There is no such thing as ADHD

Why do (((they))) want to drug up our kids with Ritalin? Little Timmy needs to run, play outside, and exercise to get rid of that pent up energy and if little Timmy acts like a brat, he needs punishment, not drugs.

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There's no way for like 40% of males in today's society to have anything resembling a normal life without adderall.

ahh the real tranny pill

True, but there are people out there who really do have problems focusing.

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Get some glasses

Most trannies have depression and/or anxiety
Ritalin just turns you into into a mindless wage slave
t. ranny


IT exists jsut not every child that a bit hyperactive has it. That's just a lazy excuse for not wanting to take responsibility as a parent.

The fuck are talking about?

>t. ranny
OK groomer

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>There is no such thing as ADHD
Incredibly wrong. ADHD is very real, you do not produce dopamine or norepinephrine at a normal level. Your short term memory is shot. It's a mental defect. It is measurable physically though scans.

Correct. Meth usage and tranny behavior is linked.

Yeah, you've never experienced real ADHD. It is very difficult to function, you can not remember a phone number that has been dictated to you 4 seconds earlier. In fact, you will lost the beginning 3 to 4 numbers by the time the phone number is finished being told to you.

Because female teachers are lazy, female students are quiet, so the teachers want the boys to act like girls.
The best solution would be to admit there is a sex difference, have all male schools, and all female schools. Trannies and fags who can't cope will just be hanged obv.

I was diagnosed as a kid, luckily my based grandma decided not to put me on it. When I played outside, and exercised, the symptoms went away.

Being lgbt kind of fucking sucks
Why would I want a kid to be in the same shitty situation as me

The symptoms went away because you were pumping yourself full of dopamine and norepinephrine. Exercise and meditation are the first things you should try if you are diagnosed with ADHD.

Having been to a male only school, I can't comprehend sending my male children to co Ed public schools.

Misery loves company. Recruitment.

>Being lgbt

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ADHD is not a thing. It's just pent up energy. The dog needs a walk. He has pent up energy.

How do I cope with lack of short-term memory?

So, I want to recruit people that can be just as miserable as me?
What would that accomplish

Luckily people with ADHD have many options to alleviate their symptoms that do not include drugs. Such as avoiding certain foods like artificial flavors.

There is no cure for a low IQ, so OP, you are fucked.

Why would you not want to be on a psychostimulant? It feels good, it's fun and it makes you more focused and productive.

I fake ADHD to get a script for dexedrine and my life is heaven.


There is though.

Let me explain.
When a child gets hungry what do they do?
When a child gets neglected what do they do?
When a child is abused what do they do?
>lash out with violence
What does a child do when ignored?
>find ways to get positive or negative attention

You see a child is a biological program to induce optimal conditions for nuture. Children are programmed biologically to punish its cargivers for failure or neglect.

When this failure is normalized the reaction of the child is stigmatized.

Children (boys primarily) have “ADHD” because they are not being raised properly. Instead of doing so, they chemically labotimize them.

Im not a denialist, but that is the cuase of the overdiagnosis along with corruption of course. Doctors can be sociopaths at well above normal rates.

You won't be so lonely.

You will have to adopt techniques for it. I write things down immediately. Do things immediately when you are reminded of them, even if it may not be the most opportune time. It's not all bad, hyper focus can be an excellent resource for productivity but you have to get your environment correct. No distractions, do a few push ups every 15 minutes and it will help reset you.

>Thanks Dad

>you do not produce dopamine or norepinephrine
because you are chronically overstimulated and underrested. why would you produce normal dopamine studying when you grew up on Halo and WoW?

>Your short term memory is shot
because you never developed it

Ill add with correct child care and optimization you would see a huge decrease in diagnosis and medications.

Its a byproduct of feminization though in my opinion. Females expect boys to act like girls and reward girls for girlish behavior which they naturally do.

In essence the system is designed to produce sub optimal results in boys. This is but one of the many mechanisms.

Agreed, real ADHD is blindly obvious and not very common.

Being lonely?
You know I can go and like... make friends? Right?
I dont have to have friends that are the exact same as me


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You are right user, but because parents needs a cope to put their blame on, ADHD will never cease to be an official diagnosis. Even physicians who know ADHD is bullshit accepts the diagnosis when becoming parents.

The human response to shift responsibility onto something that can't be helped is a very common coping mechanism.

>because you are chronically overstimulated and underrested. why would you produce normal dopamine studying when you grew up on Halo and WoW?
Growing up I did not have cable and did not play video games. In fact video games are very bad for someone with ADHD, thank you for bringing that subject up. You don't know what you are talking about though. Real ADHD is a mental deficiency. It is a mental illness. It is measurable in the brain. It is often genetic.

The idea is that ADHD is over diagnosed not that mental defects dont exist at all.

>i want to be a writer
>thats cool timmy here sit here for hours every single day for years and learn this dumb fuck math ok?
>i dont wanna
>wow ok timmy we're gonna go ahead and give you drugs now