Yesterday, some anons made a thread about testing bots on pol, and the mods moved it to /bant/

Yesterday, some anons made a thread about testing bots on pol, and the mods moved it to /bant/.

I wonder why? Do you anons think it could politically motivated? Maybe the mods don't want us experimenting with the bots&shills flooding this board.

Attached: are_you_human.jpg (650x650, 304.65K)

If anyone has any screenshots of thread or posts from it, they would be greatly appredciated

Attached: GettyImages-1138390870-2160x1200.jpg (2160x1200, 401.52K)

Sup human

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this is a good idea

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Attached: spicy.png (1158x656, 138.02K)

checked and what a handsome boyo

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Attached: cat_falling_off_table.jpg (720x690, 71.51K)

>anyone disagreeing with me is a bot
>what do you mean take my meds ? i'm not a schizo

this thread has been pruned or deleted in

More bots more Yas Forums passes.
Sounds like a plan.

5g qanon qposts schizo conspiracy cia mossad take meds not white nords arent white amerimutt europoor
china bioweapon donald trump bernie sanders holocaust brenton tarrant fake built for bbc built for cell tower optics eceleb DRUMPF TRUMP SHILLBOT COOMER BBC IMMIGRANT SpREAD CORONA VIRUS
holocaust fake balkanization national socialism hitler jewish hitler gay epstein ghislaine maxwell in israel israel uss liberty mossad 9/11 connection joe biden dresden debate this Yas Forums slide thread jidf captcha throttling quarantine lockdown coronavirus bioweapon coronavirus 5g coronavirus fake coronavirus china brenton tarrant

Attached: 1584488988572.jpg (207x244, 13.39K)

Thanks bruv. Shes a lovely lady. So what do we do now? Humans only need reply

Attached: 15866207768921815191725280587535.jpg (3264x2448, 1.53M)

Because the OP post can't just be a jumble of words, you have to still actually ask questions and talk about stuff.

Attached: uby3tx4kf9m41.jpg (540x797, 33.89K)

Take your meds schizo

Attached: 1F45B0F7-15A4-4B91-A483-1BF4E4C09102.png (500x566, 132.7K)

Attached: Nasenbaer_Nasua_nasua_Zoo_Augsburg-04.jpg (3180x3114, 1.36M)

So what do I win?

5g qanon qposts schizo conspiracy cia mossad take meds not white nords arent white amerimutt europoor
china bioweapon donald trump bernie sanders holocaust holocaust fake balkanization national socialism hitler jewish hitler gay epstein ghislaine maxwell in israel israel uss liberty mossad
9/11 connection joe biden dresden debate this Yas Forums slide thread jidf captcha throttling quarantine lockdown coronavirus bioweapon coronavirus 5g coronavirus fake coronavirus

OP try this instead.

Jewish jews jewing judicical system. 5G killer Hillary corona. Kara Boga CNN minecraft kike. Enemy Wuhan China, winnie the pooh flu bats?

Attached: 1585683720611.jpg (1944x1944, 593.84K)

Yeah the OP from the other thread did

Anons were talking about (1) whether we should introduce a report feature for bots, and (2) whether people would be on board with using a pic like the one I posted in OP to help identify shills in controversial threads

You guys only prove my point. Qfags and conspiracy theorists are the real schizos. This board has been flooded with you faggots

This thread serves no purpose, i'm willing to bet OP is a sQhizo himself.

You're the OP my bad. So what's the point ?

Don't bother answering let this thread die

Qtards and conspiracy theorists are schizos. Youre a low iq faggot which is why you dont understand the point of OP. Basically this board has been overrun with low IQ faggots and schizos like yourself that are pushing QAnon and other cuckservative conspiracy theories.

The fact that your are so triggered only further proves my point. Also its pretty obvious that you are a newfag and you dont belong here.

Holy shit, this is cringe

I fucking hate them, this thread will not remove them you're just adding one more layer of retardation

and this is not ? Take your meds

Trust sessions

Bruh, youre obviously getting really annoyed by this thread. Yes Im OP. Im on a different device now. Why don't you go post in a BBC thread or something, you seem really worked up and you keep repeating the same points. The tone of your posts is even changing. You can tell that your actually getting mad as you type away at your keyboard. Its bretty amusing desu.

Yup, it’s schizo time

Attached: 3FC9A7D5-BD4C-46AA-BE6E-D61D5DA24180.jpg (1452x1071, 663.45K)

>27 replies
>15 posters
Sure was a great idea making this thread.

Don't forget to take your meds

Is there any evidence that any posts here are made by bots? I'm not interested in speculation.

Schizophrenic, please donate to isreal in this time of crisis.

>Being this unable to read and follow directions
Look in the mirror and see the bot

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i like the idea of testing for bots and shills, but this test sucks even more that the existing captcha. I can write a script that looks for that meme flag within the image, and that's way easier for a bit than identifying all those busses and fire hydrants

no if we don't convince ppl this is retarded they'll keep doing it

Interdasting experiment

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