96% of Corona deaths in Sweden are niggers

Same as USA.
Why only niggers die from Corona Chan?

Attached: swede.jpg (251x201, 7.13K)

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Because 96% of population are niggers

based fpbp

pack animals.

Whom the Gods love dies young

Henoglobin in there blood is lower. I forget the specifics but it's the same reason they get sickle cell. Basically its cause they're niggers

its because when wypipo are been lazy and not working us niggas out hustling doin our jobs.

You'd have to ask Bill Gates that.

He predicts that Africa will reach major pandemic level soon enough.

Attached: death.jpg (799x400, 34.13K)

Don't look a gift horse in the mouth faggot. Just be thankful.

Nice source newfag

God sure loved Ebba Åkerlund.

they don't follow rules and simple instructions
"the man" tells them to do something and they do the opposite
fuck 'em. fuck 'em all.

Because they are inferior creatures.
heh, nothing personal, Negroids
that's just natural selection

This, whitey more content in own company


Hustlin an pimp sheet be bad fo ouwuh hellf nigguh

does this mean that corona is a bbc slut

They were offended that the nigger surgeon general told niggers not to smoke, drink, drug, to help them survive. Never gonna make it because too many are too dumb and fat.

What’s the age of negroes dying?

In my experience the really old ones aren’t as bad, it’s a shame if they are dying and not the young ones


In Africa they didn't even believe ebola was what they were told. How do you expect blacks in the U.S. and sweden to understand something that you're infectious before symptoms and your symptoms may be a dry cough for a month, but for some other people they may die? They would need to see people all around them throwing up blood to quarantine voluntarily.

look, it is a gift horse man. we can also hope for abortions being up by a couple percentage points and it'll be anudda shoah. god these jew pets are crime ridden animals

I've been noticing this as well, most of the deaths are Africans and Asians. No one is talking about it.

I don't live in Sweden, but my country's niggers don't wear PPE, none of them. Its like they don't know what a virus is, or don't care.

How can they tell which among them are women? Could that be the reason for the smell?

>sickle cell.
sickle cell isn't because they're African, its because they're mixed race. Mixed race people have crazy amount of health issues that no one openly talks about.


A lot of young ones are dying as well.

>96% of Corona deaths in Sweden are niggers


Huge deficiency in vitamin D and zinc.

Who cares?

Attached: CC1D3DFF-747F-4370-A097-3B4A0381D78E.jpg (400x300, 33.74K)

It had to be done.

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dis bill gates nigga out hea finna killin us niggas

niggers also preemptively take antibiotics like theyre vitamins, so their immune systems are lazy and shitty

They probably have diseases that makes them more vulnerable such as tuberculosis, sickle-cell disease and HIV, Hepatitis etc.

Vitamin D deficiency


Then why do we only have 24 deaths, little man?

Wtf? I love China now.