Did Amerimutt start as a Jewish psyop?

What I gather when I see this meme is - "Hey goy, look, the eurofags don't even think you're White, you're much better off being a civ nat like us (((fellow whites)))) here in America."

In fact you can apply this logic to any post that attacks nationalities rather than questions the global power structure and race replacement etc.

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Yes it's been a conspiracy for the last century and a half. Jews invented the concept of racial purity in the late 1800's so they could use the tendency of Americans to racemix against them in the future.

It was connected to the old 60% white jokes in response to Germans being called Ahmeds and such, somewhere along the line it became 56% and this meme appeared out of the blue

It looks like it was made to demoralize everyone, it's funny but strange.

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Yes, although the phrase mutt has been used even before this meme. If you ask any American their ancestry, they list off like 4 countries.

Yes, lots of places in the US are full of non mutts(whites) in rich areas segregated from the brown masses but there are tons of mutts and it's a problem.

la creatura, el mutt, el goblino, the 56% face

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The muttface is literally modeled after Oliver Willis, a Shareblue operative. GIS him.
It was originally anti-white d&c, but our brethren across the sea decided to run with it for lulz.

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Burger Spurdo served the same purpose but was too likeable and good at conveying information. The mutt thing is just dripping with venom which makes it a lot less funny and thought provoking.

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Who invented the one drop rule? Near impossible to track this info down. I’m guessing it was a Jew.

Correct. It’s to fool the goyim into thinking they’re all mutts so might as well just give in and mix race more, etc. If you can’t beat em join them kind of defeatism.

Also, fuck all niggers, Jews, chinks, trannies and jannies

Ok chang

Ching ching bing bong keep seething because you’re wrong

This is the real reason for the meme. We're on the world's foremost racial nationalist message board and these niggers are spitting on their grandfathers' grave for being against racemixing. Ridiculous.

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Yes. It replaced shart in the mart which was much better

we must defeat the shills. do NOT post mutt memes.

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It's a response to the attitude of burgers of always mocking and insulting everyone.

Get a grip mutt, it’s very obviously that creating a rift between Americans and Europeans on the “foremost racial Nationalist board” (god you do sound like a heaping faggot) is in (((their))) favor you stupid nigger.

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I don't want to be associated with whites or europeans. you are weak and effeminate



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It is just a joke with some truth to it. Don't take it so seriously.

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how much for that germanic stuff?


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Whats the point of all these gay memes?

You are acting just like what I mentioned in my O.P Shlomo.

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Either way it's fucking stupid and doesn't reflect reality.


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Yeah so what? Euros have always had that pompous "you filthy american" attitude way before Yas Forums. The french in particular made it into a cliche.

Yeah this is true. It was mostly reactionary on the part of g*rman roaches and muddy bongs.

It was back when there was a terrorist attack every week so how could you blame us for being antagonistic?


Luv le Spurdo
Luv le burgers
Luv le American bear

simple as

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>Andalusian Sandmutt

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Lol Canada is now less white than the USA
>USA - 76%
>Canada - 71%

>The muttface is literally modeled after Oliver Willis, a Shareblue operative. GIS him.

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>76% white
Just post the non-hispanic white population statistics and there will be an end to this horror

Wrong, 2010 we were at 56%, now it's probably worse. Canada has done a """""""good"""""" job of catching up though. Also re-Whiting our America would be easier than re-Whiting Canada.

Do it and talk to me again. Not even kidding.

lol mutts like you are the reason for the meme

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lol what

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It's just bantz, my american amigos

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LOL at least our immigrants can be bleached back to white in a couple generations.

Canada’s immigrants are full shitskin

I google him and it just looks like another standard mutt.

The real question is... why do US mutts look way more uglier than the LatAm ones? Food habits?

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Shut up, spic. You have to go back.


If you really are a white American, why would you take offense from the meme?

If you find it offensive, you definitely share a trait with it. Brown eyes. Fat. Balding. Shit genetics. In this case you are objectively a subhuman by the original definition and I'm pretty sure the Jews did not run the NSDAP

Yes, spics in spicland are still ugly. Shit diet makes just makes things worse. My point still stands though

>I googled him and I'm new as fuck, therefore I see nothing and remember nothing
>the mutts we made are superior to the mutts you've allowed to exist
Ok, friend. There are literally only two options: you think the meme is funny so you play it for lulz, or you're a literal retard that can't maths/genetics/history.
I tend to think that it's for the lulz.

anything to make you hate other people and not these satanic pedophiles is a psyop

>explicitly stating it's for the lulz means you're offended
Kinda the opposite, in English.

I don't like it when people get the wrong idea about me and my people, you know? Doesn't it annoy you when people think that Sweden is nothing but cucks and somalis when your demographic problem is much better than ours?

Also interesting fact: White's racemix the least in America - it's all the other races mutting it up.

I kek'd hard
give this man a German VISA

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>I don't like it when people get the wrong idea about me and my people, you know?

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The mutt meme is literally one of the funniest things to come out of nu/pol/


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