I feel like i am under attack

this started a year ago and happens almost every day. my vision gets blurry and i start shaking uncontrollably. i feel extremely confused and can hardly talk to people. i am anxious and afraid. i feel like i am losing control over my body. im unable to walk properly or function normally. i lay in my bed and shake until it stops.

does anyone else feel like this? i feel like im being zapped with a mind control ray. my brain feels like its rapidly deteriorating. am i just schizo

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My dad had lymes disease and shook uncontrollably on the couch in his underwear.

unironically take your meds

Benzo withdrawals?

im worried that the kikes are injecting me with drugs as i sleep because of my thought crimes noone else agrees?!



no. i take an ssri tho, thats it. also consume tons of nicotine

There are doctors for a reason

Your diet and go for a long walk. You been eating too many pizza pops drooling at a screen 20 hours a day.

yea, all my doctor does is feed me more prozac

>ray gun
>my mind is deteriorating
>a-am I a schizo
Textbook lmfaooooo

Fucking epilepsy
Temporary confusion.
A staring spell.
Uncontrollable jerking movements of the arms and legs.
Loss of consciousness or awareness.
Psychic symptoms such as fear, anxiety or deja vu.

just be healthy bro

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this post is the most helpful post ITT

turn off all wifi and electronics when sleeping

look up clive de carle and listen to all his talks and buy the foods and nutrients (vitamin C especially)

get iron/steel/ferromagnetic sheets to fully enclose your person in when sleeping

you will recover from the deep state magnetic attacks emanating from your house wires

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Set up a motion capture camera in your bedroom

i am usually fully-aware tho. my friends say that i zone out alot, how can i be seizing if im concious

Check out the big brains on this guy.

>People who have simple partial seizures do not lose consciousness during the seizure. However, some people, although fully aware of what's going on, find they can't speak or move until the seizure is over. They remain awake and aware throughout.

shit. thank u man, im going to look into this... seems very plausible

it's them CIA niggers

Looks like a hella guy. 10/10 would drink beer and shoot shit with

Sounds like you're suffering from vitamin deficiency.

This, unironically. Get yourself checked for Lyme.

I had so many of your symptoms for about a year - MRIs and CT scans of my brain came back clean. Took a specialist to finally diagnose me because blood serum tests still came back negative. CSF test might have come back positive but the doctor was confident enough at that point to diagnose me symptomatically

Most likely epilepsy

your diabetic stupid. you don't have to be fat to be one.

Unironically if you miss your meds with ssri's there's lots of weird side effects. I would always feel a shock going down my nervous system every time I moved my head. That's why I switched to an snri

if they are attacking your mind, then tin foil can block it

yes, really

Your literary epileptic

Had the same exact thing happen to me out of nowhere. Gangstalkers aka glow niggera aka 666. Only jesus can help no one or anything else can

do you have armies of shills literally paid to mock you online?

although they might be bots.

I'm sure that's one job they are trying like mad to automate.

Cut out all caffeine. It sounds like an anxiety attack.