Is European culture the most superior in the world? I don't think any continent can compete with us, even chinese...

Is European culture the most superior in the world? I don't think any continent can compete with us, even chinese, they might be one of the oldest country in the world, but they simply can't compete with european architecture and traditions.
Also this is a architecture thread aswell, dump all of your european architectural treasures

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no one can compete with the aesthetics of european architecture at all
it's too beautiful
what meme culture could even hope to compete?

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trash can't even comprehend real aesthetics

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we are too superior for this world, other non-euro cultures must think we're alien or something lol

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Amazingly still standing in Toronto

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to be fair there are olden indian buildings that have a beauty of their own but not quite what europe did in all those years

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yea, still doesnt compare, 1% of india looks like that while most of europe looks like pic related

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>yurofag culture is old rocks and dirt
the reason why yurop has no future

or this, small details on every building

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you didnt build any of this, stop taking credit

literally yes and everybody knows it.

the whole world knows our language, most of it uses the latin alphabet, and almost all of them wear western clothing. they wear western suits, watches, belts, and carry wallets. they use our technology. they read about our people in school textbooks.

christianity? the biggest religion in the world thanks to us. the whole world names their months the names we came up with. they go to work monday through friday. they watch us on the news and we don't even think about them.

it requires a serious conscious effort to understand just how pervasive european culture is today

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our ancestors built them, and we must perserve them

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How will whitey ever recover?

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also how pathetic are the people of color that hate us, dont they realise they're in a whites mans world?

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ya so stop letting faggots burn them down, cough notre dame

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whitey btfo

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Based thread
-Scuola Grande di San Marco

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and (((they))) want to replace that with glass and concrete blocks

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I don’t think that Jewish people are to blame why architecture sucks these days.

(((they))) destroyed most of eastern europe building commie blocks atrocities
luckly western europe was untouched

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Comfy. Rest are poop

>t. salty nigger that only build mud huts
stay mad faggot our past and culture is what we inherit and makes it our by birth right so go fuck yourself you filthy nigger and build your hut of cow shit and dirt like you ought to do
that's true, i was recently in hamburg and it's fucking beautiful all the details on the old buildings and the craft itself it's really imposing

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>0IQ post

they are, thank to communism, also not your average jew but those with enough power to destroy beautiful european cities

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No they aren’t and Stockholm which almost has no Jewish people tore down a super pretty part of the city to replace it with ugly modern buildings.

nice, will visit too someday, once this virus shit is over

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it's quite literally jews
>keep things simple
>keep things cheap
>keep things fast to build
it's the lack of individuality and the lack of culture you see on every "modern" building nowadays filthy jews want you to forget your culture and forget the beauty that lies in it

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WE HAVE TO GO BACK TO AESTHETICS ! Architecture, art (music), fashion, literature it's our only hope in fact it can have more success than any of the redpills posted here trough time. AESTHETICS sends a positive message even to an uneducated low iq's a very small form of dopamine rush...more than finding blame and pointing fingers at the enemy (i know there lies the truth but it's exhausting in time)