Bill Gates told Trump that researching the safety of vaccines was a dead end and that he shouldn't go there

Bill Gates told Trump that researching the safety of vaccines was a dead end and that he shouldn't go there.

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He also threatened to JFK him:

Can't stand Gates, but he's right.

kek. bill is based.

>don't question anything goy, do what you're told!


TRUMP PACIFIED US - LOCKDOWN THE PEOPLE - DESTROY JOBS - VACCINATE GOY. We would be fighting back if Obama was president.
TRUMP PACIFIED US - LOCKDOWN THE PEOPLE - DESTROY JOBS - VACCINATE GOY. We would be fighting back if Obama was president. TRUMP PACIFIED US - LOCKDOWN THE PEOPLE - DESTROY JOBS - VACCINATE GOY. We would be fighting back if Obama was president. TRUMP PACIFIED US - LOCKDOWN THE PEOPLE - DESTROY JOBS - VACCINATE GOY. We would be fighting back if Obama was president. TRUMP PACIFIED US - LOCKDOWN THE PEOPLE - DESTROY JOBS - VACCINATE GOY. We would be fighting back if Obama was president. TRUMP PACIFIED US - LOCKDOWN THE PEOPLE - DESTROY JOBS - VACCINATE GOY. We would be fighting back if Obama was president. TRUMP PACIFIED US - LOCKDOWN THE PEOPLE - DESTROY JOBS - VACCINATE GOY. We would be fighting back if Obama was president. TRUMP PACIFIED US - LOCKDOWN THE PEOPLE - DESTROY JOBS - VACCINATE GOY. We would be fighting back if Obama was president. TRUMP PACIFIED US - LOCKDOWN THE PEOPLE - DESTROY JOBS - VACCINATE GOY. We would be fighting back if Obama was president. TRUMP PACIFIED US - LOCKDOWN THE PEOPLE - DESTROY JOBS - VACCINATE GOY. We would be fighting back if Obama was president. TRUMP PACIFIED US - LOCKDOWN THE PEOPLE - DESTROY JOBS - VACCINATE GOY. We would be fighting back if Obama was president. TRUMP PACIFIED US - LOCKDOWN THE PEOPLE - DESTROY JOBS - VACCINATE GOY. We would be fighting back if Obama was president. TRUMP PACIFIED US - LOCKDOWN THE PEOPLE - DESTROY JOBS - VACCINATE GOY. We would be fighting back if Obama was president. TRUMP PACIFIED US - LOCKDOWN THE PEOPLE - DESTROY JOBS - VACCINATE GOY. We would be fighting back if Obama was president.

Attached: 911 jews who did.jpg (720x634, 117.38K)

>orange man STOOPID
>me smart computer guy
if there's nothing "bad" about vaccines then why would you say "don't look into it."? If I had some medicine and was confident in it's helpfulness but someone was concerned it was actually poison, I would say go ahead and test it. It would further prove your point.
Very patronizing tone from Gates here

So Robert Kennedy is advising Trump on vaccines, that's great news.

>>Bill Gates = Shill Gates

Here's a case of scientists themselves pointing out a possible case of vaccine fraud:

This is the story of the MMR vaccine and two Merck scientists who filed a lawsuit in 2010 over Merck’s efforts to allegedly “defraud the United States through Merck’s ongoing scheme to sell the government a mumps vaccine that is mislabeled, misbranded, adulterated and falsely certified as having an efficacy rate that is significantly higher than it actually is.” Merck allegedly did this from 2000 onwards in order to maintain its exclusive license to sell the MMR vaccine and keep its monopoly of the US market....

The rabid "vaccinate everyone for everything" crowd likes to mock the vaccine realists as "anti-vaxxers" and "anti-science", but the dishonesty and hollowness of their position is exposed every time the facts about vaccination manage to leak out into the mainstream:
Natasha Bita, a journalist for The Australian has just won a Walkley Award (the Australian equivalent of a Pulitzer Prize) for an in-depth article series on the CSL Afluria flu vaccine, a shot that caused convulsions in one percent of Australian infants who received it.

To put this vaccine scandal in perspective, the CDC states that ‘seizures can occur after vaccination,’ 33% of infants who have a first seizure will have more seizures and 10% of infants who have one seizure can develop epilepsy. According to the Merck Manual (the largest-selling medical textbook), seizures are a symptom of encephalitis, which the Merck Manual defines as a vaccine adverse reaction. Vaccine-induced encephalitis can leave a spectrum of permanent brain damage in its wake – post-encephalitic syndrome (aka epilepsy and autism). In other words, kids that have convulsions from Afluria can have lifelong neurological disabilities.

