/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3130

► Detected: 1,763,577 (+64,742) ► Died: 107,779 (+5,095) ► Day: 93 (-06:58:54)

— 4.7 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 5.8x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 62 vaccines and 244 treatments announced —
— 3,251 strains have been sequenced —


91 fully "recovered" cases test positive again in South Korea

Evidence of ADE has surfaced, according to Nature article

Dutch deaths up to 2 times higher than reported, official data

Coronavirus spike already visible in Dutch mortality rates

Spike in deaths in NY already visible in mortality rates

Virus doesn't show up on throat samples

Korean CDC suspects reactivation is a reality

South Korea leading expert recommends wearing masks

Texan tests negative twice, then positive

Virus thrives in lower respiratory tract, causes pneumonia

China biowarfare program might have gone wrong

Nationwide shortages of reagents for testing in the US

Pandemic to last 18 months and include multiple waves

CDC declares outbreak endemic, says tests too risky

Fed injects $1.5 trillion, fails to stop historic crash

18:31: 334 new cases and 7 new deaths in Rhode Island
18:31: 96 new cases in Nevada
18:30: 134 new cases and 2 new deaths in Alabama
18:28: 38 new cases and 9 new deaths in Missouri
18:22: 281 new cases and 11 new deaths in Arizona
18:15: 568 new cases and 9 new deaths in Virginia


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>Those who have deceased: 107,779
I am laughing at this post because the number of deceased is not of anyone's expectations, being: 107,779
How much time has passed that the number of deceased havent increased from 107,779?
Four days? Five days?

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So China has
>survived the pandemic with far less deaths than any western superpower
>helped hundreds of other countries despite suffering greatly themselves... very selfless act!
>restarted it's economy and is up and roaring carrying the world
>still managed to resist western changes to corrupt itself and continue with the old way and new ways of modern Chinese Life
>lastly and greatly, blew the fuck out of racists on Yas Forums

Dam, where can I sign up for a Chinese-inspired government here?

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inb4 that chink keeps spamming CCP propaganda and fancams

You pathetic bootlicking retards never fail to make me laugh with your “cvg” threads and your exaggerated statistics that don’t hold up to any scientific standards stay in fear lmao


Americans are butthurt.
>develop SARS2 virus in America
>unleash it in Wuhan to try and destroy China
>China rapidly takes draconian measures and btfos the virus swiftly
>dumb mutts didn't expect the virus to reach the west
>it does and massively infects Europe+burgerland
>Zion Don trying to do damage control by calling it the Chinese virus
>can pinpoint the exact date when president Xi called him and told him to shut the fuck up, telling him they have evidence the virus was made and deployed by the jewSA
>suddenly doesn't call it the Chinese virus anymore and deflects all questions about why he doesn't
>China on its way to reinvigorate itself while mutts are too dumb for social distancing and too greedy to open up the economy early
>meanwhile the American healthcare system gets exposed for the thirdworld shithole tier it is

Americans got their ass ravaged by their own virus. Let's call it what it truly is from now on:
The American virus.

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Chinks lied.
People died.

I have been wondering lately, do you think more cases are showing up for adults because kids aren't being tested? I think people are underestimating the asymptomatic carriers of kids.

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Checked and kek'd

china wanted to initiate the beginning of a fake virus and abduct people and lock down a city and now it moves to america and theyre fine now and now america is going into a new world order similar to china

i mean to me that seems pretty suspect in of itself

just because Yas Forums and /cvg/ knew about this even a few months before the mainstream media doesnt mean its not fake

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Lmao that was fast

At least this is some form of good news.

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At least we know we're right

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Here, bros. I sang a song for you, enjoy.

Lmao, you still have per capita Luigi.

Daily reminder
its spiking in the food processing plants.

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30k deaths MAXIMUM. The logarithmic curve has already collapsed. PROOF ATTACHED. Flu will kill more people this year in the United States.

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You guys think we are partially to blame for this because we’ve been messing with memes magic since 2016.?

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You're not gary, piss off

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Ah, fuck.

>waiting to find out if I'm an essential employee during a massive furlough
Gonna get crushed by stress at some point.

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Was bored and made a little corona compilation, enjoy Anons:


Lain doesn't need a suit, she's in the wired.


Don't reply to chink copypasta.
Do not engage chink shills.
Nothingburgers get put against the wall and shot with lysol.

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The mods should really do something about the spam, not the opposing opinion posts but the literal copy paste spam. Each thread starts with immediate spam. Otherwise just move us to [r9k].

We new the NWO was going to surface someday. It was nice having a little freedom while it lasted.

Take your meds

It took almost 100 days to hit 100k deaths
thats 1k deaths a day, less than water born disease deaths, less than heart disease, less than cancer, i could go on and on. Mods need to shut this thread down as it's just fear mongering and spreading false information by the truck loads

>Summon frogs

Does anyone have or know just how much time we've got before the 2nd window of opportunity closes? Also I'm not a negro and I don't care if you call me a negro

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what happens when the measures are lifted?

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