Thoughts about racemixing?

thoughts about racemixing?

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Fucking disgusting. Women who partake in it get the bullet as do their disgusting mut children. In minecraft of course.
>Mixed-race adolescents showed higher risk when compared with single-race adolescents on general health questions, school experience, smoking and drinking, and other risk variables.

>Adolescents who self-identify as more than 1 race are at higher health and behavior risks. The findings are compatible with interpreting the elevated risk of mixed race as associated with stress.
>The analysis included approximately 1.6 million live births and 1749 stillbirths. In the unadjusted model, compared with two white parents, black/black and black/white couples had a significantly higher risk of fetal death. When all demographic, social, biological, genetic, congenital, and procedural risk factors except gestational age and birth weight were included, the odds ratios (OR) were all still significant. Black/black couples had the highest level of risk (OR 2.11, CI 1.77-2.51), followed by black mother/white father couples. Virtually all of the higher risk of fetal death was explainable by higher rates of low birth weight and prematurity.

>Mixed race black and white couples face higher odds of prematurity and low birth weight, which appear to contribute to the substantially higher demonstrated risk for stillbirth. There are likely additional unmeasured factors that influence birth outcomes for mixed race couples.
>Biracial Asian Americans are twice as likely as monoracial Asian Americans to have been diagnosed with a psychological disorder.
The risk for some pregnancy complications may be greater when one partner is white and the other Asian, researchers found.

>thoughts about racemixing?
Lurk for one single fucking day before asking that question. Jesus fucking christ OP why are you such a faggot?

Theres nothing wrong with it u racist dickheads

(((He))) knows the response. (((He))) just needed a reason to post that image.

Men lower in the food chain have no business socializing with upper caste women. Only white men have the right to claim foreign concubines.

>"Superior men should fuck genetically inferior women."
>"Race mixing is good if white guys do it"

racemixing is bad for everyone

its disgusting, look at that future little criminal right there.


the saddest part is that the mom accused the daughter and not the man.

Surely two consenting adults can choose who they want to fuck / raise a family with or would Yas Forums just prefer the government to regulate sex and be the arbiter of who you can and can't fuck?

You brits are just about as bad as leafs

Shit like this just makes me sad. She's cute, and the kid isn't at fault for being born. But it's her own fucking fault and she's completely screwed herself and her offspring because she had to fuck around with a nigger.

I love it when worthless whores post pictures of their mixed kids on their dating profiles. It's a clear warning for 100+ IQ people to stay the fuck away from that rotten pussy and her nigglets.

>wants people to take his thoughts on race seriously
Choose one

Why did you make this thread? You better have a good reason or I will post it.

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You probably go looking for the white slag with black kids hoping to "raise a family" with them. LMAO

It's fine. Stop being a bigot.
Women just need to pick better men and society needs to drop many of the safety nets for thot decisions.

She could marry any decent looking guy. WTF is wrong with your wimmens?

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Mix all you want. You, your people, family and friends will not be allowed on my compound when shit hits the fan, and if I buy up an entire province you’ll be forced by my personal army to be sterilized or executed when you step out of line.

Not anymore

A century and a half of Jewish subversion, brainwashing, and daddy issues. Also she's a tiny minority, the vast majority of white women (in fact more than any other race of women in the US) have a strong in-group racial preference. Shit like this is trolling or a psyop to demoralize white men, same as the "muh dick" bullshit.

its just the natural consequence of the sexual revolution. Women are getting blacked en masse like god has intended.

total jew poison. all white women who breed with niggers should be exterminated.

I understand, you can fight nature only up to a point. But went wrong here? Poverty or social disconnect? I mean white people too have families and tribes right?

Here we have concerted jihad on Hindu women. Muslims try and trap Hindu girls and convert them to islam, some even fucking joined ISIS. I see the same parallels in OP's pic.

>upper caste women
>Implying women ever had inherent value which could be assigned in different categories

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A Christcuck tradition that 8gag /christian/ wants Yas Forums to support.

Are you fucking retarded faggot

It's over

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IF it's a stable marriage, leave 'em be.
Otherwise, shame the fools like any idiots contributing to the single mom problem.

>I understand, you can fight nature only up to a point.

It's not natural.

>But went wrong here?


>Poverty or social disconnect?

Social disconnect from Jews and modern society (also Jews)

>I mean white people too have families and tribes right?

We did, then the Jews happened

>Here we have concerted jihad on Hindu women. Muslims try and trap Hindu girls and convert them to islam, some even fucking joined ISIS. I see the same parallels in OP's pic.

Not a good comparison.

I'm not a tax payer so the woman is not my problem. as for the dude, I sympathize because black women look bad.

"Take my hand King user, please look over my pig skin and make love to me that white could ever do. "

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It's inevitable, we can only welcome it

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All white males should view this:

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too busy wanking to stop making spelling errors, white people truly are pathetic

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thats 100% some larping faggot that gets some kind of thrill out of pretending to be a roastie.
Honestly, they should just write ero novels, theyd probably sell pretty well for the niche audience


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Death to the future of pig skins. A new dawn awaits!

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There is nothing good about race mixing. It's pure degeneracy

It curses the children
Creates ugly mutts
You would be the talk of gossip
You will get stares from strangers who are racially aware
You will deemed a "race traitor"
Mongrels suffer more from mental & physical disorder
You will be mocked & seen as a peice of meat
It is extremely cucked behavior
The mongrel child will hate itself & its parents
Burn the coal, pay the toll

Race mixing with niggers is the ultimate sin

Poor poor white boys tis tis.
Thy end is near.

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Oh another Reddit raid from cuckold and nigger lover subreddits

2 more hours of cuckold spam until they leave

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