I hate incels more than women. There's something extremely detestable about weak men with self-defeating attitudes. Something about men who whine and refuse to change (or at least try) their circumstances is disdainful.
I hate incels more than women. There's something extremely detestable about weak men with self-defeating attitudes...
Favorite propaganda term of kikes and fat cunts.
>Men only have value if pussy says so
classic fat bitch logic
Why are you an incel?
Am I a word that you made up to mock male purity?
Better question: are you a kike or a fatty? Not omitting the potential you're a bot.
Thanks for the blog, simp.
Incel, shizo, china, incel, war with china, take your meds, incel, war with incels, incel, china, payback.
No one asked though
Reddlt needs to die and take it's kike word manipulation with it.
5g qanon qposts schizo conspiracy cia mossad take meds not white nords arent white amerimutt europoor
china bioweapon donald trump bernie sanders holocaust holocaust fake national socialism hitler jewish hitler gay epstein ghislaine maxwell in israel israel uss liberty mossad
>There's something extremely detestable about weak men with self-defeating attitudes.
Agreed. Most women believe the weak would have been wiped out if we had real wars. Women are looking for alphas to reproduce with. Unfortunately, most white men are pathetic, weak-minded, and lack careers to reproduce with.
Since women are making more money and have careers, the easiest way to reproduce with an alpha is a nigger or foreigner.
This is the fault of white men for being tricked by the Jews.
>Incel is valid word
>Men's fault
This is bot tier retardation. If It weren't for the flag I'd assume ESL as the writing level is 4th grade level.
Of course its man's fault. You saying it isn't proves how weak you are. Enjoy your anime porn faggot.
You kikebots are amazingly obvious.
* Wincel
Rise of the Neets
How is telling white men to stop being pussies a pro kike agenda? Pretty sure kikes want you addicted to porn instead of being a man and taking care of your family.
Tbqhfamalam, he kinda has a point. Whether you call them onions, incel, or just a "weak man", they are the product of a culture that emasculates men and they do nothing to stop it. Disliking them more than women makes sense. Women are to be rules by men, and their behaviours now are a result of no discipline by men. Weak men allow this cycle to continue. Case and point, I hate niggerlovers more than I hate niggers.
Men aren't useless kike. Your man hating narrative is boring and if you aren't a bot you're indistinguishable intellectually from one.
Tesla predicted mankind would evolve into an insect-like social structure, where disposable, expendable men serve the interests of queens.
If you're a man, the only winning move is not to play.
I hate simp faggots like you.
Ugh, being a neet addicted to trap porn is what the kikes want. All I'm saying is women don't find that attractive and living life like that is pathetic.
>Male Purity
Sounds more like sour grapes to me buddy
>I think about men
op is gay again
Here is a fine example of a whiny simp who feels the need to post to a Mongolian basket weaving board to receive (yous).
Reddlt buzzword retardation.
>Mocking Male purity
The kikes are doing amazing work over at Reddlt -- that much is obvious.
Low IQ wordspew by barely literate teenagers--or kike bots. It's almost impossible to tell the difference.
>Vapid; circular; buzwords and repetition.
pretty standard shit
I don't understand...are you saying having no career and an addiction to porn is good for men?
I hate simps more than whores, but I hate whores more than incels.
Incels were raised by shitty parents,(mostly the father's fault) the fathers of incels are usually beta themselves OR too busy with their own life to raise a proper BASED son (Most are just lazy normies) . I sympathize with incels because they are a victim of having a shitty father or lack thereof. Whores and simps choose to be whores and simps. OP is a literal retard for not being able to understand this, that or OP is a woman
Circles and more circles.
I'm highlighting that reddlt and bots (almost the same intellegence) operate off of the same principals.
>Never use complete, coherent logic
>Always use buzzwords
>Use under defined words
>Be insincere
I know you don't understand--you can barely read. If you aren't a bot you're oblivious to the reality that you are behaving exactly like one.
You're not trolling--if that's what you think you're doing--you're parroting bots--like most of the reddlt retards that come here.
You can tell what people vaule by how they insult others.
As usual
>Not if Islam becomes the dominant religion
incel detected. you can apply the same logic to simps and whores; if they had better upbringing they wouldn't be simps and whores
the globalists