Are white people descendents of Elves?

If so, then where did niggers, spics, chinks, gooks, & semites come from?

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archaic admixture

only the bongs

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Orcs and goblins bro

One does not simply walk into the FED. Its black gates are guarded by more than just mutts. There is (((evil))) there that does not sleep. And the great IRS is ever-watchful. It is a barren wasteland, riddled with fire and cash and dust.

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Yes. Nonwhites are the degenerated descendants of orcs, they were never men

From hobbits

Whites have the most neanderthal DNA.

Were neanderthals elves?

I think we're the hobbits, elves and men were giants. The cataclysm drove the elves off planet, men resorted to eating hobbits, orcs and goblins until they fought back and drove the giant men to extinction, dwarfs are neanderthal jews. We're the bastard offspring of dwarfs and elves left behind

Whites are descents of Cro-Magnons not neanderthals, burger

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Whites are descendants of cro-magnons.
Jews/Semites are descendants of the neanderthals

The Rothschild that posted on Yas Forums once said tht there were two groups- one perfectly good, the other perfectly evil. One tried to wipe out the other, the other split into 3. The sons of God were not angels, they raped.

I believe the Neanderthal race evolved into modern humans with Rh negative blood. The rest were raped by ayylmaos and resulted in cro magnons. The cro magnons wiped out most of the neanderthals but the neanderthals split into 3- ie Noah and Japeth seth etc.

Ao there is only two races- Neanderthal rh negative Jews, and everyone else (monkey human alien rape babies)

Checked for the numbers of Man
Here's the deal, the elf thing with the ears, it's just another way to show that there is a supernatural countenance to what were once known as the Albi.
>England was once known as Albion, land of the elves
The most important thing to know is that this is just another word, a signifies of the blood of the Davidic line. The holy blood, the key to the holy grail.
The story we're told about the Albigensian Crusade is a cover story for the Infected Catholic Church systematically wiping out all of the Albi. Of course, as events dictate, they likely missed a few. I'll find sources and put in another post, but I had to type this quickly before the thread 404s.

We finns are the elves.

18th dynasty Egyptians look nothing like white, blacks or mediterranean people. They look Oriental as fuck. King Tut, his dad, his mother and relatives look like your average gook... google 18th dynasty Egypt and look at their faces.

Does this site just constantly mine my google searches then create automated threads about them?

Does this site mine my google searches and create automated threads about them?

Reality is stranger than fiction fren
(this one is particularly enlightening)
Bear in mind this is suppressed information, as such, vivid and empirical proof will not be readily available. Believe whatever at your own discretion.

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I’m 100% European. Had been genes analyzed and I have more Neanderthal dna than 98% of people analyzed. I have zero Jewish. Almost entirely Northern European.

If 8cuck /christian/ is to be believed, white people WUZ DA REAL JEWS

So you really sayin dat?

Reminder that the thalmor are basically the kikes

All the races of middle earth are englishmen. Elves are the nobility. The dying of the elves is supposed to represent the dying of nobility in Europe. Remember that Tolkein was an oxford professor who was writing these books as an attempt to give England a mythology, since he felt the English oral history was destroyed by the Norman invasion.

The only race that might genuinely be foreigners are the orcs

>what is conflation?
I bet you believe arabs and Osama were behind 911. Ever wondered to yourself, does Todd Howard look like a guy who gives orders, or takes them?

we unironically was

Read Lanz von Liebenfels Theozoologie.

Osama was probably a Mossad asset.

Whites have been around for a while. They have key advantages genetically when they are not poisoning themselves. Caffeine castrates for most white guys.

Not far off the mark. Allegations say he was a CIAop. However, we know who runs that outfit. Also notice in my first post how I referenced the Davidic bloodline. This is the alleged bloodline of Jesus Christ.
>This is the most telling thing of all, because real Jews (as we know them today) definitively do NOT like Jesus.

throw it in, amerimutt

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Robert Sepher on youtube has a video on youtube about this called the serpent seed or dragon line.
