It's a damn good read. I was reading at a college level before I left elementary school, not to toot my own horn. Just don't want you to see that and say 'kid's book'. It isn't.
i will help you out on politics, here' s what i know :
- fuck the democrats, they're kikes.
- fuck the republicans, they're kikes too.
- fuck the kikes
- fuck niggers
- fuck chinks
- fuck lgbtqip
- anyone who tells you israel is an ally deserves a bullet in the head.
I would say fuck every race. Every race is shit. None is better than the other. They all suck ass and need to find some way they make themselves better than the other.
You have no life experience, that's why you have no opinion on anything.
When you get pan-handled for the first time by some spook who says he needs money to feed his baby momma and his keeds, and you give him your money that you worked for only to watch him pocket it, say thanks, and then do the same thing to 30 other people, you will come to understand this alleged "racism" that people are "guilty" of.
When you meet some shallow whore who asks you entry-level questions and spends half (or more) of your first encounter on the phone, you'll understand the degeneracy of society.
When you meet some old man who is adamant about Republicans or Democrats and complains about or praises Trump incessantly you will understand what it is like to live in the past - to be one of the innumerable victims of the advent of the television, doomed to believe everything you're told by the man on the screen, not believing for a moment that anyone who made it on tv could ever deceive you.
When you work for some corporation, retailer or the like, and put forth a great effort and rise in rank or receive praise for what you do, only to be crucified when you are down, or worse - told you can go work somewhere else if you should question why or how things are done by the company and attempt to change them for what seems more "right", you will understand the absence of loyalty and the true nature of workplace culture.
When you do your civil duty and report a crime you've witnessed and know beyond doubt that the perpetrator is guilty of committing, only for the responding officer to release him, you will understand the ineffectiveness of law and law enforcement. You will also discover how brave you are if, in the future, you choose to ignore the crime, attempt to report it again, or decide to resolve it for yourself.
If you should decide to act for yourself and resolve the problems of others as well as your own, then you will come to understand risk, mortality, and reward.
I do have daily experiences with them as I am one. I hate everyone equally. Crackers, niggers, chinks, beaners, etc. they are all equally stupid.