Why do mental illnesses travel in groups? For example, why are furfags actual faggots? Or why are weebs trannies? The average weeb also has high levels of faggotry. Also faggots in general are far more likely to be pedophiles. What causes this phenomenon?
Why do mental illnesses travel in groups? For example, why are furfags actual faggots? Or why are weebs trannies...
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Most people travel in groups as it's far safer than being alone. It's why we're social animals.
How do you mean?
please post more of these.
This is now a tranny avatar vs real pic thread.
Sexual deviancies*
Mental illness is pretty broad and you only listed sexual aberrations
>why do murderers breathe oxygen?
Don't have anymore. I thought I did but ohwell.
Well, as you can see, fucking degenerates stay degenerates, and when your social life is entirely on the internet, you lower all your standards and gain what you can get. Also death to all furries, those are by far the worst "human" I have seen so far.
Anime isn't strictly a sexual deviancy. But interestingly, a lot of mental illnesses are sexual in nature. The part of the brain that deals with the pleasure of sex is probably the easiest to become fucked up, especially in adolescence.
jewish transexual as per usual
none of the real trannies use these "lgbt" support groups or whatever the fuck
those are all the adult baby cd faggots like you posted in the op
they group together because they are in a safe space like you are in here on Yas Forums
where all of your opinions arent challenged and you can hide from reality just like they are
everyone just gives you a hug and you all sit and congratulate each other on fulfilling your groups particular autistic delusion
>Yas Forums is a safespace
lmao okay faggot, I guess you'll need to an hero now I called you a fucking fat burger mutt faggot.
Yas Forums isn't a safe space, everyone's just used to being called a cunt.
found the tranny
too easy mate
did you have a stroke
>american flag
you'll have a stroke soon, every american does
>implying it isn't
alright get the fuck back to ptg right this instant
you know that we make most of the shitty memes you regurgitate right
>why do delusional people tend to be delusional about more than one thing
Consider the following; As soon as your next depressive phase starts, just do what all the cool transgenders do and kill yourself, faggot.
Only some. Bipolars and schizos know to stay away from other bipolars and schizos, horrible combination.
>america makes memes
lmao everyone knows all memes come from australia you stupid burger
i least i dont support niggers raping little kids
faggots don't have any delusions though. They know they're degenerate faggots fucking poopy holes but they do it anyway because muh feels good.
Can we remove trannies from the premises lads?
Same shit as cults. Social outcasts being welcomed into a community and then being groomed to act a certain way to where they literally become unable to save themselves or see reason. It’s why there were furries, ponyfuckers, and now all these media-induced trannies
Oh, also trannies and such are also usually communists which is another type of mental illness.
Hhahaahahha didnt this one de-trans eventually. Isnt it also like a literal sperg or autist or something too.
>Or why are weebs trannies?
When did this become the standard? Weebs used to be lolicons and not trannies
>i least i dont support niggers raping little kids
holy shit absolute denial
FYI, that's sammytrans95 on reddit. Account is deleted now, but you might be able to find archives of stuff. He was frickin loopy. Supposedly, he decided to turn back into a guy and call liberals "kooky."
^ Proofs even more that's it's either a mental illness or just a very hard fetish.
Anime is a heavily sexualised source of entertainment even on a surface level. Anime girls also are also an unrealistic fantasy of "feminity" and "cuteness". Furthermore you have well-known characters like Astolfo, Felix and other anime traps who are solely popular because of their sexual appeal and memes. Many of these so called "weeb-trannies" aren't anime fans. They're fans of the connotation of being likened to an anime girl and the sexual deviancy that comes with them.
It's not really the standard. Weebs are like a potluck of degeneracy. Faggotry, pedophilia, trannies, you name it.
It pisses me off every time I see a clearly female character but then they stick a dick on it because HAHA IT'S A TRAP, GOT YOU FAGGOT!!
yeah hes a mentally retarded crossdresser
last i heard he said he found jesus and burned his clothes or something and then went back to crossdressing again the next day
>leftists: anime makes you a nazi
>right wingers: anime makes you gay
as always one thing that politically obsessed normalfags share is that they always just hate anime regardless of which side they're on
>watching mainstream trash
>not watching semi-obscure stuff
here is the person in the pic singing a song
>then went back to crossdressing again the next day
Only modern anime turns you into a faggot, classic anime is based
>mfw trannies exist
so is it a tranny that idiots keep posting incorrectly or is it a dragqueen playing dress up...that pretends to be a tranny?
