If it wasn't for the Mark of the Beast warning in the Bible, most people would be all for this

If it wasn't for the Mark of the Beast warning in the Bible, most people would be all for this

Really makes you think

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>if the Bible didn't warn us about satanic things we'd be in even worse shape
Yes, it really does make you think doesn't it? Almost like God gave us the Bible to help us.


The new testament is anti semetic

you can call a million things the mark of the beast. Social security numbers. Credit cards. Bank accounts. Driver's licenses. All of these things have been called the mark of the beast. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate how Christians larp to go against the jewish agenda, but don't fucking kid yourself thinking that some 2000 year old fairytale, whose main purpose was to server as a fertility ritual, would somehow predict that microchips would be a sign of the end times.

People would question it pretty hard if it wasn't being promoted by "Super Hero American Genius" Bill Gates.
Cults of personality are pretty strong.
Look at Obama - objectively an anti-American president. Many Americans now hate America and love him.
>Bill Gates is smart
>If I do what he says I am smart

If it wasn't for (((the Bible))), Jews wouldn't have a state right now and the world wouldn't be constantly terrorized by them and their Christian enablers.

"Mark of the Beast"

Oh Please,,,

When Social Security numbers were introduced Christ-fags like OP said it was the mark of the beast and sign of the end times/

When UPC barcodes were introduced Christ-fags said the same thing.

Booga Booga,, End ot the World.. Angry Sky Wizards..

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>The emptiness of the atheist

not a christian and they still aint gonna chip me. nice try though retard

No. I'm staunchly against any form of religion and I refuse to be chipped like some fucking household pet.

Or it's being used as a playbook.

It's how they inch closer to the true mark of the beast
Everyone will be marked and tracked for every little thing that it'll all be mini marks which combine into the mark without anyone knowing they have it
They do it over hundreds of years
They'll blindly accept the mark not knowing the cost

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>whose main purpose was to server as a fertility ritual
Did you read the Bible and study ancient mythology to come to that conclusion, or do you just parrot what experts say like it's your religion?

almost as if we were warned

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we were warned

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I read the scared mushroom and the cross and it's about the most reasonable interpretation of biblical stories that I've heard.

>you can call a million things the mark of the beast.
no. you cannot. read the revelation, user, and take note of the salient points:
>And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
>And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

I'm not atheist. Just because I'm not Christian doesn't make me atheist you narrow minded fuck.

sure there is a lot of Orwellian technology out there and more is coming. and yes, that tech would make an authoritarian government much easier to impose... but none of this has anything to do with that fever dream book of acid babble from the Iron Age.

If you want to have a serious discussion about the dangers of technology that's cool but half baked shit from the Bible is not the way to do that.

>tfw you realize the doom of the man will be caused by a psycho software nerd

I am empty because I don't live in fear that some God is going to turn up and rain fire on us?

>take this one passage, out of context, literally! Ignore all the other metaphorical verses that came before and after just read this one part!
> It ordered them to set up an image in honor of the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived.
>The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.

Okay where do these verses fit into your microchip larp? If we don't worship bill gates we just spontaneously combust and die? Fuck off retard

yeah bro the fear of god is the most fulfilling emotion known to man. I feel bad for everyone who's not a fearful christian how else could you possibly live life?

Worshiping Satan, Yog-Sothoth, Technology, whatever you want to call it, is the same as atheism. Turn to Christ will you still can, user.

UN proposes global currency
Jared Kushner proposes surveillance tracking system for infected
Digital vaccines with implants in them
Jews saying They've been in talks with the antichrist who they call Messiah
Says they expect him before passover which they celebrate until the 16th
More crazy shit


>half baked shit from the Bible is not the way to do that
it's a good way to demonstrate the end goal of the current path of technological development and OP is correct

You can change and I pray you do for if you don't you are doomed.
No, you are empty because you don't know what you don't know.

>If it wasn't for the Mark of the Beast warning in the Bible, most people would be all for this

no one wants to be branded like cattle, user.

the vaccine will have nanodust and will eventually forbid all that don't take it from buying and selling, cash will be abolished