If it wasn't for the Mark of the Beast warning in the Bible, most people would be all for this
Really makes you think
If it wasn't for the Mark of the Beast warning in the Bible, most people would be all for this
Really makes you think
>if the Bible didn't warn us about satanic things we'd be in even worse shape
Yes, it really does make you think doesn't it? Almost like God gave us the Bible to help us.
The new testament is anti semetic
you can call a million things the mark of the beast. Social security numbers. Credit cards. Bank accounts. Driver's licenses. All of these things have been called the mark of the beast. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate how Christians larp to go against the jewish agenda, but don't fucking kid yourself thinking that some 2000 year old fairytale, whose main purpose was to server as a fertility ritual, would somehow predict that microchips would be a sign of the end times.
People would question it pretty hard if it wasn't being promoted by "Super Hero American Genius" Bill Gates.
Cults of personality are pretty strong.
Look at Obama - objectively an anti-American president. Many Americans now hate America and love him.
>Bill Gates is smart
>If I do what he says I am smart
If it wasn't for (((the Bible))), Jews wouldn't have a state right now and the world wouldn't be constantly terrorized by them and their Christian enablers.
"Mark of the Beast"
Oh Please,,,
When Social Security numbers were introduced Christ-fags like OP said it was the mark of the beast and sign of the end times/
When UPC barcodes were introduced Christ-fags said the same thing.
Booga Booga,, End ot the World.. Angry Sky Wizards..
>The emptiness of the atheist
not a christian and they still aint gonna chip me. nice try though retard