This is why ted cuckzynski failed
This is why ted cuckzynski failed
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what happened to the generals?
>memeflags shilling against Ted
He scares you, huh?
>Dude trust me
He failed because he practiced accelerationism, retard tier accelerationism at that. If he wrote books & started a blog when the internet blew up he'd have accomplished so much more. But I forgive him on grounds of insanity.
he was varg tier in what he advocated
meh he tried.
That's Linkola and nobody even knows who he is bar a few larpers
The only motive he had to do those horrible things he did was to get his message out there. nobody would know anything about this guy without those hits his message would have been swept under the rug
Do any californianons know anything about that
Big Black Cloud
that was last seen rising over
Bur Bank California
Asking for a fren...
box goes boom hahahaha
That's exactly what he said dumbass
where is it, i too am searching for it
He was a McKenna wannabe which is why they talk the same even though Ted has a completely different voice in his college year interviews. Ivy League faggot desu.
Kike detected
If you read literally any of Ted’s work you’d know he was against every single thing you just thought in your NPC head and typed.
You’d also know he was the youngest professor at Berkeley, won multiple awards for his work, went to Harvard at 15 and was experimented on for over 90 days in Murray’s actual MKUltra experiment which panicked Ted when the police raided it and shut it down he threw his entire life away and ran to the woods. Mind control through social media via the Internet 10 years before it was a thing is literally the treatise of his most famous book.
He would accomplish much more if he actually paid attention to metaphysics
dude where are the threads?
Really was right about everything.
I'm not the thread master
No no no. Teddy believed in many things. His mission was accomplished.
where is the kraut
Ted was a bluepilled liberal through and through. The epitome of the american insanity. Freedom or death! But then discovers that every advancement in technology leads to less freedom and more centralized control.
The problem is not technology, the problem is who is in control.
For Libertarians there is always a political power vacuum as hierarchies are naturally created and the individuals lose to organized groups.
For Ted and his flavour of anti-tech anarchism its a tech-vacuum as new tech is naturally developed and people with new tech will beat those without it.
Ted should have read some fascist / national socialist philosophers.
Hello indianon. Wil bake the bread under just one condition: that you don't respond to memeflags, and you cut the bullshit glorification of violence.
Say 'yes', and you get the thread. Fuck that sneaky 1-post-by-this-ID kraut.
I believe in nothing =/= I don't believe in anything
because this would totally made a difference, right?
No. He failed because he got stiffed by his own defense lawyers that entered an insanity plea.
He isn't even a nihilist. He supports ambition and says that correlates with power.
Damn imagine being this handsome and smart.
No wonder Poland is a shit hole. Their best genes left their country for the Jewnited States a long time ago. Sad!
>sees the word belief
he must be talking about the christianity from the middle of the east
Stay mad Ahmed.
What are you trying to say, b&h...?
Why is everyone being so gay and sneaky all of a sudden...?
i would avoid such things, but i do like picking up baits sometimes
>But I forgive him on grounds of insanity.
he did want to chop is acorn off and become a purdy lady