Incredibly, the defective CSL flu vaccine Afluria is still on the market in the US: FDA-approved and CDC-recommended. The only concession US vaccine authorities have made to this Afluria scandal is to raise the recommended age for this vaccine, but even that feeble response is colored by a direction to give Afluria to young kids anyway if no other flu vaccine is available.

Proof that unvaccinated children do not pose a risk to others:

Link to the original story?

Merck, the pharmaceutical giant, is facing a slew of controversies over its Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR) vaccine following numerous allegations of wrongdoing from different parties in the medical field, including two former Merck scientists-turned-whistleblowers. A third whistleblower, this one a scientist at the Centers for Disease Control, also promises to bring Merck grief following his confession of misconduct involving the same MMR vaccine.

The first court case, United States v. Merck & Co., stems from claims by two former Merck scientists that Merck "fraudulently misled the government and omitted, concealed, and adulterated material information regarding the efficacy of its mumps vaccine in violation of the FCA [False Claims Act]."

According to the whistleblowers' court documents, Merck's misconduct was far-ranging: It "failed to disclose that its mumps vaccine was not as effective as Merck represented, (ii) used improper testing techniques, (iii) manipulated testing methodology, (iv) abandoned undesirable test results, (v) falsified test data, (vi) failed to adequately investigate and report the diminished efficacy of its mumps vaccine, (vii) falsely verified that each manufacturing lot of mumps vaccine would be as effective as identified in the labeling, (viii) falsely certified the accuracy of applications filed with the FDA, (ix) falsely certified compliance with the terms of the CDC purchase contract, (x) engaged in the fraud and concealment describe herein for the purpose of illegally monopolizing the U.S. market for mumps vaccine, (xi) mislabeled, misbranded, and falsely certified its mumps vaccine, and (xii) engaged in the other acts described herein to conceal the diminished efficacy of the vaccine the government was purchasing."

The original link is dead. It's an old story, you'll have to Google it.

Holy shit, the woman won a Pulitzer prize and they're still trying to push the same vaccine in the states

great, so Trump will listen and then tag him as a dissident.

The Supreme Court today gave vaccine manufacturers greater protection from lawsuits by parents who say vaccinations harmed their children, ruling that Congress had blocked those types of claims against drug makers. In a 6-2 decision, the justices said Congress had effectively shut the courthouse door to these lawsuits in 1986, when it created a special vaccine court designed to compensate victims of vaccine injuries.

I simply do not understand those people, especially left-wing scientists, who insist that all vaccines are intrinsically good. The following questions spring to mind:

1. Why does profiting from vaccines rather than anything else magically make a corporation intrinsically good rather than presumably greedy and evil?

2. How can one justify vaccines for non-lethal and non-communicable diseases on the basis of historically lethal and highly communicable diseases?

3. If vaccines are not capable of causing serious harm to children, why is it necessary to set up a system to compensate children who have been harmed and immunize vaccine makers from financial responsibility for those their products have injured?

4. How can anyone rationally claim that science uniformly supports vaccine use when no empirical studies that actually utilize the scientific method of experimentation and observation are utilized in testing vaccine safety?

5. Why do pro-vaccine advocates attack those who don't vaccinate their children according to the vaccine schedule when doctors specifically tell parents not to vaccinate their children according to the schedule if an older sibling has had a negative reaction to a vaccine?

6. Why do pro-vaccine advocates assume that vaccines which are proven to be safe for adults are also safe for infants and toddlers who weigh a fraction of what an adult weighs?

There is a big scandal around Fauci and the HIV AIDS connection.

I love Podcasts by Charles Ortleb, let's play it!

That's why it's always a good idea to research something before injecting it into your body. You wouldn't trust a guy off the street if he wanted to inject something into you, why trust a government who hates you?

>I simply do not understand those people, especially left-wing scientists, who insist that all vaccines are intrinsically good.
body integrity is one of our most basic human rights. once they can remove that right, many of the other rights will be much easier to remove. like freedom of travel, privacy, etc... there's no point in pecking at the "lesser" rights for decades like they have been

Why are you jumping to that conclusion? From the sounds of the interview Trump was going to bat for Kennedy.

