Do you think we’ll all be shitposting on Yas Forums when we’re in our sixties and seventies...

Do you think we’ll all be shitposting on Yas Forums when we’re in our sixties and seventies? I started browsing Yas Forums when I was 19, primarily as a /sp/artan and a Yas Forumstard. Then I did a stint on /new/ before moot shoah’d it. Now I’ve spent probably another five years as a dyed-in-the-wool Yas Forumsack.

I always thought I’d outgrow Yas Forums, but I’m 31 now and can’t imagine ever not wasting my days browsing this site. Are we truly here forever (or at least until the government shuts us down)?

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I'm 51 and I still shitpost for fun

You’re here forever.

I’m 71 and I’m here for fun

Yas Forums will likely be banned long before then.

Everybody on Yas Forums isn't destined to be losers, and it's quite possible to browse Yas Forums and be successful.

But leaving Yas Forums? That's quite difficult.

I'm a vampire and I shitpost here since antiquity for fun

I'm only stuck on here but there's nothing else, shitposting is just a symptom of boredom

i hope i don't live past 40

I have left a couple times, but have always found my way back within a year or so.
I guess now that I think about it, that doesn't really count as "leaving" does it?
I just can't find anywhere that keeps me like Yas Forums does.

You can leave Yas Forums once you find better options. You rarely will.

almost the same story here user. we're the same age too. I think it's nice that this site has always been here for me.

I never met any of you but I've known this weird community since 2005 and I don't ever see myself leaving.

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I’m a follower of Christ who was there at the last supper and I post here for fun


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hopefully you kill urself before then

I think this is just a place where we can say whatever the fuck we want.
This world is changing now more then ever and there is definitely a group of people who don’t like these changes.
We can’t say it out loud though, because we’d be considered racists, or fascists.

Join the NWO Brother

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You'll be blackmailed with all the nigger hate threads you made in your time here. Mark my words. It's all being tracked.

This place is usually pretty fucking gay, I think you have some homosexual in you or are a nigger lover

Mutts law. Every time.

We Gen X fags are the first online generation and have been shitposting since before there was a World Wide Web, and we're still here there and everywhere in our 40/50s. We'll still be around in our 60s and 70s and you will be, too.

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i don't think only miserable people come here
granted, i'm not too satisfied with my current life, but even when i did really well for my age, i didn't stop coming

shut up boomer

>11 years
get out permanewfag.

Jokes on you, I’m off’ing myself before 35

Nigger you probably jumped on the site in 2018

Same. I'm 37 now and wish i hadn't lived past 30

Baby boomers are our parents, you fucking retard. Gen X comes after that, but I understand all you dumbass kiddies these days think everyone over 25 is a "boomer." Now shut the fuck up and lurk another 10 years, infant.

Same. I'm 77 now and wish i hadn't lived past 40


been here since 04. I hate you and everyone that came here and ruined the site. kill yourself. die. I hate you so much. I wish pure hatred could kill someone over the internet.

When you can become a global pariah in 5 minutes it really makes places like this the only alternative.

If we ever hope to push our ideologies in the real world we'd have to stop caring what the world thinks, but then the lefties with no jobs find who they need to dedicate their autism to tormenting

been on Yas Forums since i was 13. 24 now. it's getting kind of old desu. i hate this board and everyone on it but i'm still hardwired to consider this entertainment

I am 69


I am 106 and what is this

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reggin ereh netsil uoy woN

ive met a few around over the years, it;'s not terribly uncommon