Seems like an obvious british dragqueen from the video.
in contrast heres an adult baby pedophile that doesnt have the dragqueen vibe
some deviations correlate with the specific interest. It's important to distinguish correlation from causatiln however, because they can be entirely different
>where all of your opinions arent challenged
That's (((matt Lucas))), from the British comedy little Britain
Not op's pic
ultimately people like op just hate anime and look for any reason to talk shit about it, there are billions of people who watch anime, and there's billions of football fans in the world, you could easily find a 100 nazis and a 100 trannies who are also football fans then make a pretty little cherrypicked collection that you spam on the internet, but of course he doesn't care about football fans, he hates anime so he cherrypicks among the billions of people who watch anime
if you wonder why pick out anime in particular when there's a lot of other types of media out there, I'd say it's probably because it's a nerd hobby, and nerds generally don't have an interesting in fitting into the normalfag zeitgeist, while politically obsessed retards only care about that, so for them nerds are always easy prey, same goes for video games and pretty much any other nerd hobby
>25 posters
>3 opinions
>90% of posts of one opinion
>every response is basically kill yourself instead of discussion
If the shoe fits.
oh ok.
I cant tell the difference since the amount of effort, facial structure, and gender dysphoria present is basically the same.
This is really bad bait
If you like anime, you’re a retard faggot, that’s it
>If you're concerned about society's well being and your country there by extension politics you're a normal fag
This is the most retarded take I've heard all month.
ok normalfag
You're a retard that can't reply properly
Wow you're so cool and different for not caring. You wanna read catcher in the rye together and wear news boy caps?
if being a normalfag is so cool then why are you upset about being called a normalfag, that's what you are
We can have discussion while also telling you to kill yourself, faggot
its not bait
its true
we post these things privately
then they leak onto /lgbt/ and Yas Forums
then months later onto Yas Forums usually out of context
its the cycle of regurgitated content
but you dont double faggot
you just use these threads to dump your img spam of collected content from for the epic winzors burn on trannies
>at least I don't support niggers raping kids
[X] doubt
>Goes on Yas Forums
>Supports trannies
>Wonders why people tell him to go kill himself
I don't really see a discussion, you just shouted him down and called him names
Found the tranny. There's never any discussion with (You) around, narcissistic fuck.
It's quite simple
>be a loser; can't do normal things like socialise or play sports
>have physical shortcomings
>be isolated
>reject the mainstream instead of trying your best and develop this attitude of blame and dislike for normal things
>find out about non mainstream thing you can get into
>become a metalfag, animefag, MLPfag, furfag, gaming, etc.
>metalfag friend introduces you to anime, furfag friend introduces you to metal music; whatever it is you transmit from one community to another
>still a permavirgin in real life hanging out with other permavirgins
>still without normal social skills
>human interaction becomes twisted and defined by things you see in anime, cartopns, and on video games
>get made fun of because you're an autistic faggot
>withdraw and go online
>ERP with other losers on discord and start getting into more extreme shit like hentai, traps, lolicon, guro, etc.
>decide you're a tranny, pedo,etc. because that becomes 100% of your media exposure
I've seen this happen hundreds of times over the years on IRC channels. You see it constantly on Twitter when you see the crumb trail left by animefags that tweet 2840328409328 times per hour. So many people that like these things end up being weird as fuck. I'm glad I never took any of that geeky shit seriously.
>shouted him down
Try harder
Why are jews atheistic homosexual commie shysters? Comorbidity
Political dissidents are literally the farthest thing from a normal fag. Not caring about politicsi s the most normal fag thing. How many times have I heard fucking normies and boomers go "oh I don't really follow politics". Like eat shit dummy.
It's called codependency ,they reinforce each others bad habits
He is right though.
Don't tell me you haven't already understood that the world is undergoing a necessary decay? The "Clown world" meme is the perfect embodiment of the serene mindset.
The world is going to shit, you cannot save it. But you can save yourself and those close to you.
Congrats, you just understood how mental illness works.
okay normalfag, fight your epic culture wars so your normal can become the zeitgeist, what a rebel, and not just any normalfag ever
nice normalfag maymay by the way
sounds like Yas Forums to me
Well that's just circlejerking, everyone lives in their happy and cool world where they can select their gender as they want, and any form of content that doesn't fit into their sight on the world is "hate speech". The fact that the fags on reddit even supported them ugly ass retarded crossdresser just proves the fact, as long as you don't break the circlejerk-chain, everything's fine.
Anime has been around far longer than this tranny epidemic, don't forget Yas Forums started as an anime image board. This tranny explosion came from somewhere else and decided to fester on the weaboo lands like a disgusting boil.The tranny weebs appropriate it to attempt to be cute like anime girls. I guess I could be considered in the loose definition of the word a weeb and I hate trannies. I look up to and take my values from the the hero/chad archetype character. Anime is pretty based for the most part, it doesn't shoehorn racial bullshit or LGBTBBQ/Feminism shit.
Most anime I see show portrayals of the feminine/male archetypes in their good forms. Chivalry, patience, strength, good judgement, perseverance, in male main characters. And the women characters generally have a shy/pure/loyal/motherly characteristic.
Go back to
You sound like a jew commie and a faggot
What flag is this
Wow you just tagged us and target Yas Forums as a platform? You must be so cool.
>calls others normalfag
>still uses triggered
Confirmed discord tranny
t r i g g e r e d
The world isn't a concept where it needs cleansing or decays, talk about a fucking larp. We are not going through a necessary decay, this shit is avoidable.
Haha triggered, get it because people dislike the bullshit I'm talking, if only me parents loved me.