They are admitting the actual numbers are much lower than even their most conservative projections. Now they are saying "good job, but we must keep this going unless we want that number to go up" that was never part of the plan - they are moving the goal posts. WE NEED TO START STANDING UP FOR OUR CIVIL LIBERTIES.
Other urls found in this thread:
If they dont open this shit up soon it will be time to shut down the power grid and start executing all government officials and their families.
Need more time to install 5G towers. Go back to sleep.
Burn it all down or start digging up and cutting the fiber lines.
>standing up
Best a lot are going to be able to manage is sitting up straight on their rascals
What you might come to realize shortly is that there were never any goalposts in the game you're playing. The "side" you thought your were fighting against declared themselves the referees.
Best of luck burgerbros, it's not like the situation is any better where I am.
>Burn it all down or start digging up and cutting the fiber lines.
Try it faggot. We'll end your fucking family and genetic line.
This isnt a game and the referees will be slaughtered. Have fun playing.
>The "side" you thought your were fighting against declared themselves the referees.
>Best of luck burgerbros, it's not like the situation is any better where I am.
Declared? You cunt, they were the ones who designed the game from the beginning. We just thought those spectating us for their amusement were actually in this game with us.
You better move fast, because after I bring the grid down im coming to your house and murdering you and your family your traitor piece of shit.
Chill bro, I enjoy being at home with the kids and misses. I can work from home and don’t have to pay for useless shit or fuel. The rest of the useless fucks can just fucking die for all I care.
You'll screech through a mask at a governnent mandated distance like a good peon
You and your family can all die too based on that logic faggot youre not the protagonist
Agreed. It’s so obvious now that this is bullshit.
They do sort of stick out like sore thumbs don't they? It's pretty easy to picture them blowing a shrill whistle while admonishing someone for some trivial control freak reason then getting their skull aerated.
>because after I bring the grid down im coming to your house and murdering you and your family your traitor piece of shit.
Big words for a cunt.
>a good peon
Why are Canadians all pajeets in disguise?
Hey man, it’s just the luck of the lottery, only a faggot would fear death, if it’s my time it’s my time. If not party on, hopefully once the useless have died and Africa / ME has been turned into a nature sanctuary they’ll reopen travel so I can take a nice holiday to Corfu
A game still takes acquiescence of those who play, sadly.
>Big words for a cunt.
Fuck around and find out nigger. You know damn well you're gonna open shit up soon, because you don't want your family to die. Get on that, I'm tired of waiting. Getting an itchy trigger finger.
Why do bootlickers act tough? Is it their rough muscular tongues from years of cleaning cleats that makes them say these things?
fuck off glowie
You shouldn’t use the ‘N’ word unless you’re a filthy nigger it degrades the white mans consciousness even thinking of it.
Only 2000 Americans died yesterday. There's still MILLIONS left. MUST! KEEP! WINNING!
Nah. You will accept a consolation prize job bagging groceries to make up for the layoffs and maybe another check or two from the government. Nobody will revolt.
Hur dur civil rights
This reeks of an alphabet fed faggot
They are desperately inflating the numbers here. It's comical because first they tried to down play it by only counting the hospitals death. Now they are adding the retirement home ones, without testing anyone but even with doing this, the number are too low. We won't reach the 2017 flu death toll.
No, what they're doing is saying that things are ok and then extending the quarantine time because they AREN'T ok. They're only trying to calm you down so you don't realize how FUCKED everything is, they aren't trying to keep you inside, that does nothing except destroy the economy more and that benifits nobody.
Holy shit
You are one angry teenager or a retarded glownigger
No need for acquiescence from a leaf. We'll just make leafs bend over like the faggots they are
>Getting an itchy trigger finger.
Try it bitch.
I burn with the righteous fury of a thousand suns and i long for nothing more than taking the life of traitors.
>Try it bitch.
You've got one week.
This new phase of demanding immunity cards or an immunity phone app, checked by tower beacons is BS.
The Anti-Body Testing is another scam.
People with HIV have anti-bodies to the virus. Are they cured? No.
Also, those without anti-bodies can still have the virus, because it takes about 6 – 8 weeks for your body to make anti-bodies to any infection.
When a person in infected, for 6-8 weeks there are no anti-bodies, during that time they are at their most infectious stage. Then the anti-bodies are finally made and try to kill whatever is inside the body.
Sometimes they can’t kill it, like with Herpes. People have antibodies but still have the virus. Lifelong!!
