Lesson here, groypers: you come at the king, you best not miss...
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I would respect Spencer a lot more if he didn't purposely try to look like a faggot. He was at his best when he was doing podcasts with truly redpilled thinkers like Jonathan Bowden and Patrick Buchanan. Those discussions are part of what redpilled me. But when he tries to give his own ideas and elevate himself he just seems like a faggot
I generally don't dislike Spencer or think he's obviously a fed or whatever, but over an hour of the man talking to himself does not strike me as at all attractive to watch.
Yeah, I'm thinking he's back.
He's at his best in bloodsports.
One hour is not much. Listen while you cook dinner or go for your daily 10 mile run.
I'm suddenly in the mood for a good melted swiss cheese, roasted mushrooms and caramelized onions on a burger.
Uh that is hot stuff.
Meh he’s not interesting at all to listen
Haha Milo has it bad for Richard Spencer. So jealous.
Dead movement is dead. Almost like it never existed, and unless it gets backed by some billionaires and media support they own it wont. But then it'll be used for their obscured and nefarious agendas. This shit never gets old, puppets and puppeteers.
>Dead movement is dead.
If you watch the video you'll find that Spencer agrees with you. The alt-right of 2016 is dead, or rather devolved into the Groyper/AF-movement. Now it's time to move forward, having learned from the misstakes of the past.
This is how you low quality post boys. Notice the provactive but ultimately banal and trite image. The short obviously retarded bait body and followed up by OPs shitty jewlube video for microsheckles
>I-I-I-I-I think that ..
>if-if-if-if-if just ...
he braindamaged from getting bashed in the head by a soiboi
>nothing about religion or God
because the alt-right is full of fedoras who are openly hostile to christians and therefore hundreds of millions of whites
It's not just him talking
I like spencer 99% of the time but the one 1% of the time when he gives interviews to mainstream outlets or just puts his foot in his mouth makes him toxic.
That gray beard hnnngg
Extreme cringe
can someone spoonfeed me this meme? I feel like I missed him say this and they kept making jokes on TDS about this sentence.
lol you mad because you cant afford it. seethe more poor fag
Absolutely based and Bowden pilled
its a bunch of poor fags mad spencer can spend their life savings on a good burger with fries and a beer
Yeah, I'm listening.
This is meant to show NPCs that these big bad boogies exist in reality by giving him air time, no matter how constructive his message sounds. Even though some small amount would admire to what he's talking about, most will not, as most of the people are mutts/minorities. So, his "movement" will be used as a strawmen attached to white people whenever some mass shootings happen, to demonize and shame whites for existing or caring for their identity and the future of the country.
Spencer is a fucking joke, he worshipped Tulsi and Bernie even though they’re open borders leftwingers.
we only need to get 10% of whites on our side before their opinions change. citing a study i'm too lazy to google at the moment
As opposed to Trump who gave us masses and masses of illegals
Why did Nick even go after MM and Richard Spencer?
Really odd and random.
There’s an argument to be made for accelerations and changing the Overton window.
There’s an argument to be made that left wingers should prefer Trump because he’s not doing anything radical and the left wing political response will probably be more radical in 2024
I’m not surprised that some on the right want Trump out ASAP to start building a more nationalist movement, but I think it’s the wrong move myself
Sure he is, lol.
Aaaaaaand he's gone.
Fuck off, dick.
By that same logic, you also can't hostile towards things like rap music or sexual degeneracy, because millions of whites are into that aswell.
It's about market shares. If you study how Nick runs his show and movement you'll realize that it's largely a grifting operation. MM described it best as "high school drama". Nick is the coolest kid in school who decides what is "in" and what is "out". His fans are all insecure young men who desperatly seeks social validation. Hence Nick will constantly berate the people who donates to him for even the slightest things, effectively creating anxiety and eagerness to donate more in order to get back into his good grace. Of course his cult wouldn't work as well if his fans consumed content from other creators instead of clinging to his every take. That's why he constantly attacks anyone to right of him in order to drive a wedge between that person and his fans. It's really quite gross when you see through it.
that much I can gather, I was just curious if he said it in a funny way or if that's literally it.
I mean, is there a politician who isn't one in terms of actions?
one time he said it in a funny way
He’s gay, cringe, and the audio of him talking like a wannabe Führer will never let him succeed with normal people, so he’s also useless.
what a coinky dink, I wonder if he will pull another heil hitler stunt or organize a rally where someone gets killed and a bunch of kino nazi photos can be taken by a blond journalist every white supremacist gets cucked by.
Did he ever leave?
he, like your jewish self using a con'fed'erate
flag can go fuck yourselves. You aren't going to fool a massive arm of subculturists, nonconformists and contrarianists to do your
work for you this time.
You are reading the tea leaves wrong.
They are your enemy now. They saw how fruitless the last attempt was and its resulting cuck leader jewish dick sucking president.
They are done they work for themselves now.
The future is chaos. They are free agents. Russia pays cash.
King of what? Fucker is an obvious spook
Hello MM
He says it himself at the very start of this clip;
>They all say 'this mexican is dividing the movement, he's a subversive' - damn right!
Am I the only one old enough to remember that christian vs. pagan arguments have always been one of the biggest shill topics to divide with, and that we used to just ignore them? Am I the only one old enough here to remember how youtube banned hundreds of right/nationalist-leaning channels in waves a few years ago, even tiny ones with virtually no views or subscriptions, yet channels like Alex Jones and Richard Spencer's and Fuentes' were allowed to stay up? How does he still have a blue checkmark on twitter?
You have to understand, these grifters exist to control the narrative and divide the 'movement' into pointless factions. Most of them might not even know they're doing it - they just get emails from sponsors offering big bucks as long as they talk, or don't talk, about certain things, and they don't question it because their main goal isn't to actually enact any real change in the world, it's just to entertain and make a living.
