"living wage"? "benefits"? get a real job commie faggot

>"living wage"? "benefits"? get a real job commie faggot

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The problem with mandating higher wages for retard-tier jobs that a shitskin could do is it will cause nobody to want to work in trades or skilled labor. Why spend years busting ass to learn something difficult when you can go stock shelves at Walmart and get paid the same?

Because stocking shelves at Walmart sucks ass and there's no opportunity to advance to something better. I'd 100% rather do entry level trade work than work with the general public.

there are limited positions for trades and skilled labor

Social Status. I worked at a factory and I was making 50k. Many of the office people made less than the people in the factory but still looked at us like dogs

Yes, stocking shelves at Walmart is meant to be a teenager's first job or a retired person's way of earning extra scratch. It was never meant to sustain an entire family.


unskilled drone

Who the fuck told you that? You know most of the stocking is done overnight, right? Laws prohibit teenagers from working from 10 pm to 9 am, and while retirees can (and do) do it, it's pretty fucking brutal to expect it of them.

HAHAHA grab those bootstraps boomer, "b-b-but my niggerinos" is no longer a viable excuse

No, I mean seriously, 90% of the freight that's on the shelves was put there by the overnight team. There aren't enough retirees willing, able, and desperate enough to keep the shelves stocked. You think your grandma wants to mandhandle those 60lb bags of dog food in Pets for "extra scratch"? Similarly, there are not enough 18 year old teens who want to work that horrible job for college money and who have no better prospects, and 16-17 year old are legally prohibited from doing it.

Without adults to stock the shelves at Walmart, Walmart fails. Simple as.

Replace the word "teenager" with "young adult" if it helps. If it's a minimum wage job then it's not meant to be a permanent career.

not the point nigger

what is the reason minimum wage was created?

If the topic is "living wage" then it is the point

I drive trucks and I make 120k yearly

To end sweatshop labor

retarded boomer strawman

What's the strawman?

define sweatshop labor

i cannot wait for you old faggots to die so you can stop selling out this country

Sweetshop labor is work that takes place in a candy store
How about you make your point, socrates? It better be stronger than "minimum wage was introduced for a reason!" Every law that ever passed happened for a reason.

Why do you feel that some jobs should and shouldnt hold more weight? Why should working at a grocery store be viewed differently than anywhere else? I've never understood this retarded ass way of thinking.

Kikes like you shipped all our jobs overseas and deflated American wages in favor my ebic (((stockerinos))), so that's not the case anymore. Believe it or not, we now live a service economy where 68% of workers live paycheck to paycheck. You're living in 1958.

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Everyone would go for those low level jobs and there'd be more competition, making them become high level jobs.

The free market works better when people are put first.

>Replace the word "teenager" with "young adult" if it helps
It really doesn't. There are not enough "young adults" in America willing to keep vampire's hours so the shelves of all 4756 Walmarts stay stocked, not when they have any better prospects, like working in a call center or becoming an exterminator, or doing nearly anything else,really. I cannot emphasize enough what a shitty job it is. I have nightmares sometimes, where I'm still working there, and I get assigned to work aisle 14, Canned Goods.

Regardless, I say to you again, if Walmart cannot hie adults to stock the shelves overnight, Walmart cannot exist as it currently operates.
>If it's a minimum wage job then it's not meant to be a permanent career.
Who are you to dictate that? You see, this attitude right here, this is why all the services you get are shitty. You pay people shit wages and they don't approach their job like a career, so your burger gets made wrong, and the candles in the Furniture section are all fucked up and out of order on the shelves, and the cashier at the CVS tells you a brand of pain reliever must be out of stock because she doesn't know where to look for it, and everyday life keeps degenerating and getting shittier. And you wonder why everyone seems to be incompetent. It's because nowhere fucking pays enough to incentivize competence!

the reason that one passed was because people were working full time jobs and not making enough money to afford to live

Oh, minimum wage was introduced for a reason? I guess it can't be a bad thing if it happened for a reason.
BTW I have zero problem with states passing minimum wage, it's federal minimum wage that's the issue.


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>There are not enough "young adults" in America willing to keep vampire's hours so the shelves of all 4756 Walmarts stay stocke
>if Walmart cannot hie adults to stock the shelves overnight, Walmart cannot exist as it currently operates
>Walmart currently exists as it currently operates
These three things can not all be true

It's the way of thinking conducive to maximizing (((profit))). The greatest victory of the Jew in America was convincing most of us that getting shafted by the (((rich))) is in our best interest, and that everyone less fortunate than us is just lazy or inferior. Divide and conquer, and laugh all the way to the bank.

