If you believe that 5G causes any kind of virus, you're an idiot

If you believe that 5G causes any kind of virus, you're an idiot.

viruses don't work like that


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Get out shill

if you believe radiation doesn't effect your immune system, you're an idiot

haha 5G tower go fwshhhhhhhhhh

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You're the shill, memefag

You don't even know what radiation is

What virus causes sunburn again?

>these boots

If you believe that anyone believes that 5G causes any kind of virus, you're an idiot

I'd like to 5G her

wow, awesome, how did this happen???

5g doesn’t output ionizing radiation

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It doesn't cause it you cunt, tho there's a possibility that 5g could lower immune system defenses and so letting the virus kill you much easier

>le non ionizing is safe meme

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My buddy is a 5g conspirator. He said they believe that what people Re getting sick from is the frequency that 5G emits And that corona is a cover

>ionizing radiation is the only harmful kind

It wouldn't need to, microwaves don't either but they still cook your potatoes

disgusting. her tits are enormous. somebody offset this degeneracy with rare gretas please

it doesn't need to be ionizing, faggot. Research non thermal effects

ugg boots? more like ugh boots.

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the point should be that 5g is just more technoshit that will be used to enslave us all. we need a fucking emp to go off.

5G only kills half a tree. The rest is perfectly fine.

Who decreed that 5G is a necessity? Why is my business going bankrupt, but they still get to build more 5G towers?

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>haha 5G tower go fwshhhhhhhhhh
>wow, awesome, how did this happen???
Probably cheap Chinese parts.

>Implying I care if it's true or not

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i unironically had a dude answer the
>there is corona cases where there is no 5g

This is EXACTLY my type. Never got the skinny blonde thing. It’s all about thick burnettes with wide faces and a single drop of Asian/Latina in tbem

you were given the "virus" through your last flu shot, which was actually nanotechnology and now the 5G is activating it

>i learned it from high school science!!!11!!
you have only scratched the surface brainlet. it wouldnt cause it but is unproven yet if it affects the immune system or doesnt.

I think you're drinking too much coffee but that's just my personal opinion.

Simple: You're a slave living in slave empires on a prison planet.

Didn't realize this was (you) bait

I literally copy and pasted that from this thread

you faggots are predictable as shit.

>defending towers

Did you ask your food lately how it feels in your microwave? It will affect your cells in some way and have longterm consequences. It's retarded to think otherwise, but we can't assume how it will exactly look right now.

>Why is my business going bankrupt, but they still get to build more 5G towers?
Because you and your business isn't part of their grand plan to control everyone and everything.

I like coffee.

When a nurse heated up blood, to less than body temperature, with a microwave before transfusing the blood into a patient, the patient died because of a chemical change in the blood.

Non-ionizing radiation has biological effects.

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Idiot leaf. 5G does not create the virus. It weakens the body enough for already existing viruses to enter without any resistance.

What is the heart attack weapon again (EMF used to kill people), subhuman inbred thotposter?



Nice bait mate

>comparing power output sufficient to heat a liquid to 5g power output after inverse square law power drop over distance
Holy fuck

>cooking potatoes in a microwave
do americans really

Gonna post a source on that one?

The real answer is 5G is everywhere. Musk quietly deployed his infrastructure into space from November 2019, and hardly anyone knows about it. There are now hundreds of working Starlink antenna arrays beaming 5G millimeter waves at earth at high power. Not only is there nowhere on the planet left where you can escape 5G, but the magnetosphere and Schumann resonance is completely fucked. And nobody realises they were even deployed.

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based and pliskinpilled

Yeah, I'm going to use it more often. Literally all I have to do is notepad reddit comments and I get tons of (you)'s and OHNONONONO

I'm in this for the dopamine hits

Japs discovered the link between “minute quantities of micro toxins” and “latent” microwave radiation. Can you think of any recently “very very small toxic particles recently inhaled by large human populations?”

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No one thinks that 5G is giving people viruses, just that the effects of 5G can appear to be like a virus. You shills are getting worse

I doubt that's a 5g tower. 5g antennas are small so they can fit on lamp posts. It's interesting that nobody knows what one looks like and the news keeps showing regular antennas.

Yeah, not all the time tho. A few hours in the oven, or 10 minutes in the microwave, it's really attractive to lazy people.

You gonna post an actual source on that one mate?

You’re the idiot here op. The claim is that 5g damages cells and the product of a damaged cell is a virus, this is your body’s natural reaction, how your immune system works. However you are correct as 5g doesn’t mean 5 gigahertz but 5th generation. People are fucking stupid and will believe most anything. See Christianity, see Q user for proof people are gullible naive assholes.

No u

@ all other fools:
50 replies to a shill bait
.... Nice

5G is not inherently dangerous, but Covid 19 vaccines will be used to backdoor Jewish nanotech into the nervous system, thus making people susceptible to pattern manipulation or outright death by 5G

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Sage garbage low effort threads.

Also see
>Global Warming

it's all a hoax intended to manipulate fools and schizos.

It's called a slide thread user

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That’s all I got

OK jew

Pretty funny shit.

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I bet she takes 5G as well even if she is a 1G.

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Remove your memeflag. What are you hiding there?

thotposter detected. sage engaged.

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Not user, but you need to post sources to convince intelligent people of your arguments. Not saying that to throw shade.

Wut if its a sleeper virus which 5g activates out of hibernation?

Ha, got the dumbass leaf!

I'm surprised that anyone in Canada would be educated enough to know what 5G even is. I mean, considering the fact that Canada is a third world shithole.

People are burning down 5G towers in the netherlands lol


Yeah they do, viruses are just you're bodies way of dealing with internal damage or shit that doesn't belong inside of you. So literally 5G damage.

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So does the sun if you boost if through a lens. Is this why you never leave your basement?

ryley ladd for all the coomers

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Corporations are legally obligated to make more and more and more money ad infinitum. Faster speeds = more $$$$. Wait until 10G.

Why is Iran the hardest hit nation for the kung-flu but has no 5g towers?

>causes any kind of virus
strawman promoted to smear anyone questioning the use of high powered transmitters on biological media
at various times:
lead has been used in make up and water pipes
radium in consumer products
asbestos in insulation and cigarettes
arsenic in wall paper
science is great, but dont play like its all knowing or always at the leading edge of safety

Based 5G is a chinese spy-op

I like girls with FAS too bros

haha this is great

I'd get the virus to suck those titties

sauce of that pic?

I just puked at her downs

I'm 200% sure the "5G causes corona virus" or something bullshit is FBI boomer desinfo for retards, to create the exact effect you've mentioned, to smear anyone questioning high power 5G, whose effects on human health only a retarded NPC nigger will consent or ignore

Just imagine how fucked up people will be when they start moving past 5ghz frequencies... 60ghz with a lot of wattage will be great for us!

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i hope you are a shill and not that retarded
as if anyone ever said 5g causes a virus
i mean really? gtfo

>Leaf makes absolutely awful post
Not surprised

Nobody who shits on 5G has even read a technical whitepaper of it, or has the slightest knowledge of how radio frequencies work.
They just spew out the retarded shit they see on 3rd rate conspiracy websites.

ok telecoms shill kike

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Nobody is saying it causes viruses, they are saying it causes disease. are you retarded?