Belmarsh ‘barely functioning’: Assange tells friend Covid-19 is raging through British prison. 10 Apr, 2020. Julian Assange has revealed to a friend the harrowing details of his life in Belmarsh. WikiLeaks founder is still confined at the UK maximum security prison, despite it being stricken with the novel coronavirus. Covid-19 has spread around Belmarsh to such an extent that the prison is “barely functioning” any more at all, British freelance video journalist Vaughan Smith has revealed in a Facebook post, after talking with Assange by phone.
As many as 150 prison staff members have been forced into self-isolation as they might have contracted the coronavirus, Smith said. The prison admitted in mid-March that the disease already reached it premises and even reported one coronavirus-linked inmate death.
>Julian Assange's death will be on TRUMP and on his children!!!. KARMA >Message to Donald Trump and Mike Pompeo: >KARMA IS A BITCH. >Your evil impulses will eventually hit home. Will be such a sweet joy to read threads on Yas Forums when KARMA fucks those two. KEK Right now they think that they are untouchable & indestructible. Absolute fools. History books are full of fools like Trump and Pompeo.
Donald Trump and Mike Pompeo they will cry very bitter fucking tears when KARMA hits his ...home. And it will...BECAUSE. KARMA is a BITCH. !!!
Aaron Murphy
They're cousins
Nathaniel Brooks
>They're cousins >Donald Trump and Mike Pompeo Very possible. Both of them are soulless mean spirited blood thirst war hungry fucks.
Cameron Jones
Assange already did what he set out to do. After that he became irrelevant. It doesn't matter what happens to him, get over it.
Ian Reed
>Assange already did what he set out to do. After that he became irrelevant. It doesn't matter what happens to him, get over it. Response by a typical soulless burger swine. Thank God that Corona Virus is cleaning out your shithole. I hope you will be her next victim, you piece of subhuman shit.
Evan Cook
I really hope Julian Assange has a system in place that when he dies pile of files will be made public and that they will show all the ugly truth about Trump.
You sound exactly like a streetshitting pajeet. I would hide my flag if I were you too.
Jaxson Martin
If you want Assange freed start a petition for Trump to free him
or just about any sort of movement Don't go shilling against Trump for things out of his current level of control If he saves him right now without any noise pointing that the people want him freed they will blame him for shit. again.
Jewlian was a honeypot and attention whoring kike indeed. The jews went hysterical went I pointed it out the first times.
John Carter
I wouldn't be surprised to find out that Trump's family members are profiting financially from the Corona Virus. Investments in companies that sell medical equipment and medications. I hope somebody will dig out dirt on them.
there are already accusations floating about him owning a stake in a french drug firm
Isaiah Carter
> >there are already accusations floating about him owning a stake in a french drug firm Sorry user, I had to change the picture.
Juan Rodriguez
china created the corona virus user its just a debate on if it was an accident or not
Isaac Edwards
>there are already accusations floating about him owning a stake in a french drug firm That will be huge if true.
Isaiah Taylor
Weren't you literally talking about karma a second ago? Now wishing death on others? Well done.
Eli Cook
Right, any other President and the virus wouldn't exist. You're a moron.
Brandon Lewis
Free JA
Caleb Howard
It's not true. One of his family's several trusts is in part held by a mutual fund which owns 3.3% of a drug company. The stake the trust holds is equivalent to about $150. Get a grip.
Nicholas Hall
Its a generic cheap drug produced by multiple companies Can we drop this bs and concentrate on JA
Ian Taylor
Well,what about this?
Japanese,Taiwanese and American scientists claim that Corona Virus could be only made by the US at Fort Detrick. "COVID-19: Further Evidence that the Virus Originated in the US" As readers will recall from the earlier article (above), Japanese and Taiwanese epidemiologists and pharmacologists have determined that the new coronavirus could have originated in the US since that country is the only one known to have all five types – from which all others must have descended. Wuhan in China has only one of those types, rendering it in analogy as a kind of “branch” which cannot exist by itself but must have grown from a “tree”.
The Taiwanese physician noted that in August of 2019 the US had a flurry of lung pneumonias or similar, which the Americans blamed on ‘vaping’ from e-cigarettes, but which, according to the scientist, the symptoms and conditions could not be explained by e-cigarettes. He said he wrote to the US officials telling them he suspected those deaths were likely due to the coronavirus. He claims his warnings were ignored.
Immediately prior to that, the CDC totally shut down the US Military’s main bio-lab at Fort Detrick, Maryland, due to an absence of safeguards against pathogen leakages, issuing a complete “cease and desist” order to the military. It was immediately after this event that the ‘e-cigarette’ epidemic arose.
Remember huge lie the US sold to the whole World about chemical weapons of mass destruction in IRAQ and started war there & thousands of American soldiers died for nothing.
I mean the old fuck is going to die in prison whats to talk about? He pissed off the elites for obvious reasons and SJWs for some reason so he has no significant allies to get him out of this
Adrian Gomez
what would the US get out of it and why was our response so piss poor if we did it?
Josiah Walker
>Can we drop this bs and concentrate on JA Agreed!!!
>He pissed off the elites for obvious reasons and SJWs for some reason so he has no significant allies to get him out of this >and SJWs WTF are you talking about here?
Jackson Russell
For starters he was the reason people voted fro Trump unironically So at least he deserves to be free Especially the accusations are bogus
Luis James
2020 would be amazing with an assange prison break once the prisoners take over and riot
Parker Foster
That many people die everyday in america virus or no virus. Fucking retards
Jayden Anderson
Yas Forums isn't allowed to talk about Assange these days
Jordan Brooks
they latched onto the rape accusations and blame him for the rise of trump