Vaccines cannot be released to the public in a rush. It takes at least a decade to know the long-term effects of a vaccine. A vaccine boosts the immune system and can lead to an overly strong response and people could be harmed by that, for example cause arthritis or e ven worse in humans. There MUST be animal then human trials for many years first! Otherwise a rushed vaccine could easily cause more problems in a person.

forgot to add, left wing scienctists are socialist/communist statists. "scientists" need a communist police state to reinforce their authority on truth.

even with more than 800 confirmed cases of something as rare as teenage narcolepsy staring them in the face, the vaccine providers are still staunchly holding to their usual position of "no causal link":
Emelie is one of around 800 children in Sweden and elsewhere in Europe who developed narcolepsy, an incurable sleep disorder, after being immunised with the Pandemrix H1N1 swine flu vaccine made by British drug maker GlaxoSmithKline in 2009.

Finland, Norway, Ireland and France have seen spikes in narcolepsy cases, too, and people familiar with the results of a soon-to-be-published study in Britain have told Reuters it will show a similar pattern in children there.

Their fate, coping with an illness that all but destroys normal life, is developing into what the health official who coordinated Sweden's vaccination campaign calls a "medical tragedy" that will demand rising scientific and medical attention.

Europe's drugs regulator has ruled Pandemrix should no longer be used in people aged under 20. The chief medical officer at GSK's vaccines division, Norman Begg, says his firm views the issue extremely seriously and is "absolutely committed to getting to the bottom of this", but adds there is not yet enough data or evidence to suggest a causal link.

look at what Trump has done vs his words. he's not against vaccines and he's surrounded himself with jews. yes he's a great public speaker. if you're a Qoomer you will reeeee at this.

>Vaccines cannot be released to the public in a rush
lmao sure buddy. watch them do it this fall when they need children to return to the marxist indoctrination schools and people need to return to work.

There is at least some evidence that vaccines can cause autism in monkeys. Obviously, that's not conclusive evidence that it will do so in people.

he vaccine hypothesis was bolstered recently by a five-year study in monkeys who were given the same vaccinations that American children are routinely given. Last week, Dr Laura Hewitson, a specialist in obstetrics, gynaecology and reproductive sciences at the University of Pittsburgh, told the International Meeting for Autism Research in London that in the double-blind placebo-controlled study, 13 vaccinated animals showed increased aggression, impaired cognitive skills and developmental delay. The three unvaccinated animals in the study developed normally.

"There was a significant difference between the two groups," said Hewitson. "The vaccinated group had trouble developing reflexes?… They also became more insular and more aggressive. There was an increase in aggressive behaviour after they had their MMR vaccines, and they stopped exploring their surroundings as much."

Abnormal brain activity was found in the monkeys, and higher sensitivity to a naturally occurring brain chemical linked to sleeplessness, hallucinations, lack of social skills and a high pain threshold - all symptoms found in children on the autistic spectrum. The monkeys also exhibited abnormalities of the amygdala, the part of the brain which regulates emotions.

"We can't conclude that vaccines cause autism from this study," said Hewitson, "What we can conclude is that the vaccinated monkeys showed significant negative behavioural differences before and after the MMR."

Not sure yet. I hope he restarts the American economy soon. They're talking about keeping Canada closed until we have a vaccine. I think the economic consequences will be huge.

I havent seen normie media in years, how do they watch this

>don't take hydroxychloroquine it may be unsafe!
>what do you mean test the vaccine for safety, there's no time!
The eternal kike

You could be right. I meant "should' not "cannot".

>both times he wanted to know if there's a difference between HPV and HIV
does anyone believe this actually happened?

At nine months old, Valentino Bocca was as bright as a button. In a favourite family photo, taken by his father, the baby boy wriggles in his mother’s arms and laughs for the camera. His parents look at the precious picture often these days. It is a reminder of their only son before they took him on a sunny morning to the local public health clinic for a routine childhood vaccination.

Valentino was never the same child after the jab in his arm. He developed autism and, in a landmark judgment, a judge has ruled that his devastating disability was provoked by the inoculation against measles, mumps and rubella (MMR). The case of Valentino Bocca age nine from Rimini Italy has reignited the debate over a possible link between the MMR and autism after a judge ruled his disability was provoked by the jab.

The judgment in a provincial Italian court challenges the settled view of the majority of the medical profession — and could have profound implications in Britain and across the world. Valentino’s parents, Antonella, 44, and Maurizio, 43, have been awarded £140,000, to be paid by Italy’s Ministry of Health and they plan a civil action against the Italian government that may get them £800,000 more.... The judge’s view has since been endorsed by Italy’s High Court of Law (the equivalent of our Supreme Court) which ruled that the Italian government must pay compensation to children damaged by any jabs given under the Ministry of Health auspices — even if they are not compulsory ones.

I don't believe it at all, fucking this lying cocksucker.

Trump is a useless fucking Jew puppet. Welcome to 2017