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No tendies for you tonight faggot.

Stocking shelves is one of the most difficult jobs I've done.

There was times where it was 3 people stocking an entire store overnight, that includes the frozen and dairy department, organizing the backroom, and faceing the shelves.

We started at 11 and sometimes got rushed through our breaks and once I was literally told to run because we were in that big of a hurry.

On my first day the company made us watch an anti union propaganda video telling us that collective bargaining really doesn't work and it hurts the worker more than it helps.

I was 18 and making $9.00 per hour in 2016

Yup. that was where i was going to go with it when someone responded. glad people get it.

bernie sanders dropped out.
socialists btfo, your commie god will never be president

This is a good point because minimum wage should reflect cost of living, which varies wildly across the U.S. A living wage in Missouri is not a living wage in California. The problem is that state governments are owned by corporate kikes and we can't trust them to do anything out of the goodness of their hearts. A mandatory but variable federal minimum wage based on average cost of living that gets updated every five to ten years is probably the move.

he's saying Walmart cannot have its current system only employing young adults/college students, so clearly they are employing old and middle age people to work low wage stockboy jobs.

>states passing minimum wage, it's federal minimum wage
I could agree with this since cost of living and human resources vary greatly around the country.
But because someone has other forms of support; ie a student has housing because he lives with parents or a senior collecting ss; that they should get paid less than minimum.

Federal government is also owned by corporate kikes, in fact way more so. Some states should be allowed to have no minimum wage at all IMO, so we can compare the economies of states with varying degree of minima and draw conclusions. States as laboratories of democracy and whatnot

>Why yes I support (((free trade))) and shipping all our manufacturing jobs to the communist regime of China.

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I didn't say it wasn't difficult work. It's unskilled work. Would you agree with that?

Let’s be fucking real here. There is no young adult who stocks shelves and is doing something better. If you were wanted, you would have gotten into college at 18 with a full ride (or rich parents). And when you graduate late with a low GPA because you needed to work, you wont get hired for “the dream job” because in HR’s eyes you “arent a good fit”. They’d rather hire Trust Fund Baby with a 4.0 GPA from YardDale who quits after 6 months than 2.5 GPA guy who put himself through school who needs to work. Nobody is “putting themselves through college”, the jobs pay so low that they can’t even sustain a NEET’s existence of fap, tendies, and vidya in dank studio apartment in the hood much less afford rent plus a good college program.

Can you imagine the bureaucratic nightmare that enforcing that would be? Employers would need to know whether you live with your parents to determine your pay scale. How would they verify? You're overcomplicating it by trying to maximize fairness.

Unfortunately, every opportunistic federal power grab becomes permanent via "precedent", so state's rights have been dead for a long, long time.

Exactly. If McDonald's paid $15 an hour but fired anyone who was a lazy and incompetent, you'd never get an order made wrong in your life. At the McDonald's I worked at, there were exactly three competent employees on staff; me, a little old Indian women who'd been there for like 17 years, and this one white girl who was so pretty and wholesome-looking you'd never in your life guess she was a Juggalo. If they got rid of the dumbasses and paid enough to staff the restaurant entirely with people of our caliber, every customer would have gotten their order in 2 minutes and it would always be perfect.
I know that feel. I once worked 19 pallets of freight in Pets, by myself, in six hours. Turns out my manager didn't actually expect me to finish them all, he just thought I'd make the biggest dent in it. He walked back to double check that I hadn't stashed a couple pallets away in Outdoors rather than work them.

That's not irreversible.

So's phosphate mining, but that shit actually pays good money. If you can get into it.

In-N-Out burger rules. They pay everyone well for what it is. Excellent service every time I go. McDonalds and Taco Smell makes me want to eat a gun how depressing it is.

We'll make a special exception for you retard. Don't work, stay at home and be a leech. Never contribute anything of value and die irrelevant. Just don't bitch about how no one wants to fuck you or be around you at all because you are a worthless nobody.

In N Out is owned by Christians who care about their fellow man and are inclined to remember that their employees are human beings. We all know (((who)))'s at the top rungs of most fast food brands, though.

This is ther truth nobody wants to hear. 99% of the time you have to work your ass off to make decent money. Find what you love to do and put in the blood sweat and tears to make it profitable. The richest man in the world sold used books out of his garage 20 years ago and look at him now.

>It was never meant to sustain an entire family.

This is such a tired "argument." Whatever was "meant" by the job originally is no longer the case. Non-teenagers now have to work those jobs due to extenuating circumstances -- not at all helped by the ballooning labor market.