Fauci says “immunity ID cards” being discussed


Congratulations faggots. Buying into massive hysteria pushed by the main stream media has resulted in this. Happeningfags are 100% responsible for this.

All because you were scared of the flu.

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And even then you all don't truly realize how bad it is. there is no immunity shit for brains. anyone that has had it is at an extreme risk compared to everyone else. If the people knew the truth they would truly panic

trump needs to fire Hillarys midget shit weasel and stop employing garbage


>no immunity

yeah ok happooner

>doesn't understand how viruses work

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that means all of hollywood is fucked

Angry white beta cucks looking for reasons to be angry.

The most accredited, famous, smart virologist proposing a fucking way to save america.

AND STILL white, angry virgins DON'T LIKE IT.


Someday a disease is gonna burn out the human rage-center. It's not behind the blood-brain barrier, you know. Any virus that gets into the blood can get into the brain through the route of your brain's anger-specialized tissues.

It's called "antibody dependent enhancement" brainlet. Carona-chan beats the O2 out of your blood with your own antibodies

Oh, and here it is in leetspeak if you think you can follow along and educate yourself on how there is no immunity because the antibodies are another weapon for carona-chan to use


*Accredited by persoanlly Bill Gates.

It also mutates up to 10 times! Studies show that it can lay dormant for up to 75 years in your body! It can come back at anytime. The most recent mutation is literally just a basketball sized corona ball that brandishes a glock 22 at children! Just wait 2 more weeks!

The difference being i can actually back my claims up with papers and sufficiently explain why an antimalarial drug saves people on ventilators from "just a flu"


Do you really need the re*dit "s" to recognize sarcasm on Yas Forums you absolute r/MTF refugee?

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War.of the ID cards: leftid: used to track your movements.so you don't violate hoaxvirus quarantine, realid: used to keep illegal immigrants from voting or terkin our jerbs

that is acceptable
implants are not

>doesn't understand how mutations work

We haven't even started nothingburger. Our girl is going to crash the whole fuckin thing.

The talking heads are saying optimistic antibody immunity is 18 months (you you are not the 25% that don't get antibodies). Possibly as low as two months for people with antibodies. 6-8 months is realistic based on influenza guestimates.

>what is chickenpox laying dormant and returning 20x worse as shingles later in life
>what is herpes and hpv with permanently recurring symptoms
>what is dengue where reinfection is much worse and becomes dengue x1000 due to ADE
>what is HIV

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Long read, and not a bad breakdown but never saw the blogpost. if only there were a mechanism for the virus to do that magical chemistry. like the rest of the carona family if the spike protein weaponizes antibodies against the body that would be pretty bad. Good thing Covid doesn't do that or far more ventilated people will die than in normal viral pneumonia. Good thing we aren't seeing that.

>All because you were scared of the flu.
And not a shot was fired in response
Enjoy your ankle monitor, comrade citizen

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I'm honestly tired of how he keeps hiring these people who will obviously work to undermine him. Like seriously, how are they not being vetted before hand

Now we know why the Govt has "overreacted" to the "virus":

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Even after Trump issues the all clear, D govs will continue the lockdown - following advice from (((medical experts)))

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CDC propagandist Anthony S. Fauci, MD received major funding from The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation—who also funded the Coronavirus patent holder The Pirbright Institute (UK)

Facui just recently received $100 million grant from Gates.

The Gates Foundation is also a major funder of The Pirbright Institute (UK) with DARPA, The Wellcome Trust (UK), DARPA, WHO, EU, DERA

The Pirbright Institute (UK) is the patentee of the CORONAVIRUS U.S. Pat. No. 10,130,701

Fuck this guy.

It's almost like he's just more of the same kikery or something, you fucking idiot.

Make sure you get your forehead stamp so everyone knows you’re compliant. Faggot.

>WHO just investigating reinfection of formerly "cured" patients of COVID-19 in South Korea

right now going though the mainstream

Accept The Mark, comrade citizen. Or starve.

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Reinfections probably just outliers or faulty tests

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Accelerate you limpdicked fuck!

Just Googled ade well we are fucked. There will never be a vaccine


>americans complaining about mandatory ID cards