USA now has the most dead from coronavirus out of any country in the world

>USA now has the most dead from coronavirus out of any country in the world

Why are they dying so much? Is it because they’re fat? They weren’t even one of the first countries to start getting infected

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Deaths per capita is what matters, plus China numbers are fake.

Fat. Dumb. Shit healthcare. Absolute retard in charge. Mayo. Cheese. Fat.


Italy was ahead of us in absolute numbers for a while. That country's the size of like fuckin California.

sort by deaths per capita


Why have the european leaders been completely free of criticism while the internet is in full-on anti trump propaganda mode. Just look at the death rates in europe, they are completely fucked.

>believing china numbers
When will you fucking learn

>per capita

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Pretty much this. Canadians aren't that much better physically but at least our universal healthcare is keeping deaths low for now.

Wow, the COVID might even surpass the 2018 flu death totals of 80K!

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Chinese feel pity for American, Americans are so so dumb, can't believe it

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>20,000 deaths
>90% of the dead are over 70 years old
How is this different than the flu again

Evil starts in usa. Dies in usa.

they also started their pandemic one month erlier than you

>big country
>no change of behavior (niggers etc)

>Looks like American people are easy to fool
He's not wrong

Wow China stop virus quick and American wonder why China number 1 haha

But you are under reporting deaths you bat eating faggot

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Their population is significantly higher than that of any european country

Why are Mexicans so dumb?

Spain and Italy are but mere states in the United States. As the center of the world, it’s a miracle we don’t have many more. The early travel ban is the only thing that saved us.

Ok Chang

It already has

Why contain it?

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US numbers are inflated. Most of them are actually dying from seeing hospital bill.

No. No it hasn't.

americans dont wash their hands

Already been said but,
>America is bigger its like europe not a single european country
>china lied about their number of dead.
Think about it they had their first cases in november and didnt start locking shit down till end of january - start of feb thats 2 months of build up while they pretended nothing was happening.

When will this american virus end already?

Yes, it has. This is also before taking into account the critical lack of testing and oversights, as well as China almost surely falsifying it's numbers. I won't be surprised at all if we hit 200 000 thanks to dumb americans and Easter Sunday.

>Is it because they're fat

Yes very much so, diabetes is a strong risk factor for mortality. With this said they also have the largest private healthcare system in the entire planet. As it turns out, private services are pretty bad at scalability, who could have guessed!