And the only time they advocate any sort of action it's to go 'peacefully protest' with tiki torches, and get into ultimately pointless streetfights with antifa - neither really attacking the elite (or appealing to them, in the sense of lobbying specific issues that affect even the CEOs of local industry), or appealing to the average lower-to-middle class family.
Either you're an accelerationist, insurrectionist, 4GW lone wolf (or pack of loosely associated lone wolves with no official name/logo/meetups/HQ/faces etc.), or you exist solely online, or you're civic and attempt to appeal to the average person, and lobby and participate in actual politics. Anything in between doesn't work at this point, and has a high chance of glowing in the dark.
Based and Bowden pilled.
Damn looks fun
OP glows in the dark.
Spencer is the opposite of your pic. If he's a glowshill, he's literally shilling the "violent resistance is futile" line of inaction. Knowing this, why would you claim otherwise?
the spic was kicked off of youtube and is now on dlive
You don't need to advocate for violence to be a glow nigger. Making your side look like shit, larping, and getting your own guys into traps is good enough.
Lately I've been listening to him more and more frequently. I'm glad things are working out for him again.
>people who advocate violence are glowniggers
>people who advocate non-violence are glowniggers
Who isn't a glownigger?
See kids, this is how actual shills operate. It's called poisoning the well. Here's another example According to this shill, the only options are to either be an isolated, potential terrorist, or adopt washed out, limp-wristed opinions in order to maybe get a seat at the establishments table.
Ignoring the fact that you vastly oversimplified and redefined the options I was putting forth, give me an alternative to those options and tell me why it has any real advantage (especially in relation to the level of personal risk it brings). Go on.
The alternative was the option you attacked. Namely to build a honest, serious political platform, which doesn't advocate violence or "insurrection", and also doesn't compromise on it's vision for the future society.
Jesus nigger
Hour and a half
Timestamp you twat
>im here to raise money
Oy vey
You mean in a way that clearly enunciated his latent homosexual proclivities, like his palpably fruedian slip when describing a burger in a homoerotic manner?
Lmao Spencer was the one responsible for not only coopting the alt-right but killing the movement entirely.
Aly Hype expertly outlined why this is, but it seems everyone has either magically forgotten the past five years, or is completely unaware of the outside world.
>I am once again asking you for donations
I know he admires sanders but did he really have to copy his lines completely?
Imagine needing to be told that political power is derived from popularity, then lambasting populists for being popular.
The only kind of Fed Richard is, is a Kremlin asset.
>dude lmao don't counter signal
has this faggot every actually had an idea?
>to build a honest, serious political platform
What does that mean? Like actually participating in politics? Lobbying large local companies/politicians/media/think-tanks etc. with issues that they will actually listen to, which are both spicy and can't be waved away as 'hateful/hate speech' (like muh greatest ally working with muh greatest enemies China and Russia, the entire high tech sector being outsourced to Israel, real estate titans building high rises solely for Chinese businessmen/immigrants etc.)? Going door to door or out on main streets/CBDs and handing out pamphlets with messages that the average person will at least consider?
Or just more of the same youtube videos and social media posts that the algorithms will channel to people that already agree with you? Or irl groups that don't have any real effect in the world, or even locally, yet come with a high-risk of infiltration, subversion, and doxing? And that solely exist to take action 'when the happening comes'? I know the honeypot meme is overplayed, but it's hard to get across until you've experienced it personally, like I have - having a name/symbol/meet-ups/marches or any of the other stuff I mentioned previously instantly opens you up to subversion, and doesn't come with any real advantage.
>and also doesn't compromise on it's vision for the future society
Name a single group or 'platform' that has done this and hasn't been subverted/divided, had their members doxed, or had any real effect in the world.
Movementarianism doesn't work for our ideologies, you're living in the early 19th century, in a world where there's already a great depression and people can become national leaders from speeches in beer halls, where people that are members of public groups *don't* get their bank accounts closed, fired from their job, or permanently banned from everything. And that's just what they can get away with NOW - do you think they're gonna get any more lenient in the future?
Yeah - let me go dust of my tiki torch. Can't wait for the next honeypot!
>Or irl groups that don't have any real effect in the world, or even locally, yet come with a high-risk of infiltration, subversion, and doxing?
$10 you don't even know who your neighbours are, let alone what the majority get up to in your suburb
I can't get over:
1. His not being a Christian
2. His faggy voice
3. The fact that he's a trustfund baby
Those may be related.
You know what fuck it, all luck to ya, ignore all my pessimism, I wish you only the best. But please just remember to keep an eye out for subverters, dividers, people insinuating larger issues are unimportant or pointless, and saying smaller issues are more important, and watch where money flows in from. Just don't say I didn't warn you if the same things that happened to me ever happen to you.
There's two kinds of rich.
People with a large inheritance, and people with a large income.
Unless you have an income stream, you can't support spending for long.
Spencer is worth several million, but how does he make money? He doesn't, he's got a hole in his pocket and the money is leaking away
lel pay up cunt, must suck to live near the city
In 10 years he will be outed as a fed asset. Check em.
this vain, narcissistic, AirPod wearing faggot of a trust fund baby actually believes the delusion that if society collapses, he will com out on top and will lead a white pagan empire.
>but it seems everyone has either magically forgotten the past five years, or is completely unaware of the outside world.
That’s what happens when anons “debate” real people. Ultimately when your anonymous you can never create something, you can only critique. Alt hype might be smarter and have great points, but at the end of the day, hes just a guy talking into a microphone and people listening
>controlled opposition
>literal closet homo
>married to journalist
Anyone who ever listens to this faggot or gives him any attention is a genuine retard