What would You ask him?

What would You ask him?

Attached: Peter Shiff.png (1279x727, 1.54M)

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Nah Id just shoot him

Attached: 1570020892194.jpg (644x374, 52.01K)

>Are you earning money right now, even though you are here making a shitty video? Do you think you earned that money?

Can I have a job?

How much for adenochrome?

Peter Schiff is the man

"How's this noose fit you, snug enough?"

Attached: the-needy.png (360x450, 206.55K)

This. I'd have a personal convo on current economics with him.

Why are you wasting your time with all these economically retarded fad commies?

Ew you're 1% what the fuck are you gonna do next go down to skim??

I'll ask him how my bat tasted

Schiff is a faggot. His coverage of btc is dogshit and all his clients missed the btc by and equities bull because of Peter's quixotic understanding of the economy

"What does this pipe wrench taste like?"

Do you really believe gold is a good long term investment?

Attached: Dow to Gold ratio.png (890x625, 63.8K)

"Yes, but 4 weeks ago I lost nearly 5 years of savings. I'll answer your second question with another question: if I acquired my money legally without screwing anyone over, what does it matter if I deserve it or not"

how bout you do all the work and I get all the rewards for a while?

I must be smart because I'm a libertarian

2 questions

Are you religiously or ethnicity JewIsh?

How can gas chambers have wooden doors?

How do I get an interest free loan from a shadow corporation that I never have to pay back.

Attached: 1bc256a5813e690cc866299e0b2fb97a.jpg (425x717, 34.74K)

If you don't like your contract, break it off. Or better yet, use your skills as a bargaining chip to get stock options so your wealth grows along with his

Was it through luck of birth or did you actually earn it?

Attached: 1586578525839.png (318x333, 73.41K)

It's better than keeping your money cash but there are better things to invest in than gold

Why have Jews been expelled from every nation throughout history but constantly play the victim, acting as though people all over the world had a pre-Columbian conspiracy in place to kick them out?

maybe now we find out who actually is essential for the economy

How do you earn money by doing nothing without screwing anyone over? Someone had to earn that money that you're getting.


this was a great video, you should have linked it

also there's a short version for the nonwhites

making jewish laws like legalization of usury or porn doesn't make your money licit

Why is your nose so big?

That's Peter Schiff you polenigger, he's /ourguy/.

you yankees sure do loves jews huh

Why he isn't the 1% of the 1%.. Fucking looser

he's got one or two other related stunts which are informative for that somewhat-lefty undecided woman in your extended family (there's always one, i'm sure you can already think of who)

I like Peter Schiff but...he has predicted 20,000 of the past 2 recessions.

>i could have picked the right stocks for 200 years straight, thus beating gold

you make a corporation, or buy one.
get a loan made to the corp
transfer the money to yourself as repayment for shareholder loans
dissolve the golem
fucking easy you low iq burger brainlets

found the bagholder lol

>found the bagholder lol
found the jew

This is exactly what a nigger did.
Don't be such a nigger.

are you fucking stupid? taking on massive risks with your capital isn't "doing nothing." that someone wouldn't have a fucking job at all without a middle class trying to put some of their money to work.

Schiff is one of the few based Jews, his dad died in jail for arguing that income taxes are unconstitutional and not paying his taxes. Schiff acknowledges that many of his fellow jews are socialists and he rallies against it.

He says he is in the video. Always one step ahead of you, I guess that's why he's there.