Biden is gonna be wrecked.
Bernie didn't do anyone a favour by being so soft on Biden. I don't think Biden's carers are prepared to deal with this.
Biden is gonna be wrecked.
Bernie didn't do anyone a favour by being so soft on Biden. I don't think Biden's carers are prepared to deal with this.
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Zion Don makes good ads
after the way trump has completely botched his handling of the covid-19 outbreak he's going to get stomped by biden and the democrats. He can't just have tens of thousands of americans die from something he said for weeks was a "democrat hoax". Americans are going to hold him accountable by sending him packing come november.
A boring dystopia
kek "IM NOT GOING NUTS" at the end
Wow that is the most racist thing I have ever seen. Trump should be ashamed of himself.
Only if a third-party candidate wins.
He should really start worrying about the people. All he cares about is money and sucking Jewish cock
Lol "I am the virus, Jack!"
This. Even Yas Forums is Ridin’ with Biden. Now we can see this virus clearly is not a nothingburger. We are dealing with what is potentially an extinction level event here and Zion Don has shown his true colours.
Not even watching the video but racists, xenophobes and sexists can't meme
Listen here Jack.
Imagine being such a retard that you still think he called the virus a hoax.
That’s a really long way of saying “the left cant meme” m8
the right can't meme because they're restrictive by nature. the thought of someone being happy and having self liberty makes them seethe. this is why right wing memes just spew hate that make everyone like ''...…….oh'' when they see it
Let me see Biden do it better lmao.
In the words of the left "the president is not one guy". I'm sorry, he wouldn't have even blocked travel.
Nice try shariahblue
The left is also restrictive because they are too sensitive. We want everyone to be happy, not just nonwhites. Most of us just want a white country.
Also crime stats bud.
Biden shills "I am a former Drumpf supporter, and he killed many of us due to *looks at notes* botched China virus handling" They pay you and this is the best you can do? I dont understand why DNC knows they will loose but still pay the shills.
>The right can't meme because trannies get offended by the memes
3/10 bait.
>"democrat hoax".
Look at this pathetic faggot carrying water for Biden. He's still pushing a lie that even Snopes wouldn't back up.
the left is a hippie that's free or a wiccan witch. literally the opposite to being a restricted right winger
I'm really looking forward to seeing all those progressive faggots kiss Biden's wrinkly ass and shill for him after all the shit they hurled at him when sanders was running.
It's going to be peak entertainment.
when u kill nigs
lmao bottom text
difference between making a meme and posting edgy nasty shit
Bot much?
Biden is just another corporate shill that Trump has won over many times before. Only difference this time is that he has dementia.
I was supporting Bloompf, but now that I see he wants war with China, I'm voting for Biden!
>someone being happy and having self liberty
You misspelled "allowing easily manipulated fools to be preyed upon by cultural warfare experts".
There must be some reason they are going with Biden. The plan must be to let Trump win, because everyone in the entire world, on the left and on the right, knows Biden is an absolute joke. Is it possible for Obama to run as VP? Then people might vote for Joe in the hopes that he dies and Obongo wins?
I just want to see progressives kiss his ass desu
I want to see them support a candidate they hate.
The Democrats see Trump as the worst thing imaginable. They think people who voted for him are stupid, and that they voted for him because he is bad. They are so confused that they think they have a chance of winning if they run against him with candidates who are even worse than he is. In fact they are just projecting their own stupidity onto Trump and his voters. Pic related.
All Trump has to do is point out how bad the outcomes from yurops socialized health care were compared to ours.
It kills the socialized medicine and the Trumps handling of the virus was a failure arguments in one shot.
Obama can't be on the ticket as he's no longer eligible to become president.
Cool, you're totally right. Dems can all stay home in November because Dems are gonna win so easily, they don't even need to vote.
Republicans better come out and vote in huge numbers if they have any hope of defeating the powerful Biden team.
>Caring which jew bootlicker will be this season's SUPER SECRET jew PR representative
>having self liberty makes them seethe
Last checked it wasnt right wing states voting in red flag laws and it wasn't right wing people saying coofers should be locked up.
Shits weak.
Trump is gonna get cucked the fuck out.
We got mass graves drone footage, his 9 hrs press briefings full of goodies. His response time, he's been impeached.
The man is a walking talking bag of 30 day old cum
Its glorious.
Wtf is that
is that image based on some kind of creepy pasta?
>having any sort of brains
HaHaHaHaHaHa!!! My work has been out 2 weeks and we already have one suicide. Fucktards don’t think beyond their next meal.
Biden without makeup
It is just a candid photo of Biden without the makeup.
Up yours Libtarded
Yawn. Absolute boomerism. Imagine thinking you can squeak through an election with just the boomer vote. Can't win without the youth, right or left.
Oh my. What is that fucking image, lol.
Biden isn't popular with the youth. Last poll shows that Biden is equally as popular as Trump with voters under 35
>60,000,000 Americans caught h1n1 in 2009 and the media downplayed it
>12,469 Americans died of h1n1 in 2009 and the media tongued king niggers anus
>500,000 worldwide died of h1n1 in 2009 and you were told not to say anything or you’re racist
cultural war? no the left only like to experiement, progress and see if things work. the right wing just want us to stay in mediEVIL times
Biden will likely get less support from progressives than Hilldawg.
And it's not the left that are restricting women and their bodies
*drops mic*
Link the study faggot.
Faggot detected
Look at you, responding to low effort bait, like a newfaggot Redditor
If Biden were president he wouldn’t have put in place the travel ban from China which saved tens of thousands of lives. The American people support Donald Trump
At least Hillary was a woman. Biden doesn't have any progressive gimmick unless he comes out as gay or something.
And his politics are to the right of Trump.when it comes for example.
No matter who gets elected, Biden should be given an office and make regular speeches. The hostile foreign governments will have to stop a bit and figure out what the fuck just he just said and did, it can buy us time.
>Bonus points if he gets his own diplomatic comm line, overlaid on the president's
>They both talk to the same foreign diplomat/leader at the same time on the same line.
>Biden and the pres. get official .gov Twitter accounts. We can invade while other countries are confused.