The stormfaggotry is out of control and now we have a policestate lockdown thanks to Corona.
Libertarianism is always the best solution to literally every problem.
Small government and Sound money.
The stormfaggotry is out of control and now we have a policestate lockdown thanks to Corona.
Libertarianism is always the best solution to literally every problem.
Small government and Sound money.
>solution to anything
Ok kike.
how would libertarianism solve the coronavirus pandemic
>plebbit spacing
>all police states are the same, politics has only one relevant axis "size of government"
yikes, cringe, and most importantly oof
>bro porn should be legal!
>legalize drugs!
>let gays marry!
>Nothing wrong with letting people want to live as they want!
Libertarians are as big an enemy as kikes. Fuck you.
Libertarians are there to make you think some one is actually fighting for your liberty.
No one is if you aren’t.
the fake fiat debt based money system is the cause of literally every problem
You would advise people and not command them and threaten them with fines. I would recommend old people and immuno-vulerable people isolate themselves for a time - not fucking EVERYONE
If the biggest issue is "pressing enter twice" then thats no argument is it
That describes society today - and we're not libertarian are we. We are authoritarian and the authoritarians are demanding immigration and gay marriage. Well done
>hurr durr our corrupt government is legalizing drugs and porn and they aren't libertarians! We are libertarians so we'd have legalized drugs and porn too! Don't you want to be Libertarian now?
grow up, faggot
>pressing enter twice is the biggest issue
It isn't, you ignored the rest of my post because you want to dismiss it as if all I said was you double spaced.
"Growing up" means NOT wanting a nanny state. If I wanted to be coddled I would be a stormfaggot