Dan Crenshaw destroyed by JOE ROGAN about healthcare

Can someone explain how so many on Yas Forums parrot these Crenshaw tier cuckservative talking points arguing against medicare for all? He tries to say that 'the doctors are enslaved!' bullshit and it's obvious he knows it's such a shit argument while he's saying it.

This is made even more retarded given the fact that the US is in a pandemic. Even Joe Rogan can BTFO this paper thin argument for fucks sake.

What I've also noticed is a lot of right wingers here seem to like the so called 'socialist' policies providing they aren't promoted by someone on the left. Like everyone actually knows they're good ideas but can't bring themselves to think outside of their conservative box because their ego won't let them.


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US has more supply
maybe this month people will fucking listen to me

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I thought he was an okay dude, then when he tricked everyone and got into office... the mask was off. He’s just another opportunistic leech along for the money train ride

Slide threads faggots. Rope yourself meme flag

Dan Crenshaw is a fucking RINO gun grabber. Fuck him.

Private healthcare >>>>>>>>>>>> government healthcare if it is totally unregulated and people who cannot pay are left to die in the street. Since everyone is a faggot and we can't accept that, we are forced into a de facto universal healthcare situation. Recognizing this, we should construct the least shit universal healthcare system possible and give up on the private window dressing.

He makes sense. America isn't going to solve the healthcare problem with a one-payer system.

If America does that, all medical innovation stops. Every country with a medicare for all program is subsidized by America's pharmaceutical breakthroughs and feed off of the drugs that American pharmaceutical companies have let go generic.

The solution is to charge other countries a premium for American innovation, not to let them have the same benefits as Americans.

>Since everyone is a faggot and we can't accept that
Yes, because most people aren't complete psychopaths who would be content with having their fellow countrymen dying in the gutter. Well done for being honest about the disgusting nature of what Crenshaw and you actually want though, something he would never admit to.

And the fact that if you did your suggestion then you'd see a revolution pretty quickly as tens of millions of unemployed former industrial workers in the rust belt were told they can go die for the sake of big pharma profits. And this is only getting compounded by incoming automation.

That doesn't even touch on the fact that the pandemic has unemployment through the roof either.

Crenshaw blew off an Extortion 17 Gold Star family two months ago

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>If America does that, all medical innovation stops.
The majority of medical innovation in America comes from government grants in big universities. This idea that it's anything due to a 'free market' (there isn't a free market anyway with this in America) is a complete lie.


The majority of medical innovation comes from American pharmaceutical companies doing their own research and development with their own research teams.

So we have to be the financial cuckolds for every single other countries benefit


When he supported red flag laws I lost all respect

He not fren

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unironically who gives a fuck about MRI, the majority of cases are resolved with a much much cheaper CT scan.

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No, you should revamp the generic laws to serve only Americans while charging every other country the full price.

FUCK Zioclops

Meme flags get the spice, fuck off kike.

He lost his eye after taking a load of JuJu cum in the face

I listened to about half of it and think this david pakman dude is being as disingenuous as Crenshaw

He says doctors aren't enslaved by m4a in the same way lawyers aren't enslaved, except that m4a forces procedures and costs on doctors. Lawyers aren't paid by a common payer. Stupid analogy.

He even glosses over crenshaws argument that lower pay and more burn out will lead to fewer doctors, which every country with universal healthcare will tell you there is ample evidence about this

Tldr, op is a bundle

The majority of useless, uncited shit research is conducted through government grants.

The majority of breakthroughs such as monoclonal antibodies as medications or robot assisted surgery, is most certainly from pharmaceutical company funded research.

Red flag laws being the operative wording.

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You are a traitor, commie. You are not my countrymen. You are degenerate usurpers, and we're all tired of your backstabbing tricks, and whining about it.
You're going to die for sedition.

You shouldn't be here wasting your time on arguments you have already lost.
Go lay down, nigger, and await your turn on the Rope Ride.
We're done with your shit, faggot.

I want to watch you suffering in the gutter, traitor!

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I wouldn’t worry about doctor motivation if I were you. Once the doctor hating which is so prevalent online hits social acceptance in the real world not a single person in their mind will want to become one. The training is strenuous, the job is strenuous, you put your life at risk. What do we get for it? Hated by society?
You’re gonna need to enslave doctors before long.

Neither Dan Crenshaw nor Joe Rogan discussed two major issues:

1) Tort reform
2) Insurance companies mandating specific testing and restricting doctors on which medications/treatments then can prescribe/apply.

Changing both of these issues would greatly reduce the cost of medical care by allowing doctors to apply only what is needed to the individual instead of appeasing the insurance agencies and ambulance chasers.

Single Payer health care does not address either of these issues. Single payer virtually eliminates lawsuits by eliminating diversity in the health care industry.

Once items one and two are fixed the only choice hospitals and doctors will have to increase profits is efficiency which is EXACTLY what the health care system needs.

Also with efficiency doctors and hospitals will be more able to assist those who are unable to carry the cost of expensive treatments if they are good at what they do and can be assured of being paid by customers who are able to pay.

Dan. You've been Parked Man!

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I dont feel bad except that some doctors in my immediate family are still holding large loans.

Doctors will be automated away by people like me. Only research will survive.

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So this low-rent hack is basically using Joe Rogan's name to get views on his video?
Are his audience idiots who need every single line of Joe Rogan's podcast explained to them in a 20 minute diatribe full of starts and stops? I suspect the sad answer is yes

I think the underlying problem with a lot of these conversations (healthcare, education) is no one ever talks about the actual problems with these systems, just that the government should pay for it with no additional thought on the matter.

Have you lived with socialized medicine. I have. It sucks. In the biggest city, in the wealthiest province of Canada - if your kid is sick, not breathing right, go to emgergency (everyone goes to emergency, the name is misleading) and you will wait. And wait. and wait. The number of times I've been at the hospital until 4 or 5am - I can't recall.

People would come into the triage area, some busted up, or crying - and then hear how long t he wait was. I saw a guy with a broken nose, blood everywhere and they told him it would be a 2 hour wait (they lie, it would be more than that).

Socialized medicine in Canada is basically the lowest quality care you can get. But it is free? Not really. Canada has dramatically higher taxes than the USA. Someone could link a chart that shows how federal is a little higher, but there is Federal + Province + 13% sales tax on virtually everything + municipal taxes + a shit load of hidden taxes. (Nevermind everything costs more to boot - grab a physical book, look at the prices on the back US/CAD'.

Oh, and btw - you still need work benefits in Canada for eye care, dentist, prescriptions (and they are expensive, and again a taxable benefit).

Of course, that is ones man's experience.

I'll leave you with some numbers.


People who say "I'm moving to Canada for the healthcare" are full of shit.


Pacman says all the right words these days but his shitty show was lying by omission too many times in the past same like TYT does even today, lying fucks with identity and anti white politics tied with lgbt and feminism should never represent the political left. They're compromised with neo liberal degeneracy meant to sow the division so the actual social security net and poverty class can never be helped and prevent the middle class from deteriorating more and more. Can't even get common sense healthcare, because it cannot pass the wall made by insurance corporations that lobby (bribe) the political class. It's a pipe dream to get anything more. Wealth transfer from the working class to the super rich won't be stopped, nor will importation of the immigrants, nor will automatization of the jobs. Enjoy hell.