so this is why they are banning seeds?
this is boys were in for the BIG ONE now.
so this is why they are banning seeds?
this is boys were in for the BIG ONE now.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Africa feeds the world
Imagine believing this
lol no.
you fools understand that if africa starves they will mass migrate across the world.
its the ultimate happening
When they say the world's food supply is in danger, they don't mean that Africa is supplying the world's food, they mean Africa will be able to feed itself even less and demand 100x more gibs.
why wont they just invent nets and all that delicious protein?
Let them be devoured.
niggers eat bugs anyway, its just all you can eat season for them
shame trump is stealing their nets and cooking oils.
>world's food supply
are you dumb? are you fucking dumb op?
niggers cook lake flies into burger patties.
Oh no, not Africa! Not that absolute Titan if Agriculture! Fuck! Not the literal bread-baskett of the world! Oh no! If natural disasters can affect Africa then nobody is safe!
RIP In peace my Africarinos
the solution is obvious
>world's food supply
You gotta be some special kind of retarded to come up with that OP
Not if they starve to death. That’s a long trip without carbs. Eat more bugs.
no locust-chan yet?
Should we give them butterfly nets so they can catch them all?
The world's food doesn't come from Africa you fucking fag.
Mmmmm! yum yum nigger insect cookie
You are only allowed your government rations by scanning your implanted chip goy
if africa starves so does the whole world, due to UN mandated GIBS
North Africa has buffer zones. No negro will ever escape their shit holes.
You do understand at some point we have weapons to solve the problem
Not a problem, my Safeway has locust proof doors
Bleeding heart pseudojews will flood Africa with the rest of the world's reserves. Niggers will be elevated to king status for every white woman to see. Only nobodies like Uruguay and New Zealand will be spared the BBC
Christ is coming back by june for sure. The suffering will end finally
locust are poisonous. you can't just eat them.
BBC stores protein, water, fats and MELANIN like a camels hump. This is why all of the worlds top athletes and warriors are BLACK.
Niggers will demand more food gibs from the world.
Lmfao where the hell is the live web cam of this shit?? Who am I kidding those oggaa booggaa dont have fucking internet
How do they count that many locusts?
That's fine, we accept gold and platinum
You're a fucking idiot. All those dirt eating niggers over there are about 60 pounds wet. I bet with a base ball bat I could personally kill a entire village of these "warriors"
I thought the world fed Africa and not the other way around
We are under lockdown, guess we can’t help! Oh well.
We do, dont let anyone tell you other wise. I've got friend who work on ships and ATBs and they are constantly running grain over to africa and bringing back NOTHING. They dont even pay for the shit either. US government cuts their checks
So what if based black men come here and fuck our women? Dont be such a racist.
There's been videos on YouTube since January when this started
Niggers eat mud. Locusts are a big upgrade.
>world's food supply in "critial" danger
You fucking moron. Africa doesn’t feed the world. Holy shit man.