moderate atheist here
give your best argument for the existence of God in one sentence or less
moderate atheist here
give your best argument for the existence of God in one sentence or less
pray and find out, stop arguing like a chick
Let him out and you will find the answer
>give your best argument for the existence of God in one sentence or less
user, a more fun thread would have been: "I believe in God, prove me wrong."
notghing cannot explode
God created the black man in his own image.
The fact that you're even asking this question is proof that God is seeking you, as He has since the day you were born
>t. former atheist
Atheism is equally as implausible as dogmatic theism, agnosticism is most logical stance all things considered.
I’ve always been fascinated with mythology. Nearly all western and Aryan traditions speak of gods/giants/angels coming to earth and mixing with humans. From the Annunaki to the demigods of Olympus, Egypt, Sumerian, Vedic Hinduism all tell a very similar story. The Epic of Gilgamesh is bout such brings.
We are certainly more than just the product of evolution.
The Platypus.
>the big bang was an explosion of nothing
okay retard
>t. former atheist
what made u convert? and at what age?
yeah insult me because you cannot deal with the facts
just believe what some guys with withe coats wrote in (((their))) books, that (((you))) never ever read, cool for you monkey dude
so do you believe the big bang happened?
what about the creation story of genesis?
If you're right, we both die the same way. If I'm right (christian) I go to heaven you burn in hell. I can't lose, you can.
Agnosticism is not a middle-man/mutually-exclusive.
Why do you absolute imbeciles still think epistemology and ontology are the same things. Stop. And stop pretending self-proclaimed Agnostics aren't too afraid to own their Atheism, so they hide behind Agnostic to avoid the negative baggage Atheism entails.
fuck off chinese spy
>Something came from nothing
Ok atheist, explain that retarded inversion
kek i dont believe in big bang,
i dont believe in evolution
i dont even believe in gravity
the bible is 100% true
Nice meme flag you fat fedora tipping retard.
Unless God intended you to seek him, in which case Agnosticism is wrong. If you ever talk to a religious person you never exhausted all options
>i dont even believe in gravity
lmao, so how do you explain the force that drags you back down to earth when you jump?
and do the bible deny gravity?
literally every social order God said provides happiness.
> no degeneracy
> masculine, patriarchal society with countless levels of heierarchy cumulating in a king to rile over secular matters and a bishop to proceed over religious rules with no separation of church and state
> anti semetic
> imperial
> no race mixing
none of this proves the existence of God.
All atheists are worthless faggots without exception, all titans of STEM are desists/christian without exception.
i am heavy than air, thats why i come down when i jump
the bible never mentions gravity, so it cannot be important
All christcucks on Yas Forums are larpers without exception.
Religion can not exist without free will,
free will can not exist without religion, and free will exists.
Prove that God doesnt exist first.
You cant?
Then whats more probable, someone created all of this for a reason, or nothing created everything for no reason?
Think for yourself
"Proving God exists doesn't matter because evolution proves that religion is instrumental to human survival and well being. "
>the bible never mentions gravity, so it cannot be important
the bible doesnt mention the moon either, does that mean the moon doesnt exist?
Burn in hell, disbeliever.
>Then whats more probable, someone created all of this for a reason, or nothing created everything for no reason?
the second option is more probable
>free will exists
prove it
>the bible doesnt mention the moon either
the moon is first mentionen in the 16th verse of the bible, and is at least mentionened in 50 other verses
Read pic related.
basically this, consciousness is the root of all things
you better believe in god or I will chop ur head off
Ask god for mercy. I will pray for you user
Faggotry such as that in Europe could not occur by natural means
1. that doesn't mean there is no God
2. that doesn't mean there is no God
Did you come here with the nigger dawkins tier meme talking points?
So what? This does prove that non degenerate Christianity is evolutionary fit, and promotes families and baby making so kike puppets like dawkins, and usefuly goy such as yourself - attack it
>So what?
read my original post, vladimir.
im asking for the existence of God, not biblical moral codes
user, you cannot find god with your mind. God meets you in your heart. The wisdom of this world is temporal. God is life. Read the gospels and ask God to have mercy on you.
If you want to invest some time search YouTube for a playlist called “These things I believe” it’s from an Orthodox group.
I am also a former atheist like user above so ama if you like but our knowledge and thoughts can’t take us to God. He seeks us and we respond to him.
>In before multi-universe
Something out of nothing.
What sort of evidence would you accept? What would it take?
When did Yas Forums turn into r/atheism?
Kys manchild
I think therefore I am.
I did.
You brought this up.
I don't have them. Do you?
about gravity again, you said the reason you fall back to the ground is because youre heavier than air.
why is the term "heavy" even a term if you dont believe in gravity? sure, you have more mass than air, but why does that make you fall down?
Being "heavy" is the result of gravity. a rock is heavy on earth, but its weighless in space.
God? You mean Yahweh. Jews, Christians, and Muslims all claim to worship one god called Yahweh. This leads you to believe Yahweh worship is the only option. It is part of their Jewish plan.
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the one real religion
>give your best argument for the existence of God in one sentence or less
The matter is quite complicated, but I'll try:
Everything we experience is contingent upon other things, this needs to end at a fundamental necessary element, which everyone calls God.
Evolution is the religion of Christ haters based on faith in the unprovable.
Ever since edgy trannies from reddit discovered it and mistook the contrarian traditionalism for religiosity.
It's contrarians being contrarian against contrarians for being contrarian and no one here has any deeply held convictions whatsoever.
It's all just nihilistic soup.
>so do you believe the big bang happened?
Yes. The theory was proposed by the Catholic priest Fr. Georges Lemaittres
>what about the creation story of genesis?
The bible is not a science book, the creation story tells you truths about the relationship of God to his creation and to you.
Jewish egregores exist. LOL
>Jewish egregores
unironically this
Infinite multiverse. If it contains an omnipotence in any structure, omnipotence exists everywhere.
An infinite multiverse contains all possible variations, and therefore God exists.
Agnostic here. Why care one way or the other?
If God is just He will not care whether or not you believe in him, but will judge you based on how you have lived your life.
If God is unjust, then why would you want to worship Him in the first place?
The solution is to lead a good life and try to do more good than bad. In the end that's all that matters, and what those who remain will remember you for.
>give me your thoughts but only in the format i approve of
They always use cryptic bullshit like this when trying to discuss or establish a straight forward narrative that's actually based in reality.
you will be judged on his standard. he is just. the wage for sin is death.
The fact that modern civilization was built on its back and on its ideals.
>Why care one way or the other?
Because it's not about what you get "at the end" as a reward for having been a good boy but what you get right now for growing as a human being.
The what-happens-after-you're-dead crowd is literally kidnergarden tier religious studies and it's what edgy atheists think religious people care about.
Several philosophers demonstrated scientifically the existence of god.