You can have anti-bodies forever, and just be a perpetual carrier.
More fake tests.
This thing is mutating with multiple strains already around the globe.
This is not what the numbers show.
>Sometimes they can’t kill it, like with Herpes. People have antibodies but still have the virus. Lifelong!!
This isnt true. The truth in this case is that the anti-body testing is extremely flawed for Herpes testing as well. Lots of false positives. Also, they assume if you have the anti-bodies, this means you have Herpes, but this is not true. Your body could have effectively fought it off and you would still have the anti-bodies.
Testing for anti-bodies is just a BS test all around
>hey aren't trying to keep you inside, that does nothing except destroy the economy more and that benifits nobody.
Nigger they literally closed down everything, crashed the economy on purpose and told us all to stay inside. WTF are you talking about?
Uh huh sure any day now
Neither are you. Remember posting here does absolutely nothing.
Soon nigger. Sooner then I even expected to be honest. Was aiming for a July boogaloo before this Corona shit started. Now I get it earlier.
>Muttoid homosex fantasies
Uh.. yeah. great.
Not that that has anything to do with what I said. Are you actually trying to say that Americans aren't acquiescing to retarded shit en masse right now?
avg 20 officers / 10k population
> 20 % of those are women [ worthless ]
> 10 % of those are shitskins [ lazy ]
> what remains are lazy oldfags and a few committed retard Favras
It comes down to 10 officers / 10k population
if the populace targeted these faggots, there would be no strong arm of the government to force us to do anything
Just kill their families while they're on duty and then they'll all start quitting so they can stay home and protect their families like they should have done to start with.
Those are Customs Agents, user. They actually have an important job in securing and inspecting goods/people that come into the country.
Their jobs have more gravitas than your average street cop (diversity hires) in a city.
>every time
Just admit you're a coward.
get a load of this fucking asshole
lockdowns are essentially like a filter:
they do nothing to megacorps like amazon etc. but effectively kill small businesses.
essentially, the longer the lockdowns go on, the harder the middle class gets hit and the more dependent people on average become to the nanny state. your butcher next door might be fearing for his existence right now, while amazon is hiring more people.
since the powers that be obviously love this idea because it means that only CONTROLLED businesses that follow their (satanic) agenda will survive, they will want to make lockdowns a regular thing.
this might just be the first wave to normalize people to the idea of just accepting random, unwarranted house arrests without court orders (please just take a moment to medidate on how fucking INSANE the idea that this sentence is true really is. how far we have come and how quickly) and other blatant violations of THE MOST ELEMENTAL HUMAN RIGHTS
even if the towers did nothing (big fucking if):
- they can randomly take people away from their families
- they will want even more surveillance (tracking apps etc.)
- mandatory vaccinations, mandatory health checks
- freedom of travel completely gone
i guess in 10 years or so (probably way earlier) most people will only be able to survive on the dole - but those that want it will have to accept whatever they demand
this is goddamn "escape from new york"-tier craziness turning to reality
5g doesn't cause viruses you idiot
You sound like you're scared your family will be murdered? Did you really think we wouldn't fight back? This is the problem with the illusion of power. You faggots think you're in charge and can get away with whatever you want until someone slits your wife and daughter's throats and shows you what true power is.
Perhaps its not a virus, but simply the effects of 5G being passed off as a virus? Or perhaps the 5G is exacerbating the virus/compromising the human's cellular response to the virus. You don't know idiot.
Correct. It lowers your immune system so that viruses have an easier time getting in.
u have the power to end it yourself
I don't know about America, but we have at least another three weeks of this, probably a bit more as well.
Consoomer status: Seething!
The economy hasn't reset to a suitable level yet, user.
You have a double digit IQ you fucking brain dead retard.
>going to be bad without measures
>put measures into place
>estimates start going down according to how people follow guidelines
I hope you can’t vote, or have any day whatsoever in any government affair in your entire life. You might even be a tranny. Don’t you understand the simple concept of suppression of an epidemic? Do you have the slightest clue how epidemiology works? The estimates are lowering because we are following (mostly) strict social distancing guidelines, as well as producing medical equipment in mass so we don’t become like Italy turning patients away to die. The moment you double digit Iq retards start “FIGHTING LE SYSTEM” we’re going to have a masssive second wave a lot sooner than October.
I’m honestly thinking you’re a glow nigger
Don't go full retard. 5g is non ionizing radiation it cant penetrate the skin.
