I know we are all occupied with coronavirus, but when this is all over we need to get back to the real issue:

I know we are all occupied with coronavirus, but when this is all over we need to get back to the real issue:

How the fuck do we stop this.

Attached: 1575187460459.webm (500x500, 1.23M)

By rangebanning all Canadians

Goddammit. She's a pure white, with rosy skin and slightly red hair. REEEEEE



That doesn't stop white women from BOUNCING ON A BLACK COCK, or does it?

What we need is WHITE SHARIA, right now.

Genetically become black. Ideally from a stock that has limited health issues and excels at sports and academics. Basically an African doctors daughter.

Cuck thread.

Attached: memebetter.com-20191111145026.jpg (640x800, 153.74K)

By handing over the sauce

Why is she riding a turd?

Attached: t Chinese.jpg (650x434, 56.75K)

stop posting it first of all. Jesus Christ you fucking faggot.

We need to deport Afro-American niggers to Africa and other brown sandniggers (gypsies, Pakistanis, Indians...) to their country. They're like parasites- their countries are poor as hell, so they invade white countries. It just shows who's superior.

Why do you do this to your self?

Doesn't it feel self degrading to be used by White womem for pure fetish purposes?


Their baboon brains only understand MUH DICK.

Nigga kys I'm white and I got a big dick I fuck son eat shit you nigger cock posting nigger

It's too late, white women would invade Africa in masse just to get a taste of the BBC'


40 captchas, fuck nigger mod trannies


Me on the right

by stop watching porn

Attached: 1509717268910.jpg (819x686, 75.35K)

Colonizing the moon and leaving earth behind

>catalog full of porn
>try to report
>cannot connect to capcha
>capcha works fine to comment

Can we get some shitted memes?

>how do we stop this?
just press the pause button you stupid leaf

Nothing of value would be lost.

You can't. White's are going to get cucked. Whites will get cucked physically by marrying sloppy seconds after blacks(there are literally zero white girls over 18 who've been blacked), financially through reparations, cucked nationally by every single race out breeding them, out competing them, eliminating their religion and culture and outting them in their own homelands. Whites can literally do nothing and watch as swam of dicks keep impregnating everything they love.
Whites are the most cucked race, as it should be. I enjoy impregnating white girls and leaving them with a child. Their race is exactly where it belongs, beneath the Big Black Cock.

Christcuck thread

Look at all these seething wh*tebois in this thread

Attached: 1535687158255.jpg (1920x1912, 421.75K)

>there are literally zero white girls over 18 who've been blacked

r/atheism would have no complaints about OPS webm.

>Look at all these seething wh*tebois in this thread

Attached: 1562304103246.jpg (1000x746, 210.95K)

Attached: this_is_pol.png (246x285, 18.57K)

Reminder that this poster is asian

Reminder that Asian incels from reddit spam cuck interracial porn and make cuck posts like this to "troll" white men

Reminder that these Asian incels blame white society for their lack of sex

The social distance there is negligible. Shameful.

>People actually think the BBC shit/ white breeding etc is real
You all watch way to much fucking porn and are insecure as fuck.

Who was recording the video? Probably her white husband.

steinberg entertainment.

>flag checks out


>oversized female behind

Too scared to say ass?

Who *recorded. Why do Americans have such abysmal grammar in their own native language? Learn to conjugate your verbs you silly twat.

Attached: day of the rake corona chan canada.png (624x866, 259.8K)

He's most likely a spic, so what do you expect?

She dyed her hair you blind Dutch faggot.

American can not into Englee

It's over for pig skins

Attached: Screenshot_20200306-180635_Brave.jpg (1080x1920, 576.71K)

Because Americans are generally stupid as fuck. Look at how they respond to anything they don't like (other people's opinions, corona, etc.). Most of the population makes me ashamed to have to share the same landmass and nationality.

Imagine spending all your time collecting shitted cuck porn and spamming that shit on a Chinese basket weaving forum while larping a nigger. What a great life

Attached: f83fd6b0.jpg (640x633, 42.31K)

Fuck off nigger.
My BWC is more than enough.