Gee, Maybe Nationalism Is Kinda Retarded, Lads?

>Her blonde hair and fluent Polish[a] meant that she could easily pass as a gentile.[1] Most youth movement couriers were women, because Jewish men could be distinguished by their circumcision.

I've been arguing for years on this board and /his/ that literally all that really matters to people when it comes to ethnic groups is how you look and how you talk, historical events like this just continue to prove my point. Btw, the Nazis were reportedly stunned in general at how many blond and Nordic looking Slavs there were in the Polish lands they conquered. They literally could not believe the prevalence as Germans were so dark and swarthy and short in general compared to them.

Attached: naziincelsBTFO.jpg (800x1081, 131.93K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Germans didn't Hate Poles. Germans hated the Yiddish living there.

Attached: Goralenvolk.jpg (3500x2361, 1.86M)

>Many Polish Jews spoke Yiddish as their primary language, and their accent in Polish gave them away as Jews.

And yet, they couldn't even distinguish between a Yid and a Pole if the Yid spoke perfect Polish. Really makes you think

>Yid spoke perfect Polish
The Yidz couldn't speak Polish. They didn't want to learn. A Yid tried to invent a language, Esperanto, to address this issue. No self-respecting Pole wanted to abandon his language for this artificial and hollow creation. Yiddish do not want to integrate into a nation. They want to control it for themselves.

>What are DNA tests....

Attached: Wash your hands....jpg (402x755, 176.21K)

>The Yidz couldn't speak Polish.

Maybe, but this one could. And she fooled them all.

>No self-respecting Pole wanted to abandon his language for this artificial and hollow creation

As they shouldn't, for if they'd stopped speaking Polish they wouldn't be Poles anymore.

>Yiddish do not want to integrate into a nation. They want to control it for themselves.

Well, would be smarter for them to learn the language of that nation so they could fool that nation into thinking they were just regular members of that ethnic group.

And for how much of human history have DNA tests been fucking relevant you absolute mong? Does that honestly register as a legitimate point in your fucking pea sized brain?

>What are DNA tests

Which also show every single European ethnic group is mutted to shit.

>And she fooled them all.
Her name is Yiddish for "Old man". Nobody mistook her for Polish. The only reason Germany didn't execute everyone in Poland is because they wanted the Yiddish out, and the Polish to survive.

>Her name is Yiddish for "Old man".

What exactly do you think Yiddish is, mate?

>Nobody mistook her for Polish.

Yes, they literally did. Which is why she wasn't put in a concentration camp.

> The only reason Germany didn't execute everyone in Poland is because they wanted the Yiddish out, and the Polish to survive.

Yes, and as I clearly quoted, German authorities mistook her for a gentile due to her appearance and flawless Polish.

Burn in Hell, nigger lover.

>Germans wanted the Polish to survive

Holy fucking shit this board is retarded...

>In Deutschland und der Nächste Krieg (1911; Germany and the Next War), General von Bernhardi developed Friedrich Ratzel's Lebensraum concept as a racial struggle for living space; explicitly identified Eastern Europe as the source of a new, national habitat for the German people; and said that the next war would be expressly for acquiring Lebensraum—all in fulfillment of the "biological necessity" to protect German racial supremacy. That vanquishing the Slavic and the Latin races was necessary, because "without war, inferior or decaying races would easily choke the growth of healthy, budding elements" of the German race

The Nazis literally had detailed plans for the extermination of vast, vast percentages of the indigenous Eastern European population of the lands they settled. It had fuck all to do with Yids for the most part as they were a tiny percentage of the population in all those lands.

How fucking stupid and historically illiterate can you be. Honestly.

Jews are literally Caucasians.

Attached: main-qimg-37444fbf7980b8978bb849a3b6ad6aa0.jpg (602x424, 110.13K)

>Yiddish is, mate?
Poland didn't hate Yiddish because they were Jewish. Poland hated Yiddish because they were German.
>Yes, they literally did.
No Pole would confuse a Yid for Pole. Germans are a different story.
>Well, would be smarter for them to learn the language
They aren't smart enough to learn languages like Polish or Hungarian.

Attached: Germans.png (1295x468, 32.79K)

Can any Polefags and Polanboos explain the difference between polacy wyznania mojzeszowego and regular Jews?

Attached: Knights in Grey.jpg (3500x2400, 830.16K)

Just continuing this, here was their actual plan, in detail:

>The Generalplan Ost (German pronunciation: [ɡenəˈʁaːlˌplaːn ˈɔst]; English: Master Plan for the East), abbreviated GPO, was the Nazi German government's plan for the genocide[1] and ethnic cleansing on a vast scale, and colonization of Central and Eastern Europe by Germans.
>It was to be undertaken in territories occupied by Germany during World War II. The plan was attempted during the war, resulting indirectly and directly in millions of deaths of ethnic Slavs by starvation, disease, or extermination through labor.

Attached: ostlands.png (510x326, 14.08K)

Jews will never be white.

I dont even need to finish that paragraph to know that the girl in the pic is a kike. Her face screams it. They dont blend in as well as they think.

All this proves is that Americans were circumcised to make finding the jews in the fourth Reich more difficult.

>polacy wyznania mojzeszoweg
No such thing t. polak
Being a kike and being polish is mutually exclusive.

Niemy means "mute" you pretentious retard.

She wasnt put in a concentration camp cause she sucked a German guard off. Jewesses are notorious cocksuckers.

>They dont blend in as well as they think.

Clearly they do.

>I dont even need to finish that paragraph to know that the girl in the pic is a kike.

Except that you did.

>Her face screams it.

It really doesn't.


Nose check.

>Except that you did.
Lol I didnt

>It really doesnt
Maybe it doesnt to you but I could tell she is a kike by her eyebrows and facial features. Ffs she looks like Anne frank. My jewdar is sharp kike. I will teach the others.

Attached: anne-frank-tichting-amsterdam-website-anne-frank-stichting-amsterdam-public-domain-via-wikimedia-commons-croppedjpg.jpg (1200x762, 134.15K)

as soon as i saw the pic i knew it was gonna be about a few kikes

OP is confirmed Jew. The judgment of Gehenna awaits, you invertebrate miscreant

>Lol I didnt

You did though.

>Maybe it doesnt to you but I could tell she is a kike by her eyebrows and facial features.

No, you could tell she was a kike because you read she was a kike. Where do you think pic related is from? Don't cheat.

>she looks like Anne Frank

She literally looks nothing like her. You're legitimately retarded.

Attached: joachimmeyer.png (390x494, 286.72K)

Is this a Jew, user? Don't cheat.

Probably Portugal. Meyer is a common kike surname, kike.

Forgot pic.

Attached: JasonCohen.jpg (800x1200, 219.13K)