>Don’t you understand the simple concept of suppression of an epidemic?
Of course, but it doesnt work. You're better off exposing everyone and getting it over with. You're just a faggot whp is trying to defeat nature by using wholly retarded and unnatural approaches that in the end are going to lead to war and the deaths of millions.
It’s a flu. They’re losing their shit over the flu.
We need to either no ass it or full ass it. This halfway bullshit both wrecked the economy and didn't stop the spread. We need a full month of actual, compulsory lockdown, or to stop it altogether.
Im still going to burn down every 5G tower I see either way, because it's fun and makes tech faggots seethe.
>We need a full month of actual, compulsory lockdown
Then you'd get a civil war with millions dead.
Go for it and once you get to the top of the tower jump off.
we should team up with the hood niggers to smoke pig bitches.
based. fuck this technoshit hell existence.
What’s with all this fedposting can you luminescent negroids fuck right off?
Twelve Experts Questioning the Coronavirus Panic
Ten More Experts Criticising the Coronavirus Panic
Dr John Ioannidis of Stanford University points out that the only true-case study which we have of the coronavirus shows a death-rate as low as 0.05%.
How Dr Wolfgang Wodarg sees the current Corona pandemic
Dr Ron Paul, The Coronavirus Hoax
PETER HITCHENS: There’s powerful evidence this Great Panic is foolish, yet our freedom is still broken and our economy crippled
PETER HITCHENS: Is shutting down Britain – with unprecedented curbs on ancient liberties – REALLY the best answer?
Montana physician Dr Annie Bukacek discusses how COVID 19 death certificates are being manipulated
Look At How Ridiculously Wrong All The COVID-19 Models Were
Jeff Berwick: The Corona Hoax - How The Whole World Was Fooled Into Impoverishment and Enslavement Overnight
University of Oxford: Half of Britain has already long been infected
Rioting is never an answer. Why do humans insist on being emotional.
Motivations for the coronavirus panic:
1) The world economy was already going to crash into a second Great Depression in 2020.
2) This was going to cause mass chaos and riots in the streets in every country around the world, as well as a public awakening about the robbery of the financial elite class.
3) Some way had to be invented both to excuse the economic collapse, and to get people quarantined into their houses for the police state to take over.
4) The coronavirus was made the pretext for this, and people were cajoled into accepting it by the media incitement of mass panic.
5) The coronavirus therefore not only saves the elite class from blame during the inevitable collapse, but allows them to impose any authoritarian measures they wish.
6) Totalitarianism will be implemented. People will be made isolated, jobless, and, with the UBI which is now coming out, dependent on the state.
7) People will be forced to take vaccinations and be microchipped in order to come back into normal life (see Bill Gates on Reddit recently with respect to "digital tattoos"). These microchips will be the beginning of a system which controls your life.
8) They will tell you that you need this microchip to go back to work, get on an aeroplane, or participate in society in any meaningful way.
9) As part of a depopulation agenda, the vaccines will also weaken your immunity and make you sick.
10) This sickness will be used as a pretext for more quarantines, more totalitarianism, further vaccines, ad infinitum.
same, the day of the rope is at hand
nice deep state conspiracy tard views
You want to take my right to riot you fascist capitalistic pig? I get you censored, fired, punch your face and throw you into jail for that hate crime before white boys like you get the rope. We will build our communistic utopia where there are no hate crimes and everyone is equal. Woman, lgbts and Niggers more so than others. If you don't accept that you get reeducated. My feelings don't care about your facts.
You don’t care about anyone beside yourself?
>You've got one week.
I'm ready now faggot. Where do you want to meet?
Its not fed posting, its reality nigger. If the government instituted a mandatory lockdown, the power grid would be taken down and government officials would be executed. I know this because I would be doing it myself. Try it and see.
You are cat. Cats don't do that
>They are admitting the actual numbers are much lower than even their most conservative projections. Now they are saying "good job, but we must keep this going unless we want that number to go up"
DAILY REMINDER that the 2.2 million dead projection assumed lock downs and social distancing through the end of May. They've now revised that figure down to 60k and are claiming that the revision is thanks to lock downs.
>I'm ready now faggot. Where do you want to meet?
Remain in your home traitor, a RWDS will be by shortly to address your complaint.
All talk no action faggot
>You are cat. Cats don't do that
WTF does this mean?
>The estimates are lowering because we are following (mostly) strict social distancing guidelines
The 2.2 million factored in shutdowns and physical distancing measures you fucking liar.